Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 32 The Mystery of the Formula, Ace Mingwu

Chapter 32 The Mystery of the Formula, Ace Mingwu
Just when Ace had just finished dealing with the Mecha Gomora in front of him.

In the sky, a huge fireball suddenly appeared, and fell heavily to the ground.

With a bang, smoke and dust filled the surroundings. .

It wasn't until the breeze blew and the smoke slowly dispersed that the figure inside slowly emerged.

On the ground, Sai Luo was lying on the ground in pain, and the head dart above his head disappeared.

Directly above him, Dark Lopus Zero was looking at Zero on the ground with interest.

"Zero!" Ace couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene.

And when he saw the face of Dark Lopsero, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Why does this guy look exactly like Sai Luo?!"

But during the fight, Dark Lopes Sero specially smashed the restraining armor on his body in order to suppress Sai Luo.

It also happened to show his appearance.

When Ace saw the appearance of Dark Lopusero, although he was surprised, he still reacted quickly.

He quickly rushed forward and attacked Dark Lops.

"You guys are really annoying with this look."

While speaking, he held the eight-point light wheel and chopped off the head of the dark Lopus Sero.

Bright sparks appeared on the body of Dark Lopes Sero again.

However, this attack was not very effective.

After all, the first-generation Dark Lopsiro machine was the product of Belial's technology.

The metals on his body are also rare metals from other universes.

Nature is hard to break.

Not only that, Ace was even kicked back by Dark Lopusero and fell heavily to the ground.

"Damn it, how wonderful it would be if I understood the Nine Yang Divine Art!"

At this time, Ace was holding his stomach and couldn't hide the anger in his eyes.

At this moment, Sai Luo also slowed down.

He came to Ace's side and helped him up.

Then Zero spoke.

"This guy is not simple. He has the same strength as me, and even stronger than me in some aspects. Let's go together!"

"Yeah!" Ace nodded.

Then Liangao put into position and rushed towards the dark Lopes Sero again.

At the same time, inside the Salome star base.

The female doctor watched Ace and Cero besiege Dark Lopus Cero together, and saw Dark Lopus Omega being suppressed by Omega.

Immediately, he couldn't help frowning.

Then he said coldly.

"Send another group of mechanical Ultra Brothers, we can't let these people destroy our plan."

"Go and get rid of Zero and Ace first, and then go and get rid of the most difficult Omega!"

"Yes!" After hearing this, the remaining two Salome people hurriedly went to operate.

At this time, the female doctor was looking at the dark Lopsero on the screen with a gloomy expression.

"You guys dare to destroy the suppression armor privately. I hope you won't betray me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

The female doctor still has confidence in her heart at this time. After all, in his opinion, there is only one Dark Lopes Cyro, and there are only two Dark Lopes Omega.

And there are so many Ultra fighters on her side.

There was no way they could escape her grasp.

Thinking of this, the female doctor narrowed her eyes slightly, with a smile on her lips.

At the same time, on the battlefield.

Zero and Ace were shot to the ground again by Dark Lopus Zero.

Ace's eight-point light saw can't do damage to Dark Lopes Sero at all. As for Sero, who lost his head dart, he is naturally not an opponent.

In just a moment, Liangao was shot down to the ground again.

Then, he struggled to get up again.

However, just when Liangao was about to launch an attack on Dark Lopes Sero again.

Suddenly, five figures stopped in front of them.

It is the mechanical Ultra Brothers sent by the Salome people.

I saw that as soon as the mechanical Ultra brothers landed, they were besieged towards Cerroes.

Zero and Ace could only deal with it in a hurry at this moment.

But fortunately, Dark Lopes Sero seemed to be watching the show at this time, and did not choose to attack them.

In addition, Liangao's strength is much stronger than in the original drama.

Facing the siege of five mechanical Ultra brothers, although the two Ultra brothers were struggling, they were still able to withstand it.

However, in the next second, Dark Lopsero suddenly moved.

His chest was slowly opened, and a huge muzzle appeared.

Then the energy slowly gathered, and the purple light suddenly condensed.

In the next second, a huge purple light beam shot towards Sai Luo and the others.

Ace reacted in time and quickly dodged.

But Zero was still entangled with the other mechanical Ultra brothers and hadn't reacted yet.

Together with the mechanical Ultra brothers, they were completely enveloped by the beam.

Suddenly, the surrounding air became distorted.

In the next second, the surrounding void suddenly shattered, and Zero and the mechanical Ultra brothers were all sucked in.

Only a huge circular pit was left on the ground.

At this time, Ace was also a little dazed. He looked at the big hole in the ground and couldn't help but muttered.

"Is this the breath of a different time and space?!"

"This guy exiled Sai Luo and the others into the void?!"

For a moment, Ace couldn't believe it.

However, at this time, Dark Lopusero had already turned his attention to Ace.

"Hmm?! Another fish slipped through the net?!"

"Then let me do it myself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dark Lopusero suddenly descended and attacked Ace.

"Damn it, don't underestimate me!" At this time, Ace could not help but feel angry when he saw Dark Lopus Sero despising him so much.

Dang even raised the eight-point light wheel in his hand, and rushed towards the dark Lopus Sailuo again.

But the results are predictable.

No matter how Ace attacks, he can't hurt the opponent in the slightest.

Instead, Dark Lopusero gave Ace a casual blow, which knocked Ace out of breath.

Even in the end, Dark Lopes Sero didn't even bother to do anything.

He just watched Ace attack quietly. Although sparks were flying all over his body, his expression was quite relaxed.

"Damn it!" Seeing that his attack had no effect, Ace couldn't help being angry.

He looked at Dark Lopes Sero with anger in his eyes.

"How tough is this guy's body? How can he be so relaxed in the face of my attack?!"

"Could this be what Master Omega said about him being self-ruthless and he being self-defeating, while I am full of self-sufficiency?! Wait..."

While talking to himself, Ace froze for a moment.

Then his eyes brightened.

"He is strong, let him be strong, and the breeze blows the hills! He is tyrannical, and the bright moon shines on the river! He is ruthless, he is evil, and I am full of qi!"

"So that's what it means?! The mystery of this unique skill is to care about yourself?!"

Speaking of this, Ace seemed to understand something.


 Thank you to Fanling Reading Master for your monthly vote.

  I also thank other big guys for their recommendation tickets and support, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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