Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 25 Didn’t expect it, Xiao Li’s flying knife was also taught by me

Chapter 25 Didn’t expect it, Xiao Li’s flying knife was also taught by me

Following Omega's words, Sero's mind seemed to explode suddenly.

In an instant, Sero understood clearly.

Today, he finally understands what is the unity of spirit, energy and spirit? !
You can only succeed if you believe in yourself.

This is also the true meaning of Xiao Li's flying knife.

Thinking of this, Zero's eyes calmed down.

And the plasma spark knife in his hand gradually separated in the light.

It turned into two head darts and was tightly held in Zero's hands.

I saw Zero looking at Beria, and with a slight movement of his fingers, the head dart in his hand disappeared immediately.

In the next second, the head dart appeared in front of Beria.

"How is this possible?!" Beria couldn't believe it.

As a veteran Ultra warrior, he naturally knew.

No matter what kind of move it is, there must be traces of it.

But he couldn't understand how Sai Luo made the move.

With just a slight movement of his fingers, the head dart in his hand disappeared.

By the time he reacted, the dart was already in sight.

As everyone knows, this is the strength of Xiao Li Feidao.

Unobservable, silent.

No one could see clearly how Xiao Li Fei Dao made his move.

This is also the reason why Xiao Li's flying knife never fails.

Beria wanted to avoid it, but found that the two head darts had locked it firmly, and it was impossible to avoid it.

He could only watch the two head darts attacking him, but his body had no time to react.


Beria let out an unwilling roar, desperately wanting to tilt his head to avoid it.

However, in the next second, two head darts hit Beria straight, directly hitting his head.

In a short while, bright sparks were fired.

With a sound of "Boom", the Belia on the top of Beludora's head exploded immediately.

At this time, the monster Beludora also stopped moving, as if it had lost control.

"Finally, is it over?!" The head dart flew into Zero's hand, almost causing Zero to stumble.

Now he has launched the little Li flying knife that has gathered all his energy.

The whole body seemed to have no strength, and the whole body was about to collapse to the ground.

Leo and Astra, who were still on the side, quickly stepped forward to help Zero.

Then he looked at Belyudora, the monster with hundreds of bodies that did not move at the top.

"It should be over."

Said, Leo looked at Sai Luo with some worry.

"However, your physical condition..."

"It's okay, it's just that I lost my strength." Sai Luo waved his hand, and then said.

"Little Li's Flying Dao is indeed a unique skill, but its power and subtlety are tough, and its reputation is well-deserved!"

"It's a pity that in the face of a powerful enemy, you have to exhaust all your energy and energy, and you only have the power of a single blow. Otherwise, it would not be an exaggeration to call it the strongest skill."

"En!" Hearing this, Leo and Astra nodded heavily.

They naturally saw the strength of Xiao Li Feidao.

The weird way of throwing darts, the traces of moves that cannot be seen clearly.

Just watching from the sidelines, they also felt that they couldn't avoid it at all.

One can also imagine Beria's desperation when faced with this move.

What is desperate is not that you can't resist, but that you can't find a trace at all, or even avoid it.

This is the most terrible.

Thinking of this, Zhongao was filled with awe of Omega.

Needless to say, this is what Omega taught Cyro.

After all, in the entire Kingdom of Light, the only one who can be called a master and has the ability to create such a unique skill is Omega.

For a moment, they couldn't help but be curious.

How did Omega create such a unique skill at such a young age?

I heard that there are not just one or two such unique skills, but that he is proficient in fists, feet and eighteen kinds of weapons, which is even more amazing.

However, what they didn't know was that Omega had just learned this unique skill at this time.

[Ding, your apprentice Sai Luo has learned Xiao Li's flying knife, and the skill of returning to the host's move, Xiao Li's flying knife, has been learned automatically! 】

The cold voice of the system rang in Omega's ears.

At the same time, a blue panel also appeared in front of Omega.

【Host: Omega】

[Identity: Member of Kingdom of Light, Ultra Warrior]

[Strength: Elite Warrior (Peak)]

[Apprentices: Taiga, Zeta, Leo, Astra, Membius, Zero. 】

[Teaching moves: Zama Step, Left and Right Fighting Technique, Dugu Nine Swords, Xiao Li's Flying Knife! 】

[Special attributes: strange strength, as stable as a mountain, dual-purpose, sword of the heart, seeing through weaknesses, light and heavy, idealistic, no false starts! 】

... (It's really not water, this thing has only appeared a few times, for the convenience of everyone to see the data.)
At the same time, thoughts about Xiao Li Feidao kept pouring into Omega's mind.

After a while, Omega came back to his senses.

Although his realm has not improved this time, his strength has improved by more than a few centimeters.

One is that this is Omega's first long-distance unique skill, and the other is that this is also the ultimate trump card.

Even if you encounter a powerful enemy, this Xiao Li flying knife is enough for the opponent to drink a pot.

Thinking of this, Omega was extremely satisfied.

At the same time, seeing the matter resolved, the first generation of Zhongao had already begun to prepare to clean up the battlefield.

"Everyone, Belial has been dealt with. Next, let us clean up the body of the hundred-body monster Beleudra."

"Understood!" Hearing this, Zhong Ao nodded.

Then they stood in their respective positions, ready to clean up the monster Beludora.

However, at this moment, a rampant voice suddenly sounded.

"Who said I was solved?!"

After the voice fell, the monster with all kinds of bodies, Belyudora's head.

Beria, who had already lowered his head, suddenly raised his head, and his dim eyes suddenly glowed with scarlet light.

Two huge wounds appeared on his face, and Beria couldn't help but sigh.

"It really hurts!"

As he said that, Belia swung the thick arm of the hundred-body monster Beludora suddenly, and with one blow, all the Austrians were knocked into the air.

"How is this possible?!" The first generation Zhongao fell heavily to the ground, looking at Beria who was still alive, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"How is it impossible?!" At this time, Beria revealed a rampant voice.

He looked at Zhong Ao and said.

"You really think that this uncle will be wiped out like this, are you too naive?!"

As he spoke, he looked at the weak Sai Luo again.

"I just heard that you seem to have run out of energy and don't have the strength to use that move again!"

"Next, is it my turn?!"

However, just as he finished speaking, a voice suddenly came.

"Who said it was your turn?!"

Hearing this, Beria turned his head to look, but it was Omega.

I saw Omega gathering energy, and Omega's breath turned into a lightsaber.

Then Omega took it off and held it in his hand.

He looked at Beria with a smile and said.

"I forgot to tell you, I also taught Zero that move."

"Listen well, this trick is called Xiao Li Feidao!"


 Thanks to Nervous SL, Hei Mo, and the two big guys for the monthly pass, thank you very much.

  I also thank other big guys for the recommendation tickets, thank you big guys
(End of this chapter)

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