Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 6 Returning the left and right fighting skills, Leo is my apprentice? !

Chapter 6 Returning the left and right fighting skills, Leo is my apprentice? !
At the same time, in the Ott training ground.

At this time, Taiga and Zeta are still working hard to draw squares with one hand and circles with one hand.

But obviously, the two of them are not as talented as Leo.

Even after trying for a long time, there is still no way to draw a perfect circle at the same time.

As young Austrians, Zeta and Taiga naturally don't have that much patience.

For a moment, Liang Ao couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

"What is this stuff?!"

Taiga and Zeta looked disgusted.

Looking at the unknown pattern on the ground.

They both couldn't help but be suspicious.

Drawing a square with one hand and a circle with the other, can anyone really do this? !
No wonder they think so.

You know, they are also considered geniuses of the Kingdom of Shangguang.

When peers are still working hard to reach junior fighters.

They have become mid-level fighters.

Although there is a reason why Omega trains Zamabu.

But before training, they had reached the peak of junior warriors and were only one step away from intermediate warriors.

In their view, none of them can achieve the goal of drawing a square with one hand and a circle with one hand, let alone others.

Thinking of this, Taiga and Zeta couldn't help being suspicious.

Was Omega tricking them? !

Looking at Omega who had his back turned to them and didn't know what he was thinking, they became even more convinced that Omega might be deceiving them.

But Naihe didn't dare to say it.

What if, if what Omega taught is true, wouldn't they have offended Omega? !
Thinking of this, Zeta and Taiga were in a dilemma.

But soon, Taijia noticed.

He looked at Zeta and said.

"How about we be more tactful?!"

"You can try it!" Zeta also nodded.

Then the two stood up and walked towards Omega.

However, as soon as he got behind Omega, they didn't wait for them to speak.

Omega turned her head like a prophet.

He seemed to have some helplessness and said.

"What's going on with you two?!"

"This..." Taiga and Zeta couldn't help being stunned when they saw this.

Their suspicion of Omega deceiving them has also been reduced a lot.

After all, you can feel their behavior with your back to them.

This can only be done by a master.

For a moment, the two couldn't help but retreat a little.

But what they don't know is how Omega perceives their actions.

It's purely because of the system's reminder!

[Ding, your disciple Zeta Zamabu has a total of 8 hour, and the effect of Zamabu for 8 hour will be returned to the host! 】

[Ding, your apprentice Taiga has a total of 8 hour of zama step, and the effect of Zama step will be returned to the host for 8 hour! 】

When Zeta and Taiga chose to get up, the system determined that their exercise was over.

Omega was returned.

Coupled with Omega's understanding of these two people from watching movies in his previous life, he didn't know that they would come to find him after the end.

In order to avoid falling into a disadvantage, Omega took the initiative and turned to ask.

Just seeing these two guys suddenly become hesitant, Omega also felt a little confused in his heart.

"Let's talk if you have something to say. What are you doing standing here?!"

"If nothing happens, you can continue training and try to draw a square and a circle as soon as possible."

Seeing the two wasting time here, Omega was also a little anxious.

With the return system, what was wasted was his Omega's time.

It can be said that Omega is more anxious about their strength improvement than they are.

At this time, Taija Zeta heard Omega's words.

But it took courage.

He spoke immediately.

"Senior Omega, this is what we want to talk about!"

Taiga looked at Omega and lowered his tone.

"I don't know why, but we can't always draw a square or a circle, but it's not an option if we keep practicing like this."

"So, we want you to demonstrate the left-right fighting technique so that we can learn faster."

"Yes!" Zeta on the side also nodded quickly, and added again.

"It would be best for you, Omega-senpai, to spar with us, so that we can improve faster!"

"This..." Omega was speechless after hearing this.

For a while, I didn't know how to answer!

How could he know how to fight left and right, it was all made up by him.

If he really agreed to this, wouldn't he just reveal his secrets? !
But if you refuse, you have to find a good reason.

For a moment, Omega was a little troubled.

Does he really want to admit that the left-right fighting technique was made up? !

In this case, it would be putting it lightly.

Taiga and Zeta no longer believed in him and gradually drifted apart.

Even the return system, there will be no more rewards.

Omega is a little hard to accept.

In this case, it may be even more difficult to deal with Beria.

He has to find a way to stabilize Taiga and Zeta, although it would be immoral to only catch them for wool.

But this is also impossible.

"Senior Omega, is there any problem?!" Taiga and Zeta on the side were still looking at Omega with puzzled faces.

It seems to be wondering why Omega answered this question.

"It's okay, let me think about it!" Omega was also a little anxious when he saw the increasingly suspicious eyes of Zeta and Taiga.

But on the surface, he still pretends to be thinking calmly.

At this moment, the system's cold notification sounded suddenly.

[Ding, your apprentice Leo has learned the left and right fighting skills, and returned the host's left and right fighting skills, which has been learned automatically! 】

This cold reminder startled Omega.

Then there was a look of bewilderment.

Disciple Leo? !
When did Leo become my apprentice? !
Did you also learn the left-right fighting technique that I made up? !

Did you hallucinate because you were too nervous? !

With doubts, Omega muttered in his heart.

"System, open the property panel!"

The voice fell, and the blue panel appeared in front of Omega.

【Host: Omega】

[Identity: Member of Kingdom of Light, Ultra Warrior]

[Strength: Advanced Warrior (Elementary)]

[Apprentice: Taiga, Zeta, Leo. 】

[Teaching moves: Zhama step, left and right fighting skills! 】

[Special attributes: strange strength, as stable as a mountain, multipurpose! 】


Looking at the extra apprentice Leo on the system panel, and the left and right fighting skills.

Only then did Omega confirm that this was not an illusion.

But how did Leo become his apprentice and learn the left-right fighting technique that he made up?

Omega still didn't know the situation.

But this is not important now, the most important thing is to deal with Taiga and Zeta in front of you.

Although I don’t know what’s going on, it’s obvious that Omega has learned the art of left-right fighting.

It's not something that Zeta and Taiga can question.

He immediately came back to his senses, looked at Taiga and Zeta in front of him, and said.

"Do you really want to practice with me and experience the left-right fighting technique?!"

"Yes, Senior Omega!" Zeta Taiga's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help nodding.

Seeing how sure they were, Omega couldn't help but flash a smile in his heart.

Then he spoke.

"In this case, let's go to the fighting ring and teach you well!"

"I also want you to experience the subtlety of the left-right fighting technique!"

 Please give me some data. I can recommend monthly tickets. I will keep working hard to code. Thank you all.

  There are some changes in the plot. If you want to know more about the boss, you can watch it from the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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