Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 33 9 Yang Divine Skills, 8 Light Wheels with Great Changes in Power

Chapter 33 Nine Suns Divine Art, Eight-point Light Wheel with Great Changes in Power
At the moment of enlightenment, Ace's body suddenly burst into golden and blazing light like the sun.

Immediately, even Dark Lopsero, who is a mechanical product, couldn't help but stretch out his hand to cover his eyes.

And Ace felt his body, as if a fire was burning.

The energy that had been compressed to the extreme in the body was constantly burning and consolidating at this moment.

The light on his body is getting stronger and stronger.

"Does this guy have a sun in his body?!" At this time, Dark Lopusero also felt something bad.

It's just that the energy in Ace's body is too full.

Although the energy in Ace's body was already full before, at best, it was just a pool of still water.

No matter how much the amount is, it can't cause too much damage.

However, the energy in Ace's body now is like a violent flame, extremely harmful.

Even if you just look at it from a distance, you can feel the heat inside.

At this time, Dark Lopusero finally felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

"This guy, we can't let him go on like this."

Seeing Ace's improvement visible to the naked eye, Dark Lopsero knew he couldn't wait any longer.

He wanted to take advantage of Ace's enlightenment and sneak attack.

I saw him quickly swooping down from the sky and attacking Ace.

A pair of iron fists attacked Ace brightly.

However, the next second, this previously harmless attack was suddenly blocked with ease.

In the blazing light, a palm burning with thick flames easily grasped the hand of Dark Lopes Sero, making it unable to move.

"How could he suddenly become so powerful?!" At this time, Dark Lopusero had a look of disbelief on his face.

"how can that be?!"

But he saw that the iron fist grasped by his palm shrouded in flames showed signs of melting at this moment.

If it wasn't for him being a mechanical creature and not feeling pain, he might have cried out in pain on the spot.

This naturally made Dark Lopes Sero unbelievable.

You know, as the first-generation machine of Dark Lopsero, Beria put a lot of effort into him.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the crystallization of technology.

The entire body is also made of the rarest metal in other universes.

To put it bluntly, even if he is thrown into the sun, he can persist.

How could it be melted by ordinary flames like this? !
"Nothing is impossible." In the darkness, Lopusero was doubting life, a voice came.

In front of his eyes, the light slowly dissipated, and Ace's figure slowly appeared.

At this moment, he was less aggressive and more calm than before.

He looked at Dark Lops and said.

"Give up, it's impossible for you to defeat me now."

"Impossible!" Hearing this, a red light flashed in the eyes of Dark Lopes Sero.

Then he waved his other fist again and swung it towards Ace.

This punch hit Ace hard on the chest, but it did not have the expected consequences.

Instead, there was only a spark, and there was no reaction.

This scene is similar to the previous situation, just the other way around.

And Ace was not used to the dark Lopusero in front of him and kicked him away.

"As expected of the secret technique taught by Master Omega, it is powerful." Ace couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the dark Lopusero that fell heavily to the ground.

"This Nine Yang Divine Art not only improves the quality of energy in my body, but also strengthens my body. It is really powerful."

Saying that, Ace looked at the dark Lopsero lying on the ground again.

"Where did you exile Sai Luo?! Let him come back quickly, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Impossible!" However, Dark Lopusero suddenly roared out when he heard Ace's words.

"He is the target of that adult, so don't think about it!"

Saying that, he rushed towards Ace again.

"That adult?! Who is that?!" Ace couldn't help but be confused.

But seeing Dark Lopes Sero rushing towards him again, Ace stopped thinking about it.

"Forget it, it just so happens that I can try the melee light again."

"Wait until I dismantle you into parts, then we'll see if you say anything or not!"

As he spoke, Ace began to gather energy in his hands.

The eight-point light wheel appeared again in Ace's hand.

But this time is different.

The originally pure white eight-point light wheel, now with the blessing of the Nine Suns Divine Art, has golden lines on the edges.

Seeing the dark Lopusero rushing in front of him, Ace was unequivocal, holding an eight-point light wheel, and slashed down.

The difference this time was that, with the blessing of the Nine Yang Divine Art, Ace was still like chopping mud when faced with the rare metals on Dark Lopsero's body, without the slightest sense of hindrance.

Although Dark Lopes Sero reacted, he could only forcefully tilt his body.

But the head dart on his head snapped off.

"Damn it!" Upon seeing this, Dark Lopusero couldn't help roaring again.

However, at this time, Ace seems to have really understood the truth of the sentence "he will let him be strong, and the breeze will blow the hills...".

Still looking calm.

"Don't waste your efforts, tell me the whereabouts of Zero, and I can save you some pain."

"Stop talking nonsense, you're going to die!" However, facing Ace's question, Dark Lopsero couldn't maintain the previous calm and breezy appearance.

He rushed towards Ace again.

"Why bother." At this moment, seeing him like this, Ace couldn't help shaking his head.

Having said that, the eight-point light wheel in his hand condensed again.


At the same time, the battle between Omega and Dark Lops Omega also came to an end.

After the two sides collided again, Dark Lops Omega finally couldn't hold it anymore and quickly retreated.

I saw this dark Lopes Omega suddenly rushing towards the sky.

Then the breastplate on the chest slowly opened, and a giant cannon slowly stretched out.

The purple energy gathered again, and the surrounding air also turned into void.

This is exactly the move that Dark Lopes Sero used to banish Sero into the void.

As both a first-generation machine, Dark Lops Omega is naturally capable of this move.

He looked at Omega below, and couldn't help but feel proud.

No matter how powerful Omega is, he can't even resist the power of another dimension, right? !

However, just when Dark Lopes Omega was proud.

A handful of blue darts suddenly appeared on his chest.

This is exactly the dart converted by Omega's breath in Omega's hand.

After defeating Beria, you have to learn that Omega also has a dart stunt.

Hikari transformed Omega's breath overnight, giving it an additional dart form.

"Huh?!" At this time, Omega sneered and shook his head.

His breathing was steady and he did not become weak.

This is because Omega did not use Xiao Li's flying knife at all, but ordinary flying knife skills.

But this is enough to solve the guy in front of him.

"How is this possible?!" Dark Lops Omega still looked in disbelief.

But Omega shook his head.

"Although you have no solution to this trick, but the forward swing is too long, pay attention to improving it next time."

"No..." Hearing this, Dark Lopes Omega was full of reconciliation, but disappeared with an explosion.

At this time, Omega did not continue to pay attention to this guy.

Instead, he looked in another direction.

"I don't know what happened to Sai Luo and the others?!"

After the words fell, Omega's ear suddenly sounded a cold reminder.


 Thanks to Qread user Seraphim. Blood Shura, book friend 20230120180_Db for their monthly support.

  I also thank Qread users for their rewards, and thank you for your support.

  At the same time, I would also like to thank you all for your recommendation votes and support. Thank you very much.
(End of this chapter)

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