Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 4 Trying to fight left and right, Leo realized

Chapter 4 Trying to fight left and right, Leo realized
At this time, Sai Luo looked at Leo in front of him, his eyes were full of excitement.

Compared to Astra, Zero actually wanted to beat Leo more.

He didn't know what was going on.

This Leo was much more vicious than Astra when he was training himself.

It made the former Zero suffer a lot.

Now that his strength has improved, he naturally wants to take revenge.

Zero looked at Leo impatiently and said eagerly.

"Leo, you are finally here, hurry up and fight with me."

"If you lose this time, don't stop me!"

"Okay!" After hearing this, Leo nodded and rubbed his wrist.

"I also want you to understand that your current power is still very immature!"

"Brother!" Seeing this, Astra wanted to say something.

However, before he could speak, he was interrupted by Leo.

Leo raised his left hand and spoke.

"Astra, you go and rest first. I'm enough to deal with this kid."

"You've just spent a lot of energy, so you'd better rest more!"

"This... alright!" Hearing this and seeing Leo's firm attitude, Astra had no choice but to give up.

But he still didn't forget to tell him.

"Brother, be careful. This guy's strength has improved a lot."

"Don't worry, I'm not a vegetarian either!" Leo was quite confident.

In his opinion, Sero's fighting skills were all taught by him.

No matter how powerful he is, he still has a solution.

Thinking about it, I saw Astra and went to rest.

Leo also got into a fighting stance and looked at Zero.

"Boy, come on!"

"Then I'm coming!" Seeing this, Sai Luo stretched out his hand across his nose, putting on a fighting stance!

"Cha!" As both sides yelled fighting honorifics at the same time.

The two Austrians also collided quickly.

The fists and winds intertwined, even creating a hurricane in this valley.

The dust blown up by the hurricane was flying all over the sky, and Astra, who was watching the battle, could only see two blurry figures.

In the center of the hurricane, Leo became more and more frightened.

He and Astra beat each other before... Well, it was when training Zero, and he didn't feel anything yet.

Now facing it alone, I suddenly feel the pressure soaring.

He found that Sai Luo's physical skills were not much weaker than his own.

For a moment, Leo couldn't help but sigh.

This is the era of the younger generation after all.

And it's almost time for Zero to leave.

The opportunities to reasonably beat Zero are becoming less and less.

Fortunately, Leo still has his own bottom-of-the-box trick, which Sero doesn't have.

Taking advantage of these few opportunities, we still have to give Zero an unforgettable memory.

Thinking of this, Leo stopped entangled with Sai Luo.

After taking a few quick steps back, he flew into the sky.

At the same time, Leo's voice also came from the sky.

"Sero, your strength is indeed good now, but you are still far behind."

"Today, I will let you feel the difference between those who have experienced actual combat and those who have not, Leo Flying Kick!"

As soon as he finished speaking, flames appeared from the soles of Leo's feet, falling quickly from the sky and kicking towards Zero.

It seemed that Leo didn't hold anything back, but in fact he still let some water go.

I also specifically reminded Zero.

Otherwise, who would call out their moves when attacking? !
Obviously, Leo is reminding Zero to avoid, and at the same time, it can suppress Zero's arrogance and achieve the effect of tempering.

However, Zero's reaction was beyond Leo's expectation.

After hearing Leo's words, Zero looked towards the sky.

But all I could see was a burning flame.

But Zero didn't hesitate at all, and immediately kicked off his feet and flew into the sky.

I saw him lowering himself and kicking towards Leo in the same way.

As the two people missed each other, huge energy collided together.

Just hearing a "boom", an explosion appeared in the sky.

The two Olympics also landed at the same time.

"Zero, are you okay?!" Leo, who had just landed, reacted and was immediately worried about Zero.

After all, this is his strongest single-target physical skill. When he was at Blue Star, Mebius was almost kicked out.

With the lessons learned from the past, he naturally couldn't help but worry about Sero.

"Ahem!" What Leo didn't expect was that before he stepped forward to help, Sai Luo stood up by himself.

I saw Zero holding his chest, coughing twice, and then spoke.

"It's no wonder Leo, this physical skill is indeed powerful!"

"However, it's not enough. If you want to defeat me with this, it's tens of thousands of years earlier!"

After finishing his words, Sero formed an L shape with his hands.

Suddenly, a bright light flew out and shot towards Leo quickly.

Seeing this, Leo could only roll to avoid it.

What Leo didn't expect was that he had just avoided a light.

He raised his head, and dense light surrounded him again.

Obviously, Zero is serious this time.

At this time, Leo could only keep avoiding.

Although no damage has been caused so far, it still looks miserable.

More importantly, if he continues like this, he will only waste his energy in vain.

After all, this planet has King Ao's handiwork, and it can recover light energy very quickly.

But Naihe couldn't regain his strength.

Leo's own light skills are not many, and most of them are not very powerful.

The only thing that can really cause damage to Zero is Ultra Double Flash, a combined skill with Astra.

But he is alone now, and it is not easy to ask Astra, who has exhausted his physical strength, for help.

For a time, there was no other way.

If this continues, he will definitely lose.

What Leo didn't expect was that what was arranged to train Zero was now used to help defeat Leo.

For a moment, Leo couldn't help but feel anxious.

It's not that Leo will feel embarrassed if he loses to Zero, he's not that petty.

It's just that Sai Luo's mind has not been fully tempered, if he is really allowed to go out, I am afraid that many disasters will be caused.

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help feeling anxious.

He must now think of a way to break the situation.

In a daze, Leo suddenly thought of the unique skill that Omega mentioned - the left and right fighting technique.

If it is true that Omega can achieve dual purposes and use two moves at the same time as Omega said, then wouldn't he be able to use Ultra Double Flash himself?

Thinking of this, Leo was a little moved.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do two things at once.

Leo couldn't help being a little anxious, but quickly calmed down forcibly.

There must be something wrong.

Leo kept thinking while avoiding the light.

Suddenly, he remembered Omega's words.

"A simple mind and no distracting thoughts!"

Could this be the reason? !
After much deliberation, Leo decided to give it a try.

It is difficult to keep a simple mind, but it is quite simple for Leo to have a clear mind.

Within a moment, Leo's mind went blank, and he could only mechanically avoid Zero's light.

When he came to his senses, Leo paused and raised his head.

"Am I enlightened?!"

"Huh?! What's going on?!" At this time, Cero saw Leo stop and looked confused.

In order to prevent fraud, Zero launched Emelium Cut tentatively.

The green beam flew out and shot straight at Leo.

It looked like it was about to hit.

In the next second, Leo made a move.


(End of this chapter)

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