Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 26 Omega Becomes the Chief Coach of the 8 Guard

Chapter 26 Omega Becomes the Chief Coach of the 80 Guard

"I forgot to tell you, I also taught Xiao Li flying knives."

Looking at the proud Beria, Omega sounded teasing.

"What?! Impossible!" However, Beria's expression was unbelievable when he heard this.

He couldn't believe that Omega, who was only a few thousand years old, had not only reached the level of an elite warrior.

And also created two stunts.

For a while, Beria endured the panic in his heart, and then shouted angrily.

"You're lying to me, it's impossible."

"Nothing is impossible." Omega shrugged, then moved her fingers slightly.

The lightsaber transformed from the Omega breath in his hand disappeared immediately.

Seeing this familiar scene, Beria finally couldn't sit still.

He immediately shouted angrily.

"Why, why, why did a genius like you appear in the Congress of Light!"

"I can not be reconciled."

As the words fell, the lightsaber appeared silently above Beria's head.

Beria had no way to avoid it, so he was hit directly by the lightsaber.

In the next second, Belia's body was cut out of the body of the monster Belyudora by the lightsaber.

Falling straight into the magma.

Only one sentence remains.

"Land of Light, I will come back!"

Then it sank into the magma and disappeared again.

At the same time, Leo and others helped each other to come to Beria's side.

Seeing Beria who had fallen into the magma and disappeared, Zhong Ao was still a little unconfident at the moment.

After all, Beria is just like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

From the very beginning, the Kingdom of Light was defeated by Mebius.

After being shot down into the magma, it turned into a monster with hundreds of bodies, Belyudora.

Then Cyro got the Holy Light, but it was of no use to Belial.

Even Zero realized that Xiao Li was flying a knife on the spot and tried his best, but he still didn't kill Beria.

This time, although he watched Beria fall into the magma again helplessly.

But they still couldn't believe that Beria was solved like this.

The first generation on the side couldn't help but muttered.

"This time, is Beria really defeated?!"

"Well, defeated!" Omega on the side nodded confidently.

But he couldn't help but add something in his heart.

I just don't know if I'm dead or not.

After all, according to the plot of the original book, Beria is still alive.

However, with the existence of Omega now, the plot has deviated a lot.

Even Beria's performance is much better than the original.

Omega didn't know if Beria was dead or not this time.

But after using Xiao Li Fei Dao now, his physical strength is also much weaker.

It is not suitable for further investigation.

As for the others, if Beria was still alive, it would be even more difficult to deal with them.

That's why Omega didn't make any guesses.

However, the crowd on the side did not know Omega's inner thoughts.

I thought Beria had really been killed.

Immediately couldn't help but said excitedly.

"Great, it's finally over."

"Now, let's clean up this hundred-body monster Beliudora, and we can go back."

As they said that, all the Austrians used various skills one after another, and began to clean up the monster Beludora.

There were no accidents this time, and soon, the hundred-body monster Beryudora was completely wiped out by them.

After finishing all this, all the Austrians got up one after another and rushed towards the Kingdom of Light.


After returning to the Kingdom of Light, after a period of rectification, Zhong Ao regained his health.

The King of Ultra also came to the Kingdom of Light at this time.

After all, this time, Beria almost took the plasma spark.

And the three Ultra Warriors of the first generation Severn Zoffi were defeated by Beria in full view of everyone.

If it weren't for Mengbius' efforts to turn the tide, I'm afraid Beria would have succeeded.

After such a big event happened, the King of Ultra had to rush over to appease the people of the Kingdom of Light.

King Ao stood on the high platform, looked at the excited people of Kingdom of Light, and said.

"Cough cough, be quiet, let me say a few words."


At this time, Sai Luo, who had contributed a lot in this battle, was lost in the crowd.

Looking at the happy scene of Ultraman's family around him, he thought of his father who had passed away.

Seven's father, before he had time to accept it, died under Beria's hands.

Or die to save him.

Now looking at other Ultraman is very happy, but at this time Sai Luo is a little sad.

He has no father.

I didn't know it before, but I had it before.

Now he is gone.

Thinking of this, Sai Luo stood there in a daze.

"Siro!" However, at this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

Sero turned his head, but froze in place.

Because what appeared in front of him at this time was an intact Severn.

At this time, Seven didn't know how to react.

Just looking at Zero, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Sero, you've grown up!"

"Father!" At this time, Zero was extremely excited and quickly stepped forward and hugged Seven.

So far, Sai Luo, the father and son, finally recognize each other now.

On the other side, inside the Ultra Guard.

The father of Ultra looked at the Ultras in the audience and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Especially in the face of Omega, he even spoke.

"This time Beria escaped from prison, thanks to Master Omega."

"Thank you for your contribution to the Kingdom of Light."

"You're being polite." Hearing this, Omega nodded flatly.

"I am also a member of the Kingdom of Light. If the Kingdom of Light is in trouble, I will naturally take action."

"Yeah!" Ultra's father nodded even more when he heard this.

Then he spoke.

"In view of your contribution to the Kingdom of Light, Master Omega, we have decided to appoint you as a high-ranking official in the Kingdom of Light."

"At the same time, you are also appointed as the chief instructor of the Kingdom of Light Guard, responsible for the training of guard members. I wonder if you would be willing, Master Omega?!"

"This..." Hearing this, Omega hesitated.

Although the words of Ultra's father were tempting, Omega became the chief instructor, he could deceive more and more, and the rewards would naturally become more and more abundant.

But the martial arts he mentioned are basically made up, and there is no guarantee that other martial arts can also be learned.

If the time of other members of the Ultra Guard was wasted for nothing, Omega felt a little bit sorry.

Thinking of this, Omega looked at Father Ultra and said.

"My unique skills require a lot of talent. I'm afraid that many players will not be able to learn them, and they will waste their time. This..."

"It's okay!" Hearing this, Otto's father shook his head.

Then he spoke.

"Master Omega, you are free to choose suitable candidates to teach. Even if the other person cannot learn it, it is just because the other person is not talented enough and it is none of your business."

"Okay then!" After hearing this, Omega nodded.

After all, Otto's father had already said this, so he couldn't refuse.

So he agreed.

And hearing Omega's promise, Otto's father was also very excited, and said quickly.

"Well, the officer's cloak is currently being produced, and it will be delivered to you when the time comes."

"You also take advantage of this time to rest well, don't damage your body."

"Okay!" Hearing this, Omega nodded.

Then he turned and left.

However, just as he walked out of the door, a figure quickly followed him.

"Wait a minute, Master Omega, I have something to ask you for advice!"

Hearing the sound, Omega turned his head, only to find that it was Ace who called him.


 This chapter is a small transition
(End of this chapter)

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