Chapter 23: Seven dies, and Zero explodes!
"Peng~" Beria moved towards the death scythe released by Sai Luo, but was stopped by a figure with his body.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, that figure also fell heavily on the ground.

At the same time, Ace waited for Ao to see the figure clearly, and couldn't help exclaiming.


After the words fell, they all quickly got rid of the siege of the monsters and walked up quickly.

"Sai Wen, are you alright!" Zhong Ao quickly stepped forward and helped Sai Wen.

However, he found that the indicator light above Severn's head kept flashing, and it seemed that he was already dying.

Sai Wen slowly raised his right hand and spoke with difficulty.

"Must...cough, knock down Beria!"

After the voice fell, the indicator light above Seven's head went out immediately.

His right hand slipped down, and the light in his eyes gradually disappeared.

"Severn!" All the Ao suddenly burst into grief.

"What happened?!" At this moment, several figures flashed across the sky again.

But it was Membius who came over in a hurry, and with him came the Panlong and Dyna who met by chance.

When you see all the Austrians gathered together in grief.

Mebius hurried to check, but saw Seven lying on the ground.

Immediately, Mengbius was deeply saddened.

"Brother Saiwen!"

"Ultraman, can he die too?!" In the Panlong, Raymond and his team members looked at each other.

Unbelievable at the same time, but also with a hint of sadness.

Even Dyna, the cosmic dude, fell into a rare silence at this time.

"Why?!" At this time, Zero didn't seem to react.

He looked at Severn lying on the ground with some disbelief.

He couldn't believe that Seven, who had personally deprived him of his status as an Ultra warrior and even escorted him to planet K76, gave his life to save him.

For a moment, Zero was in a daze.

"Why did he save me?!"

"Because..." The first generation reluctantly put away his grief and looked at Zero and said.

"He is your father!"

"What?!" Hearing this, Sai Luo couldn't believe it.

He seemed a little unable to accept it.

He looked at the first generation and said.

"Then why didn't he recognize me all the time, and sent me to planet K76!"

"That's because you are too proud." After hearing this, Leo stood up slowly.

He looked at Shiro and said.

"You were too proud and too young back then, and you even tried to get involved in the plasma spark. If Severn hadn't stopped you back then, I'm afraid you would have been counterattacked by the huge energy of the plasma spark and become the next Beria."

"Back then, it was also your father, my master Sai Wen, who entrusted you to be trained by the king, and let Astra and I be your masters."

Speaking of this, Leo's mood seemed to be even heavier.

"Sai Luo, you have to understand that no matter what Seven does, he still loves you. This time he blocked the harm for you is proof!"

"Father..." At this time, Sai Luo couldn't help being in a trance when he heard what happened.

Only then did he realize that Seven had loved his son from the very beginning.

However, he didn't find out until Seven died.

For a time, it was also extremely sad.

"Hey, hey, hey!" However, at this moment, a disturbing voice sounded.

Zhongao turned around and looked, only to realize that it was Beria.

I saw him squatting on a cliff at this time, with his legs crossed.

Watching this scene with interest.

When hearing Zhong Ao's words, Beria couldn't help but speak.

"I didn't expect that your boy would actually do the same thing as me. He has a bright future."

"Boy, what's your name, my uncle is very interested in you now."

Saying that, Beria couldn't help laughing again.

"Are you interested in hanging out with me? If you do well, I will make an exception and find a way to resurrect your father!"

"Belia!" But at this moment, Sero was extremely angry when he heard Beria's words.

He looked at Beria and said viciously.

"My name is Zero, the son of Ultraman Seven. Please return my father's life."

As he spoke, he flew into the sky and rushed towards Beria.

At the same time, the training armor immediately dissipated, restoring Sai Luo's original appearance.

"It's really a toast and you don't eat fine wine!" Beria didn't care when he saw Sai Luo like this.

Immediately commanding a hundred monsters, he opened his mouth to order.

"Stop him for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a hundred monsters surrounded Zero.

However, facing Sero who was full of anger at this time, these monsters were all little Karami.

He was directly broken through the formation by Cero.

"Let's go together." What's more, Omega and others will not be idle, and immediately provided support to Zero.

In just a short while, the hundred monsters were wiped out.

In a blink of an eye, only Beria was left.

"I really underestimated you." At this time, Beria stood up slowly holding the ultimate combat instrument.

Seeing his [-] monsters being wiped out like this, Beria's face darkened even more.

Then he looked at Sai Luo and waited for Ao to speak.

"But if you think you can deal with these wastes, it's too early to be happy."

"Stop talking nonsense!" When Zero heard this, he felt even more hateful.

He looked at Beria and said.

"Belia, I wish I could eat your flesh and sleep with your skin!"

"Take your life!"

Saying that, Sai Luo rushed towards Beria again.

"Let's go together." Not to be outdone, the rest of the Austrians rushed towards Beria.

Immediately, Beria fell into a just gang fight.

First, he was hit by two darts from Sai Luo, and then a small punch from Dyna.

Just as he couldn't help taking a step back, Leo and Astra came up to give him a kick.

It wasn't over yet, Ace rushed up, and another vertical guillotine slashed on Beria's head fiercely.

As for the first generation, it mechanically fired small light wheels from the rear, constantly harassing Beria.

If we put aside other villains, they would have exploded on the spot, that is, Beria could still be so strong.

But at this time, Beria was also annoyed by the harassment.

"Come here for me."

After the words fell, Beria held the ultimate combat instrument and swept across it fiercely, and another death sickle flew out.

The golden giant sickle-shaped light blade quickly flew towards Zhongao.

Zhongao didn't dare to take a direct hit and quickly flew to avoid it.

"Eh ha ha ha!" Seeing this, Beria couldn't help laughing.

"I don't know how powerful it is, but the result is nothing more than that."

"Don't forget, there are us!" However, at this moment, Omega and Mebius rushed towards Belia with lightsabers in hand.

Before Beria could react, the ultimate combat instrument in his hand was picked up by Omega, and by the way, Mebius slashed his sword.

However, this is not a big problem for Beria.

He rubbed his chest, looked at Omega and Mebius and spoke.

"Isn't it just picking up my weapon?! That's all I can do?!"

"I'm not afraid of this move from you!"

"It's not over yet!" However, at this time, Omega and Membius looked at each other and suddenly moved away.

Sero's figure also appeared in front of Beria.


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(End of this chapter)

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