Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 31 Dark Lopes Omega, Ace the Sawman of Light!

Chapter 31 Dark Lopes Omega, Ace the Sawman of Light!
At the same time, inside the base of the Salome stars.

A female Salome star was looking at the big screen in front of her with great interest.

On the big screen, there were figures of Omega and others and the Panlong.

Obviously, Omega Waiting for O's actions were also noticed by her.

When she saw that Omega easily eliminated the mechanical Ultra Brothers she made, she rushed towards her base again.

At this moment, the female Salome star also felt the power of Omega and others.

But she didn't panic at all, instead a smile appeared on her lips.

"Zero, Omega, is worthy of being able to deal with Beria. It's really not easy."

"However, I won't let you ruin my plan this time."

Having said this, the female Salome turned her head and looked at the two Salome people behind her.

"Let's release those two guys, just to see their strength."

"This is inappropriate, doctor!" However, after hearing this, the two Salome people behind the female doctor couldn't sit still.

Hastily opened his mouth to dissuade.

"Those two guys are too powerful and out of control. I'm afraid they will lose control..."

"That's why we have the suppressive armor!" However, the two Salome stars were interrupted by the female doctor before they could finish speaking.

She looked at the big screen in front of her and said.

"Suppressing Armor Dressing!"

"Also, let Mecha Gomora out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the intelligent system in front of him immediately started running.

In the base, the two black robots hanging in mid-air were equipped with armor.

at the same time.

Mecha Gomora also slowly took off and flew towards the outside of the base.

On the other side, Omega Acero came to the base one after another.

Looking at the transparent energy shield in front of the base, Sanao looked at each other and nodded.

Then he began to gather energy and prepare to break the protective shield.

However, at this moment, two iron flying fists flew quickly.

A direct hit on Ace who was still defenseless, knocking him to the ground.

When Ace came back to his senses, he turned his head to look.

But it turned out to be a mechanical monster.

"Is this Mecha Gomora?!"

At the same time, Omega and Zero seemed to have a premonition.

They stopped what they were doing.

Look up.

Two black figures stood directly above them.

"Is this suppression armor?!" When Zero saw the figure above him, he was very familiar with it.

After all, this suppression armor is exactly the same as his previous training armor.

Seeing the familiar figure of the other party, Zero couldn't help but ask.

"You bastard, what the hell is that?!"

"Buzz buzz~" It seemed that his mouth was covered by armor. The black figure did not speak, but just made a buzzing sound.

However, Shiro understood what he meant.

Immediately couldn't help but speak angrily.

"You mean, even if you wear this suppression armor, you can still crush me?!"

"It's 2 years earlier!"

Saying that, Zero rushed towards the black figure.

The next step is to perform Sai Luo Flying Kick from the bottom up.

And the black figure was not to be outdone, and collided with Sai Luo.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Omega looked at the black shadow above his head and couldn't help but think deeply.

"So, Beria really created a Dark Lopes based on me. To be precise, it should be a Dark Lopes Omega?!"

"This name is really unpleasant. Dark Lopusero sounds more pleasant to the ears."

Although he said this, Omega was slightly excited.

He was a little curious, could this kind of mechanical life form really replicate his full strength? !

Even, can this guy copy his unique skills? !
Thinking of this, Omega was a little eager to give it a try.

Then he activated the Omega aura in his hand, and the blue lightsaber stretched out.

After doing all this, Omega waved to the Dark Lops Omega on the opposite side, full of mockery.

When the Dark Lops Omega on the opposite side saw this, he immediately transformed into a dark lightsaber.

Then there is a sudden rush to Omega.

The two fought together quickly. Feeling the familiar swordsmanship on the opposite side, Omega couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

"Could it be that this guy, Beria, can really copy his unique skills?!"

With this in mind, Omega fought with each other a few more times.

Then the problem was discovered.

"So that's it. Emotions are just imitations. There is no essence of Dugu Nine Swords at all!"

Speaking of this, Omega couldn't help shaking his head.

Fortunately, he still has some expectations.

It turned out that he just copied his previous movements and used them mechanically.

No wonder it's so awkward.

But think about it, if technology can really be so powerful.

The former cosmic unique technique, Cosmic Eudemons Fist, has long been rotten.

Thinking of this, Omega was relieved.

Once you understand the operation of Dark Lopes Omega, it will be much easier for Omega to deal with it.

Within a moment, he had completely gained the upper hand.

And Dark Lops Omega also had a few sword marks on his body at this moment.

And Dark Lopes seemed to be unable to defeat Omega in this way, even if he changed his moves again.

Use the light with both hands at the same time, and shoot towards Omega.

But Omega saw the problem at a glance.

An eight-point light wheel and a vertical guillotine were gathered in his hand at the same time.

Directly cutting the light in front of him in half.

Looking at Dark Lops Omega who didn't seem to know how to react, Omega shook his head.

"Sure enough, this guy only has one intelligence. Although he can emit two rays at the same time, if it is a little more complicated, this guy can't do it."

Thinking of this, Omega couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Then he attacked Dark Lops Omega.

This time, he wants to resolve the battle quickly.


At the same time, Ace and Mecha Gomora also collided quickly.

Faced with this opponent, Ace was quite relaxed.

After all, Mechanical Gomora is a mechanical creation made by the Salome stars themselves.

The metals used are not all that rare either.

Although it has been strengthened, the overall difficulty is not high.

Ace was seen holding an eight-point light wheel and slashing straight at Mecha Gomora's head.

In just an instant, Gomora's head horns were chopped off.

Seeing this scene, Ace was even more surprised.

The quality of his eight-point light wheel has indeed improved a lot now.

It seems that what Omega said is right, compressing the energy in the body can really improve the quality.

A true master!
Thinking of this, Ace became even more excited.

Then he raised the eight-point light wheel again and rushed towards Mecha Gomora.

He didn't know if it was an illusion this time, but Ace always felt that there was a hint of fear in Mecha Gomora's eyes.

How is this possible? !

Ace shook his head to clear the thoughts from his mind.

Mechanical monsters, like super beasts, do not feel the slightest pain.

How could there be fear? !
Thinking of this, Ace continued to slash at Gomora.

Soon, Mechagomora was torn into pieces!
Just when Ace was admiring his victory.

In the sky, a huge fireball suddenly landed and landed heavily on the ground.


 Ask for some data, recommendation tickets or something.

  There is really no data today. (crying)
  thanks guys

(End of this chapter)

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