Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 28 The Appearance of Different Dimensional Spaces

Chapter 28 The Appearance of Different Dimensional Spaces

Time flies fast.

Especially on a planet like the Kingdom of Light, where day and night are separated, time seems to fly by quickly without even noticing.

In the blink of an eye, more than a few months have passed.

At this time, the Kingdom of Light has repaired the trauma of Beria's invasion and has once again entered an orderly life.

At this time, in the guard training ground.

Omega looked at the countless Ultra Guard soldiers below and said.

"The horse's steps are all tied up, don't slack off, and don't feel bored!"

"Look at Zeta and Taiga, who haven't entered the guard yet, they have already learned the unique art of left and right fighting, but before they learned it, they also struggled for several months, and they all wanted to fight against him. Look up both!"

"Understood!" After hearing this, all the members of the Ultra Guard Team nodded, walked steadily, and no one complained.

On the other side, Zeta and Taiga, hearing Omega use them as examples, are still positive examples.

He couldn't help but puff up his chest immediately, with a look of pride on his face.

After all, so many Ultra Guard members have not yet learned a secret skill, and they have already learned it first.

But this is also normal. After all, Taiga and Zeta can be said to have learned the left and right fighting skills at the same time as Leo.

Even Astra learned it later.

It wouldn't be normal for either of them to learn anymore.

After all, they are both geniuses.

Omega also happened to use the two of them to inspire other guards.

With so many security guards learning Zamabu together, Omega's strength is slowly improving.

Although the energy in the body has not increased much, the physical fitness is far better than before.

In terms of physical fitness alone, Leo might not even be able to compare to Omega.

When Omega was feeling the steady improvement in physical strength.

A voice suddenly came from behind.

"Master Omega, you are here!"

Omega heard the sound and turned his head, only to find that it was Zero.

Watching the other person walk quickly in front of him, Omega said.

"What's wrong, Zero?! What do you want from me?!"

"That's it!" Cero looked at Omega and said.

"There seems to be another change in the universe. The captain asked me to come to you and discuss with you. I don't know what it is exactly."

"Okay!" Hearing this, Omega nodded.

"Wait for me a moment!"

As he said that, he looked at the Doot guards below.

"I'll leave first. After I leave, don't slack off and train hard."

Then he looked at Taiga and Zeta aside.

"You two watch them carefully and supervise them!"

"Ah?!" Zeta and Taiga hadn't reacted yet.

Then I saw that Omega had turned and left.

When they reacted, both Zeta and Taiga were surrounded.

Looking at the countless Ultra Guard members around them, their minds were numb.

With so many things, can you really manage them? !
What's more, the guards here are no stronger than them.

At the same time, Omega turned around and looked at Zero.

"Let's go!"

"Yeah!" After the words fell, the Omegas set off one after another and rushed towards the police headquarters.


When Omega and Zero came to the police headquarters.

At this time, the father of Ultra had been waiting for a long time.

Beside him, Ace was also here.

I don't know if it's Omega's illusion, but he always feels that he hasn't seen Ace for several months.

This guy seems to be a bit brighter. As for the brightness of his eyes, it can be called a searchlight.

While thinking about it, Otto's father interrupted Omega's train of thought.

Seeing that Omega and Zero were all present, he immediately spoke.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, I will tell you the current situation."

While speaking, Otto's father slid his hand casually.

A transparent screen suddenly appeared in front of him, and on the screen, a picture of a galaxy was playing.

"Look, everyone, this is an ordinary planet, but recently, a different dimension suddenly appeared around this planet."

"And we are also among them, feeling abnormal energy. This energy is familiar and unfamiliar. I suspect it is related to our Kingdom of Light."

As he spoke, the father of Ultra became serious.

"Among them, it is not ruled out that there are forces targeting our Kingdom of Light at work, so I want to send someone to investigate, what do you think?!"

"We should investigate." Hearing this, Omega nodded.

At this moment, his gaze stayed on the planet on the big screen.

But it feels more and more familiar.

I'm also thinking about it in my mind.

If he remembered correctly, there should be mechanical Ultra Brothers in this place, and even the first-generation Dark Lopsero machine made by Beria.

That's a powerful guy, and he can even banish his opponent into a crack in another dimension.

is a formidable opponent.

And most importantly, Omega didn't know if Beria would create a mechanical body for himself.

If Beria can completely produce a mechanical body of the same level as himself, I am afraid that things will not be so easy.

Must be safe.

Thinking of this, Omega looked at Ultra's father.

"Not only to send, but also to send more, let me lead the team."

"Is that so?! That's good too!" Hearing this, Father of Otto nodded.

Then he asked.

"Then who are you taking with you?!"

"Sero!" Omega said the name immediately without hesitation.

Then he turned to look again.

"And Ace!"

There was a reason why Omega finally decided to take Ace with him.

After all, in the original play, the number of mechanical Ultra brothers can be described as extremely large.

Bring Ace with you, as his Dharma King, to clean up quickly and on a large scale.

When Ultra's father heard Omega's proposal, he nodded.

Then he spoke.

"Then do as you say!"

As he said that, he looked at Ace and Zero aside.

"Ace, Zero!"

"Yes!" Acero responded one after another.

"You two should act together with Master Omega!" Ultra's father said.

"Understood!" Sai Luo and Ace both nodded.

Especially Sai Luo, who was extremely excited. After all, he hadn't made a move for so long, and he wanted to move his body a long time ago.

Now that he heard that a big task was coming, he was naturally happy.

On the other side, Ace was also a little secretly happy.

Now, according to Omega's instructions, he has already compressed the energy in his body to the extreme.

However, there is no clue about the Nine Yang Divine Art.

Now that he had the opportunity to go on a mission with Omega, he was naturally willing.

In case there is a chance to get the guidance of Omega, it is not necessarily.

Thinking of this, both of them were excited, followed Omega, and rushed towards the place where the different-dimensional space was created.


(End of this chapter)

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