Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 29 Horse riding, these Ultra Brothers are still chasing us!

Chapter 29 Horse riding, these Ultra Brothers are still chasing us!
In the universe, three figures shuttled rapidly, leaving planets behind.

It was not until the corner of the universe that the three figures stopped.

Only then can their figures be seen clearly, it is the Omega Sanao who came from the Kingdom of Light.

"Is this a different dimension?!" Omega looked at the dreamy whirlpool in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

Ace on the side had serious eyes at this time.

"What a terrifying breath of another dimension. It seems that the mastermind behind this time is definitely not simple!"

"Hmph, how difficult is it?!" However, at this time, Zero gently crossed his nose with his thumb and said.

"Go in and see if you don't know."

After hearing this, Omega and Ace also knew that this was the only way.

Then Sanao nodded to each other, without hesitation, they flew straight towards the void of another dimension.

With a whirlpool of seven colors, when Sanao came back to his senses again, he had already arrived in a galaxy.

"Is this...the center of another dimension?!" Ace came back to his senses, looked at the densely packed hollows of another dimension around him, and couldn't help but muttered.

After all, this place is really shocking, densely packed with different dimension voids, surrounded by few planets.

Just a moment can give people a sufficient sense of oppression.

"That's the Panlong?!" Suddenly, Zero saw a dark red planet, and a spaceship shuttled quickly in the sky.

Behind the spaceship, there were several figures chasing after it.

For a moment, Zero couldn't help but be a little confused, even a little hesitant.

"Behind them, it seems they are the Ultra Brothers?!"

"They are chasing Lei and the others?!"

"Am I included in this?!" Ace heard the voice and quickly looked inside the planet.

However, when he saw that familiar figure, Ace was even more unbelievable.

"How is this possible?! If that is mine, then who am I?!"

"They are not the Ultra Brothers." However, Omega reminded at this time.

"They are all mechanical products!"

"Is that so?!" Hearing this, Sai Luo thought for a while.

Then it was excited.

"Then why don't we hurry up and help them?!"

"Let's go!" Omega nodded, and then said.

"Quick battle, otherwise Panlong won't last long."

After the words fell, Omega Sanao quickly rushed towards the red planet.

Meanwhile, the sky of the Red Planet.

In the Panlong that was running away like crazy, Oki was driving the spaceship while looking behind him from time to time to avoid the attacks of the mechanical Ultra brothers.

Faced with the persistent pursuit of many mechanical Ultra brothers, Oki, who was originally an Ultra fan, couldn't help but curse.

"Horses, these Ultra Brothers are still chasing us!"

"If Lei hadn't lost his fighting instrument and was sneaking into those guys' base to look for them, it wouldn't be their turn to be so arrogant!"

"Okay, stop talking, get rid of them quickly." Kumano at the side heard Oki's complaint and quickly reminded him.

Then he pressed the fire button, and missiles rushed towards the mechanical Ultra Brothers.

With the sound of an explosion, although it did not cause any damage, it also forced the Mechanical Ultra Brothers to stop.

"Great, stop them!" Seeing that his attack worked, Kumano couldn't help cheering.

Captain Hinata, who was commanding behind him, couldn't help but nodded.

"Well done, you are indeed our zap's ace pilot."

"Of course!" At this time, Oki on the side was also very proud and couldn't help but boast.

"My cooperation with Kumano is perfect, isn't it, Kumano!"

"Naturally." Kumano nodded, and the two couldn't help but give a high five.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't just brag!" However, at this moment, Haruna, who was the only female member of ZAP, suddenly noticed several figures in front of them and quickly reminded them.

"There are three more coming ahead!"

"What?!" Hearing this, Captain Hyuga looked forward quickly.

When he saw the appearance of the three figures clearly, Captain Hinata couldn't help but exclaimed.

"They even succeeded in making the mechanical bodies of Omega and Zero?!"

"What?!" Hearing this, Kumano couldn't help being surprised.

He couldn't help but speak.

"If these two mechanical bodies have the same strength as Ultraman Omega and Zero, then we're probably doomed?!"

After all, they have seen the strength of Omega and Zero.

His performance at the beginning was far superior to that of other Ultra Brothers.

Omega, in particular, is even more of a monster.

If this makes them face each other, I'm afraid it's really going to be cold.

"Damn it, are you really not giving me any chance?!" Oki couldn't help but clenched his fists at this time.

He himself yearned for Ultraman, but now that he had met so many mechanical Ultraman, he couldn't be happy anymore.

"what should we do?!"

Faced with this problem, everyone lost the desire to think about it.

However, at this moment, the three figures on the opposite side moved at the same time.

I saw that under the leadership of Omega, Mioqiqi rushed towards them.

Seeing this scene, Captain Hinata finally couldn't sit still.

"Made, if we fight with them, even if we die, we have to bite off a piece of meat before we do it!"

"The Panlong turns on its maximum power, and the Pendanium cannon is ready to activate!"

"Understood!" At the moment of life and death, the members of the Panlong became calmer.

Manipulate the machine in front of you in an orderly manner.

Seeing that Omega Sanao was getting closer and closer to them, Captain Hinata also gave orders.

"Get ready, drive...wait!"

Just when the Panlong was ready to unleash all its firepower, Omega Sanao passed straight past the Panlong and rushed towards the Mechanical Ultra Brothers.

Soon, there was a fight.

This made Captain Hinata feel paralyzed. He originally thought that Omega and the others were also mechanical Ultraman, and they were going to destroy them.

He was ready to die, but found out that this was a friendly army!

For a moment, he almost didn't react.

Fortunately, at the last critical moment, he stopped the special order, otherwise this oolong would be a big mess.

At this time, the other members were also thrown off their feet by Captain Hinata's sudden change of tone.

At this time they have not reacted.

Even Oki couldn't help but ask.

"Captain, aren't we attacking?!"

"What a bastard attack!" Captain Hinata reacted at this time and said angrily.

"Omega Cello and Ace just now, they are all real Ultraman and they are here to help us."

"Really, that's great!" Hearing this, the crew members were stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help being excited.

"We finally waited for support."

"Yeah!" At this time, Captain Hinata also looked excited.

He looked at the others and spoke.

"Everyone, change direction, it's time for us to take revenge!"

"Understood!" All the members responded one after another.


 There may be some differences between this plot and the original one.

  It's just that there are no two Panlongs, which is equivalent to two weeks ahead of time.

(End of this chapter)

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