Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 3 Leo: Isn't this bullying honest people? !

Chapter 3 Leo: Isn't this bullying honest people? !
"Have I learned this?!"

Leo was in disbelief at this moment.

This is the unique skill in Omega's mouth, but he has learned it so easily? !

For a moment, Leo almost thought he was a talented player.

Although Leo is the recognized fighting king of the Kingdom of Light.

But his fighting skills were developed through various difficult trainings.

Especially when he was at Blue Star, the training was not human at all... No, it was not training that Ultraman could accept at all.

Thinking of the memorable jeep, Leo gritted his teeth with hatred.

I can't help but miss Sai Luo who is still on planet k76.

But soon, Leo overturned his conjecture that he was a talented player.

After all, in his opinion, Omega is just an ordinary Ultra warrior.

The so-called out-of-the-mouth learning is also quite absurd.

Can create a unique existence, which one is not famous in the entire universe.

Moreover, he didn't feel that he could achieve the effect Omega mentioned and release two skills at the same time.

Thinking of this, Leo wanted to go forward and stop Omega from teaching.

Lest Omega mislead the children.

Just as Leo was about to take action, a voice suddenly came.

"Brother Leo, you are here!"

Leo turned his head, only to find a silver and red Altman walking towards him.

Although Leo is called an elder brother, he still has the vigor of the younger generation.

This is Mebius who has become the Ultra Brothers.

I saw him walking quickly in front of Leo.

"Brother Leo, I finally found you?!"

"Oh, Mebius!" He saw the little brother of the Ultra Brothers in front of him.

Leo stopped in his tracks and said in doubt.

"What do you find me for?!"

"On planet K76, Astra can no longer suppress Zero." Mebius said without ambiguity.

"The king asked you to go back. Sai Luo's character has not been tempered, and he must not let him find an excuse to leave k76!"

"I know, I'll go back right away!" After hearing this, Leo didn't hesitate.

He made a decisive decision to leave.

Even the original plan to stop Omega's teaching was ignored.

After all, in his opinion, Omega's secret knowledge is absurd.

But the zama step is a solid foundation, and it is also possible for the two young Austrians, Taiga and Zeta, to exercise.

No matter how important it is, it is not as important as educating Sai Luo.

Thinking of this, Leo quickly walked out of the training ground.

Immediately he jumped into the sky and disappeared within a moment.

Only Mebius was left standing there, a little confused.

Why did he feel that Leo became excited when he heard the news, with a hint of urgency? !

Is it his illusion? !
Mebius shook his head and didn't continue to struggle.

Then it was ready to leave.

But inadvertently, he saw the figures of Taijia and the others not far away.

Suddenly I felt a little suspicious.

Taiga? !
Brother Taylor's son? !

If he doesn't train hard on the training ground, what is he doing squatting in the corner? !

Isn't this wasted youth? !
Looking at Taiga standing in the corner with his hands gesturing in a circle, Membius was also a little dissatisfied.

Just as he was about to step forward to scold him, he suddenly held his ground.

It was Mebius who suddenly thought that it was inappropriate for him to educate Taiga.

Although he is an Ultra brother and holds a high position of power.

But in terms of age, they are not much older than Taijia, so they can be counted as peers.

Who can listen to the advice of peers.

Saying that, Mebius gave up persuading Taiga.

"Forget it, let's tell Brother Taylor about this. It would be better for him to educate Taiga!"

Thinking of this, Mebius didn't bother anymore.

Instead, he turned and left.

At the same time, Tai Jia, who was still trying to draw a square with one hand and a circle with the other, shivered violently.

His hands couldn't help shaking again, but this time Taiga didn't care.

Instead, he murmured.

"Strange, why do I have an unknown premonition."


At the same time, planet k76.

The two figures are fighting fast.

On the planet's ground, as the two figures kept fighting, they couldn't help trembling.

I saw them colliding with each other quickly, and the shadows of fists on both sides continued.

There seemed to be a sound coming from the fist wind.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!"

"Wood, big, big, big, big, big, big!"

The fists of both sides collided continuously, but it was obvious that the gap between the two sides was not large, and the winner could not be determined in a short time.

The two sides collided together again, and then quickly separated without a winner.

The red figure looked at the armored figure opposite and said.

"Zero, stop messing around."

"If you can't even defeat me, just train here. When the time comes, you can leave!"

"Ha, who said that!" Upon hearing this, Zero, who was wearing armor, rubbed his nose disdainfully.

Then he spoke.

"Astra, don't forget, I haven't used the light skill yet!"

Saying that, Zero took a stance.

"Amelim Cut!"

After the words fell, the crystal lamp above Sai Luo's head shot out a green beam of light, rushing towards Astra quickly.

"Zero, are you serious?!" When Astra saw this, her expression also changed.

He immediately rolled to avoid the attack.

Looking at the huge pit behind it caused by the cutting of Aimelim.

Astra felt a little dissatisfied in her heart.

But he also understands that after thousands of years of training, Sai Luo is naturally upset.

He needs to let him off the hook, which is why Astra is fighting Zero.

But Astra did not expect to force Sero to use his light skills.

Just when Astra hadn't reacted yet.

Zero took the opportunity to quickly rush towards Astra and punched out.

Astra didn't react either, and was directly repelled several positions by Sai Luo.

Seeing that Sai Luo is so serious, Astra also has to be serious.

After adjusting his condition again, he collided with Zero again.

It's just that Astra, who is not very good at lighting skills, obviously suffers in front of Sai Luo.

Soon, they fell into a disadvantage.

Seeing that Astra was about to lose, in the sky.

A voice came out suddenly.

"Sero, stop!"

After the voice fell, Sai Luo looked up.

But he saw a figure descending from the sky, with a ball of flames on the soles of his feet.

This is Leo who rushed over from the Kingdom of Light.

Seeing his younger brother being suppressed by Sai Luo, Leo became furious.

I bully myself, and I bully my younger brother.

The family stared at them and bullied them.

Isn't this bullying honest people? !
Without the slightest hesitation, Leo immediately used his famous stunt, Leo Flying Kick, and rushed towards Si Luo.

Anyway, Sai Luo is a thick-skinned kid, so he is not worried about accidents.

Of course, only Leo himself knows whether there is any idea of ​​​​revenge on the Jeep.

At this time, Sero, after seeing the appearance of Leo Feiqi.

Dang even dodged in a dodge.

"Boom!" As Leo flew to the ground with a kick, smoke and dust scattered.

After a while, it gradually dissipated.

And Leo's figure gradually appeared in the open space.

At this time, Zero's eyes flashed with excitement when he saw Leo's figure.


(End of this chapter)

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