Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 30 Surpassing Leo's Physique, Salome's Conspiracy

Chapter 30 Surpassing Leo's Physique, Salome's Conspiracy
At the same time, Omega Sanao also quickly collided with the Mechanical Ultra Brothers.

Seeing that Zero was leading the way, he rushed towards the mechanical Seven.

Coming up was a flying kick, which kicked the mechanical Saiwen fiercely from the sky to the ground.

Suddenly, a big hole appeared on the ground.

Then Zero pursued the victory and dealt another punch to the mechanical Seven who had not yet reacted.

That punch after punch hit the face, and finally blasted it abruptly.

Omega, who was watching this scene not far away, couldn't help but feel a little creepy.

I can only sigh.

Really a loving father and a filial son, the relationship between the father and son is really good.

On the other side, Ace also met his mechanical body.

Although, mechanical Ace has the same data blessing as Ace.

But this kind of unintelligent mass mechanical body can't exert its full strength at all.

What's more, the strength of the mechanical body is just copying the strength of Ace before.

Nowadays, Ace's strength has been greatly enhanced.

Especially after being taught by Omega, he often crouches under the plasma spark, absorbing energy and compressing.

During this time, the other Ultraman stationed there almost mistook Ace for thinking about plasma sparks.

But fortunately, in terms of strength, Ace's improvement is huge.

Although he has not learned the Nine Yang Magic Art, the energy in Ace's body has completely reached saturation, and even the energy in his body has been compressed to the extreme.

Today's strength can easily suppress the mechanical body Ace.

After a while, the target was easily resolved.

On Omega's side, there are three opponents.

It was the first generation Zoffie and Jack.

Facing San'ao's attack, Omega didn't use his unique skills.

It's a purely physical confrontation.

One is because, with these three mechanical Ultramans, it is not enough for him to use his special skills.

The second is to take advantage of this opportunity to test his improvement during this period of time.

After all, during this period of time, Omega was in charge of the training of the entire Ultra Guard team, although most of them were still in Zama.

But the physical fitness has improved a lot, and there is no chance to test it normally, but now it is just at this moment to test it.

I saw Omega and three mechanical Ultraman colliding quickly.

Facing Sanao's attack, Omega remained motionless, as stable as a giant mountain.

Even the Ultra bracelet in Mechanical Jack's hand and the various weapons transformed out of it couldn't do a little damage to Omega.

And Omega just punched the faces of these mechanical Ultramans crookedly.

Even the mechanical parts in the body were knocked out.

Seeing this scene, Sero and Ace not far away couldn't help but shudder.

So brutal.

At the same time, I couldn't help but be a little surprised.

It's only been a few months, has Omega's physical strength reached this level? !
This physical strength, to put it bluntly, has already surpassed Leo and Astra.

Even Leo and Astra may not be able to do Omega so easily.

You know, Leo and Astra are the two best Ultraman fighters in the Kingdom of Light.

Did Omega progress so quickly? !

Zero and Ace couldn't help but wonder.

In the end, it can only be attributed to the master status of Omega.

Master, whatever you do is reasonable.

The result is also obvious, but in a short while, Omega solved the three mechanical Ultra brothers.

On the ground are all the parts of the three mechanical Ultra Brothers.

This cruel side made Ace, the director of the slaughterhouse in the Kingdom of Light, couldn't help but take a few steps back.

At this moment, the Panlong also hurried over.

Everyone on the Panlong was confused when they saw a pile of broken mechanical parts on the ground.

Kumano couldn't help exclaiming.

"What the hell happened?!"

They never thought that these mechanical Ultraman who almost chased them to a desperate situation would be so vulnerable to Omega Sano now.

They were just in a hurry, and they were solved by Omega and the others.

Is this the difference between pirated copies and genuine copies? !
This is too big.

Everyone in Panlong could not come back to their senses for a long time.

After a while, Oki finally spoke quietly.

"Captain, do you remember what we were planning to do when we turned around and rushed here?!"

"Of course I remember!" Captain Hyuga came back to his senses, nodded, and murmured.

"But it seems that we don't need us now."

"So embarrassing!"

Maybe this is called coming with good fortune and returning with bad luck!
Just when everyone on the Panlong was lost in thought, Omega Sanao had already arrived in front of the Panlong.

Zero, who was already active, was the first to say hello.

"Captain Hinata, you're fine. Do you know what happened here?!"

"Also, where did the boy Lei go?! At such a critical moment, why didn't you see him make a move?!"

As for Captain Hyuga of the Panlong, he couldn't help shaking his head when he heard Sai Luo's question.

Then he said helplessly.

"Zero, Ace, Master Omega, we were also inadvertently involved in this different-dimensional void. We don't know much about the details."

"I just know that all of this was caused by the Salomes. They made many mechanical Ultra warriors. When we just strayed into this space, we were chased and killed. If it weren't for you, even if you came, I'm afraid we would all be killed." was left here forever."

As he spoke, Captain Hinata's voice became deeper.

"As for Lei, his combat device was lost and was snatched by the Salomei. He has sneaked into the Salomei base to look for the combat device."

"Invading planet Salome?!" Hearing Captain Hinata say this, Ace instantly thought of something.

"Sure, I know what they're doing. Pay attention."

"So many holes in different dimensions should be caused by them. The purpose is to invade other universes, and the mechanical Ultra Brothers are their weapons of war."

Speaking of this, Ace's eyes were full of anger.

Using the image of the righteous Ultraman as a weapon to invade other people's homes is really murderous.

Thinking of this, Ace quickly looked at Captain Hinata.

"Where is their base?!"

"It's in that valley!" Captain Hinata pointed out the direction.

When Omega saw it, he frowned.

"There is a protective cover around the base. It seems that these guys are well prepared."

"Cut, it's just a protective shield." Sai Luo waved his hand when he heard this.

"I don't believe that if we fight together, we can't break his tortoise shell!"

"Alright, let's go together!" Hearing what Sai Luo said, Ace and Omega nodded.

Then Omega Sano quickly flew towards the Salome planet's base.

However, all of this has been noticed by the Salome people.

And prepared to counterattack.


 Thanks to the bosses, Shou Xiaobai and Xiang Xiaohei, for the reward. Thank you very much for the support.

(End of this chapter)

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