Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 24 Treacherous Beria, Sai Luo Wu Li Feidao.

Chapter 24 Treacherous Beria, Sai Luo Wu Li Feidao.

When Omega and Membius got out of the way, Beria suddenly discovered that at some point, Zero was already standing directly opposite him.

At the same time, Sai Luo pointed the head dart at his chest with both hands, and a bright light suddenly lit up.

Before Beria could react, a thick and extremely bright light beam hit him directly.

This is exactly the Xero twin ray.

It can be said to be the most powerful light skill under Zero's normal state.

The thick light hit Beria directly, pushing Beria back with an irresistible force.

It didn't stop until Beria was pushed into the lava.

"Yeah!" Seeing this scene, the humans in the spaceship couldn't help shouting with joy.

At this time, all the Austrians also came to Sai Luo's side one after another.

The first generation on the side couldn't help but sigh.

"it is finally over."

"No, it's not over yet." However, Omega slowly walked over at this time, looking at the magma not far away.

When everyone was surprised, a burst of wild laughter suddenly sounded.

"Eh ha ha ha ha!"

As laughter rang out, the souls of the destroyed monsters turned into green light balls and flew up.

They melted into the magma one after another.

"Rumble!" The next second, the ground shook continuously.

Under Zhong Ao's vigilant and disbelieving gazes, a huge figure slowly rose from the lava.

This body is over a thousand meters high, and the whole body is composed of the bodies of various monsters.

And at the top of the monster's head, Beria's figure is clearly visible.

This is none other than Beleudra, the hundred-body monster.

I saw Belia standing on the top of Beludora, the monster with hundreds of bodies, looking down at the people below.

Then, he couldn't help but laugh wildly.

"You brats are still trying to destroy me."

"Let's see how I will destroy you!"

As he spoke, he manipulated his body and waved that huge arm.

Every wave brings a strong air current.

At this time, Zhong Ao's eyes were also extremely serious.

"No matter how difficult it is, let's go up together!"

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded.

Then he jumped up and rushed towards the hundred-body monster Beleudra.

Even the Panlong continued to vent its firepower towards the monster.

However, this kind of attack is simply a nuisance to the thousand-meter-high monster Beludora.

All parts of the body of the hundred-bodied monster Beleudra began to attack, quickly repelling the surrounding people.

Seeing this scene, Beria couldn't help laughing.

"Eh ha ha ha ha, give up resistance, you have no resistance in front of me."

"Damn it, what should I do?!" Seeing this, Zhong Ao couldn't help feeling a little tormented.

However, Raymond, who was on the ground at this time, had an idea.

"Belia and I are both Leonix. He can control so many monsters. There's no reason why I can't."

Thinking of this, Raymond walked quickly to the ultimate combat instrument and touched the ultimate combat instrument with both hands.

"One hundred monsters, listen to my orders!"

At this time, Beria seemed to have noticed Raymond's movements and shouted loudly.

"stop it!"

However, it seemed that everything was too late.

Just looking at the surface of the hundred-body monster Beleudra, many monsters seemed to have begun to resist.

Zhongao also found an opportunity to fight back.

Especially Zero, he looked at Beria on the head of the hundred-body monster Beleudra with a firm look in his eyes.

"I need more power to protect everyone!"

The words fell, in the Kingdom of Light.

At this time, there was movement in the plasma spark tower.

A bright light soared into the sky, rushed out of the Kingdom of Light, and headed towards the depths of the universe.

The father of Ultra, who was stationed in the Kingdom of Light, felt the movement and walked over quickly.

When seeing this scene, Ultra's father couldn't help but murmured.

"Is the divine light finally going to choose the person you like?!"


In the monster graveyard, Zero just made his heart clear.

A ray of light suddenly fell from the sky and then integrated into Zero's body.

At the same time, the head darts in Zero's hands slowly merged in the light.

And turned into a crescent-shaped sword, slowly falling into Zero's hands.

At the same time, the first generation who was watching from the side was a little in disbelief.

"Holy light, chose Zero?!"

Even Leo Astra and Ace couldn't help feeling a little envious at this moment.

Only Omega was still calm. He looked at the plasma spark knife in Zero's hand and couldn't help but say.

"Sero's plug-in has finally arrived."

At the same time, Omega couldn't help but marvel at the power of plot correction.

Even though the plasma spark was not taken away, he still recognized Zero.

He is truly worthy of being the grandson of Tsuburaya, with this kind of treatment.

Just when he was thinking about this, Zhongao finally came to his senses.

I saw the first generation speak quickly.

"Let us create opportunities for Zero!"

As soon as the words fell, all the Austrians attacked the hundred-body monster Beliudora again.

Various abilities were fully displayed at this time, and even the Panlong also activated the final cannon - the Pedanium Cannon.

Only the first generation on the side was still paddling, constantly emitting small light wheels.

At this time, Sero, holding a plasma spark knife, rushed towards Beria resolutely.

"Beria, your ambition is over."

"No!" Beria roared at this time, and then changed his tone.

It just waved its huge arm and grabbed Sai Luo.

"Uh hahahaha, you don't really think that I will end it like this, no, no, no!"

"I was all pretending!"

Beria was laughing particularly wildly at this time. You must know that the Reblondo star has completely handed over the control of the monster to him.

In this way, there is no way for Raymond, Leonix, to compete with him for control.

Even without the ultimate battle instrument.

After all, LeBrondo can control monsters, not by virtue of the so-called combat instrument.

"How is this possible?!" At this time, Sai Luo was a little unbelievable.

The next time, Zero was thrown to the ground hard.

At this time, he was a little confused and seemed to have not yet reacted.

How dare he believe that he, who has the Plasma Spark Blessing buff, would fail just like that.

For a moment, Zero couldn't help but feel suspicious when looking at the huge hundred-body monster Beleudra.

Can he really defeat this guy? !
"Hey, boy, have you reached the point where you doubt that you are not the protagonist?!" However, at this moment, a voice came.

Cero turned around and looked, but it was Omega.

Omega looked at Sai Luo and said.

"Don't forget what I taught you, now is the time to use it."

"Remember, the most important thing about Xiao Li Feidao is the heart."

Having said this, Omega paused.

"If you decide in your heart, then it will definitely succeed!"

Hearing this, Zero was suddenly stunned.

Then a realization welled up in my heart.

If you decide with your heart, you will definitely succeed?
Is this the unity of spirit, energy and spirit of Xiao Li Feidao? !


 Thank you again to Big Brother Ice Cream Stick for sending me two monthly passes, and I am also very grateful to all the big guys for recommending tickets.

  By the way, please ask for some recommendation tickets, the recent recommendation data is so sluggish (crying)
(End of this chapter)

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