Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 27 The first pass on internal strength, Nine Yang Divine Art!

Chapter 27 The first transmission of internal energy, Nine Suns Divine Art!
"Please wait a moment, Master Omega, I have something to ask you."

Just when Omega was about to leave, Ace trotted all the way and stopped Omega.

Hearing the sound, Omega turned his head, looked at Ace suspiciously, and said.

"Ace, what's wrong with you?!"

"That's right." Ace came to Omega and said respectfully.

"Senior Omega, do you still remember that when you fought with Belial, you held the vertical guillotine and the eight-point light wheel in your hand, and fought with Belial close to you?!"

"Of course I remember." Omega nodded, looked at Ace and said.

"Any questions?!"

"I don't understand a little bit!" Ace nodded when he heard Omega's words.

Then he spoke.

"I also tried to fight Beria like this, but he casually crushed me. This made me a little confused."

"With the same eight-point light wheel, why can you, Master Omega, suppress Beria, but I was easily crushed to pieces? Master Omega, please help me figure it out."

"This..." Omega couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Ace's question.

Then he figured it out.

When he fought Beria with the Eight-Point Nimbus and the Vertical Guillotine, he shot down the Ultimate Combat Instrument first.

While Ace was fighting, Beria had already regained the ultimate combat instrument.

With the sturdiness of the ultimate combat instrument, it is naturally not a problem to face the eight-point light wheel composed of glazing energy.

Of course, these words cannot be said to Ace, as it would lose his status as a master.

Thinking of this, Omega thought for a moment, then looked at Ace and said.

"Is it possible that the quality of your eight-point light wheel is not enough, and the light weapons composed of light energy are still relatively fragile compared to rare metals."

"Is that so?!" Hearing Omega's words, Eston suddenly realized.

Then he looked at Omega and said.

"Then Master Omega, is there any way to solve this problem?!"

"Is there any way?!" Omega couldn't help but hesitate when he heard this.

After all, the quality of energy is no longer a matter of moves.

If it is really based on martial arts, it already belongs to the ranks of internal strength.

I haven’t tried Omega and I don’t know if it will work.

But looking at Ace's expectant gaze, Omega had no choice but to bite the bullet and speak.

"There is a way, but I don't know if it will work?!"

"Please ask Master Omega to clarify!" Ace's eyes lit up when he heard that Omega had a solution.

He spoke quickly.

"As for whether it works or not, I'll just try it."

"Okay." Hearing this, Omega said immediately.

"I have a technique, it has nothing to do with moves, but it is about cultivating oneself internally. If you want to learn it, I can teach you, but whether you can learn it or not depends on you."

"I've met Master Omega." However, after hearing this, Ace was quite clever.

He immediately handed over his hand and became a disciple of Omega.

Then he opened his mouth and said.

"Also ask the master to teach me!"

"Oh, it doesn't have to be like this!" Omega couldn't help sighing when he saw Ace's appearance.

"This is necessary." Ace shook his head when he heard this.

After all, he is also preaching from a master, so his attitude must be respectful.

Thinking of this, Ace looked at Omega and said.

"I want to learn unique skills, so I should worship you as my teacher."

"Okay!" Seeing Ace's insistence, Omega couldn't say anything more and could only nod.

Simply, he has already thought of an internal skill.

Just in time to respond to Ace's question, Omega looked at Ace and said.

"Then I'll teach you a unique technique called Nine Suns Divine Art!"

"Nine Suns Divine Art?!" Hearing this, Ace's body froze for a while.

How powerful it must be to be called a divine skill.

For a moment, Ace's eyes couldn't help but look forward to it.

And Omega didn't hesitate, and immediately introduced it to Ace.

"Nine Suns Divine Art, as the name suggests, when it is completed, the energy in the body is as abundant as the nine suns. There is no need to worry about energy consumption. Even if it is not within the range of the plasma spark tower of the Kingdom of Light, the energy in the body is still flowing!"

"And the quality of energy in the body will also be greatly improved, just as fierce and fierce as the sun. At this time, if you use the light weapon again, you will not encounter the same situation as before."

"Great, I want to learn this!" Hearing Omega's introduction, Ace became even more excited.

He looked at Omega and said impatiently.

"Please master, please teach me how to learn it?!"

"To learn the Nine Suns Divine Art, you need the basics." Omega shook his head seeing Ace so anxious.

Then he spoke.

"Just remember the practice formula!"

"He is strong, let him be strong, and the breeze blows the hills! He is tyrannical, and the bright moon shines on the river! He is ruthless, he is evil, and I am full of qi!"

As he spoke, Omega paused.

"If you understand these three sentences, especially the half sentence after the three sentences, that is when you realize the Nine Suns Divine Art."

"He is strong enough to be strong, and the breeze blows on the hills..." After hearing Omega's words, Ace silently remembered them in his heart.

To Ace, these words were indeed full of truth.

But he really couldn't see the mystery in these three sentences.

Dang even looked at Omega and said.

"Master, I'm afraid it's difficult for me to understand these three sentences."

"Also ask the master to give pointers."

"This..." After hearing Ace's request, Omega also fell into deep thought.

After a moment, Omega raised his head, looked at Ace and said.

"This way. You go to the plasma spark tower, observe the plasma sparks every day, and then try to absorb the energy emitted by the plasma sparks."

"At the same time, we must constantly provide pressure to the body and compress the energy in the body."

"When the energy in the body can no longer be compressed, the quality of the energy in the body will increase to a certain level even if you haven't learned the Nine Suns Divine Art."

"Is that so?!" Hearing Omega say this, Ace's eyes lit up immediately.

He spoke quickly.

"Thanks for the advice, master, I'll try it now!"

With that said, Ace bowed his hands respectfully.

Then he turned his head and left quickly.

Looking at the direction, it is the direction of the plasma spark tower.

Compared with Ace's certainty, Omega at this time is not so confident.

After all, this is the first time he made up internal strength.Ultraman doesn't even have the vein of a wuxia novel.

Omega is really not sure whether he can master it or not.

Thinking of this, Omega couldn't help but sigh as he watched Ace leave.

"Hopefully everything goes well."

From Omega's point of view, after Ace practiced for a few months and found no effect, he might just give up.

But Omega apparently forgot that time is the least valuable for a long-lived species like Ultraman.


(End of this chapter)

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