Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 5 Astra: Brother, are you going to fly solo? !

Chapter 5 Astra: Brother, are you going to fly solo? !

Leo raised his hands, and two completely different energies began to condense in his body.

And quickly gathered in the palm of your hand.

As Leo clasped his hands together, a red lightning rushed towards Si Luo quickly.

This is the combined skill of Leo and Astra, Ultra double flash.

At this time, Zero was still immersed in the pleasure of releasing his skills to suppress Leo. Before he could react, he was directly hit by the red lightning.

In just a split second, sparks exploded from Sai Luo's body.

He fell heavily to the ground.

But at this time, Zero didn't care about his injuries, but spoke angrily.

"It's Ultra double flash again, damn it!"

Shiro felt a little aggrieved.

In the previous training, whenever he had the upper hand, he was defeated by this move.

It's just that Sai Luo didn't expect that he finally defeated Astra while Leo was leaving, and he was powerless to fight again.

But he didn't expect that Leo could release Ultra's Double Flash alone.

This actually made Zero's idea come to nothing.

"This is Ultra double flash?!" Astra, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but wonder.

Obviously, Astra didn't expect it either.

His older brother, Leo, was able to unleash the Ultra Double Flash all by himself.

In addition to being surprised, I couldn't help being a little puzzled.

How did Leo do it.

You must know that the two brothers' famous combination stunt--Otto's double flash was released by combining their different skills.

They all have different ways of manipulating energy.

How did Leo do it at the same time? !

But neither Astra nor Zero knew that Leo was also full of surprises at this moment.

He looked at his hands in disbelief.

At first, he just had the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a live doctor, in order to stop Sero's last attempt.

Didn't expect it to be a success? !
Could it be that Omega's unique skill is true? !

Did he really create such an amazing and brilliant technique? !
Even among all the stunts in the entire universe, they are said to be top-notch.

This is not exaggeration. Looking at the vastness of the universe, there are often powerful stunts.

But there are very few that are as exquisite as the left-right fighting technique that allows people to use two moves at the same time.

For example, Ultraman Regros learned several fighting skills at the same time.

But in battle, they can only be used individually.

It can be seen that the left and right fighting skills are exquisite.

At this time, Leo also understood the power of the left and right fighting technique, and for a while, he couldn't help but feel his heart palpitating.

Thinking that he still questioned Omega in his heart, and wanted to stop Omega.

In fact, even this secret skill was overheard by him.

Leo couldn't help but feel ashamed.

When there is a chance, he must make a plea to Omega face to face.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zero limped to Leo.

"I'm not going to fight you again!" Seeing Leo's fighting posture again, Sai Luo quickly waved his hands.

"Then what do you want to do?!" Upon hearing this, Leo couldn't help but wonder.

And Sai Luo barely stopped straight at this time, looked at Leo and said.

"I want to ask you, how did you do it?!"

"What?!" Leo didn't react, and looked at Sai Luo in confusion.

"How did you do it?!"

"It's your Ultra double flash!" Seeing that Leo still didn't understand, Sai Luo was a little anxious, and immediately explained.

"How did you release the fusion skill yourself?!"

And Astra, who was on the side, couldn't help being a little curious.

He and Leo have been together for so long, and they have always cooperated in releasing Ultra's double flash.

How could Leo be released by himself suddenly? !

"You said this?!" Hearing this, Leo suddenly realized.

He saw Astra also looking curious.

He spoke immediately.

"How should I put this, I accidentally learned it from a young Ao when I returned to the Kingdom of Light!"

"At that time, I only heard him say that after learning this, you can do two things at once, and there is no problem in releasing two skills at the same time!"

"How is that possible?!" Hearing this, Zero looked in disbelief.

Although he was stunned.

But I also understand the subtleties of left and right fighting.

Unless you are a master who has been immersed in fighting for many years, it is impossible to create it.

How could it possibly be created by just a young Austrian?

Not only did he not believe it, but Astra on the side also had some doubts.

Leo naturally also saw that they didn't believe it, and smiled wryly.

"I didn't believe it at first either, but it's the truth."

"Even this left and right fighting technique is the first time I have used it today."

"Left-right fighting technique, is this true?!" Hearing the name of this ordinary move, Cero thought thoughtfully.

At this time, Leo also saw what Zero was thinking.

Knowing that he might still not believe it.

After all, Sai Luo is proud and arrogant, and faintly regards himself as the number one of the younger generation.

How could it be possible to believe that there is an existence of the same younger generation who created such an exquisite technique.

Dang even spoke excitedly.

"In this way, if you still don't believe me, after you finish training, I will take you to see the existence of this move."

"Seriously?!" Upon hearing this, Sero's eyes lit up.

But then there was some decadence.

"How long do we have to wait?!"

You know, the standard for Sero to complete the training is to defeat Leo and Astra.

It was a coincidence that Leo and Astra were forced to this point this time. Leo and Astra were not allowed to join forces, otherwise he would definitely not be able to defeat them.

What's more, now that Leo has learned how to fight left and right, he has no chance.

For a while, he was also discouraged.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"Actually, you can go now!"

Hearing this voice, Leo Sano looked up.

But found a figure slowly descending from the sky.

Seeing this, Leo and others shouted respectfully.


"Old man, are you here?!"

"Hehe!" Seeing Sai Luo's unique address, King Ao couldn't help laughing.

Then he spoke.

"Sai Luo, since you want to see it, then go with Leo, just to see what it means that there are mountains beyond mountains, and there are people beyond people!"

"Great!" Sai Luo couldn't help being excited when he heard that King Ao promised to go out.

Even Ao Wang's last sentence was selectively ignored.

At this time, Leo had some concerns.

He looked at King Ao and said doubtfully.

"Wang, that Sai Luo's training..."

"No problem!" King Ao waved his hand, and then said.

"I have a hunch that going there this time will improve Zero's character a lot."

"Besides, just come back after seeing it all!"

"Yes!" Seeing King Ao say this, Leo had no choice but to nod.

Sero on the side couldn't wait to urge him.

"Quick, quick, we should go."

"Let's go!" Leo looked at Zero being so active, looked at Astra, explained and shook his head.

However, this was the order of King Austria, so they had no choice but to obey.


As the sound fell, Sanao flew into the sky at the same time.

But King Ao looked at their backs and said.

"The technique of fighting left and right is really exquisite, and the younger generation is hopeful."

"There is also Sai Luo, who must grow up quickly, and the Kingdom of Light will not be peaceful anymore!"


 Are there any big readers, can you comment.

  You can give me some advice or whatever martial arts you want to see in the future.

  I feel like I'm alone

(End of this chapter)

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