Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 22 The 8-point light saw sticks to the face, is this the giant of light or the saw man of li

Chapter 22 Eight-point light saw sticking to the face, is this a giant of light or a sawing man of light?
"Damn it!" Seeing that he couldn't escape completely, Beria had no choice but to bear it.

I saw the eight-point light wheel in Omega's hand, spinning continuously.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed heavily on Beria's neck.

All of a sudden, countless sparks shot out.

Seeing Omega working harder and harder, it looked like he wouldn't stop until he cut his neck.

Beria couldn't help but panic inside.

What the hell, is this the Giant of Light, or the Sawman of Light? !
Not to mention the vertical guillotine that cut into his forehead at the beginning.

The same is true for the eight-point light wheel, so it's a bit unreasonable, right? !

Where is the justice in Ultraman's heart? !

Why is he more scary than the villain he is? !

How did the father of Ultra lead the team? !

On the other side, Leo and Astra, who were fighting fiercely with monsters, couldn't help but be surprised when they saw this scene.

They can naturally see why Omega can use the vertical guillotine and the eight-point light wheel at the same time.

It's nothing more than left-right fighting.

Usually they are just used as dual flashes using Altec.

But he didn't expect that the left and right fighting technique, combined with other light skills, could be so useful.

For a while, the two Olympic Games couldn't help but set off some waves.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind to learn some light skills in the future.

Not only is it powerful, but mainly because it looks handsome, and it can also deter the enemy.

Without him, a rotating light saw is pointed at your neck, asking you if you are afraid.

Of course, the most excited one is of course Ace, who is known as the King of Law.

As a forbidden magic mage from the Kingdom of Light, he has naturally learned countless light skills.

But I never thought that the light skill could be used like this.

Seeing that Omega was invincible like a mop stained with shit, Beria retreated steadily.

There was no way for him to calm down.

Ace felt that it was the right time to follow Omega to the monster cemetery this time.

To be able to discover this way of using light.

At the same time, I couldn't help but admire him. Omega was indeed a master, and he could invent such a powerful way to use light.

As everyone knows, Omega's melee light is what Omega learned from watching his famous battle scene in his previous life, and combined with the left and right fighting skills.

Only then did he have a vertical guillotine in one hand and a light wheel in the other.

At this time, Ace was ready to ask for advice.

Even during the battle, he was secretly simulating Omega's fighting style in his mind.

At the same time, as the eight-point light wheel in Omega's hand became harder and harder, Beria began to feel a faint pain.

Suddenly, I couldn't sit still.

He must take countermeasures.

Thinking of this, Beria's mind moved, and he saw the ultimate combat device falling in the distance, as if it had life, flying directly back to Beria's hands.

Then Beria slammed heavily towards Omega.

Seeing this, Omega quickly retreated to avoid the attack, and the eight-point light wheel in his hand slowly dissipated.

Watching Beria suddenly return the ultimate combat instrument in his hand, Omega was slightly surprised for the first time.

"how can that be?!"

It’s not surprising that Omega was surprised. The main reason was that in the plots he had seen in his previous life, Beria didn’t seem to have this trick? !
But Omega didn't care too much. After all, in his opinion, this universe was a real world.

The details are slightly different from those taken by Tsuburaya, but it is not a big problem.

Besides, he has traveled through time, so there are some differences, but it’s not a big problem.

Thinking of this, Omega activated the breath of Omega again, and the azure lightsaber appeared again.

At this time, Beria was covering his neck and looking at Omega with particularly hatred in his eyes.

I saw him speak.

"It still hurts, but I won't give you another chance."

"It's not certain who will give whom a chance!" After hearing Beria's words, Omega was very calm.

From Omega's point of view, isn't it just that he has regained the ultimate combat instrument?

If he can knock it out once, he can knock it out a second time.

Thinking of this, Omega once again rushed towards Beria with his sword.

But this time Beria learned to be smart.

Don't give Omega a chance to get close at all.

He just controls the ultimate battle instrument and launches long-range attacks on Omega.

Although it can't cause much harm to Omega, who holds a lightsaber and possesses the Dugu Nine Swords.

But it can prevent Omega from getting close to Beria
Over time, this is also a problem.

At this time, Ace also seemed to see that Omega and Belial had reached a deadlock.

When he suddenly rushed out of the siege of monsters, he rushed towards Beria.

"Master Omega, let me help you!"

As he finished speaking, energy gathered in Ace's hand, and an eight-point light wheel appeared in Ace's hand.

Then Ace was holding it in his hand.

Looking at the steady and non-stop rotating eight-point light wheel in his hand, Ace's eyes suddenly lit up.

This method works.

Then, Ace looked at Beria not far away, full of confidence.

Master Omega can suppress Beria through the eight-point light wheel.

There’s no reason why the Dharma King of the Kingdom of Light can’t do it!

Thinking of this, Ace excitedly held up the eight-point light wheel and rushed towards Belia.

When he came to Beria's side, he saw directly towards Beria's neck.

When Beria saw this scene, he was shocked.

Fuck, it's not over, is it? !
Originally, he thought that Omega's use of forbidden arts like this was an isolated case.

But unexpectedly, another Ace came.

Seeing Ace's excited expression, Beria felt a little angry.

Do you really think that I just went down to Amon, and there is no way to deal with it? !

That's because I don't have the ultimate combat device.

Thinking of this, Beria quickly fought back.

Waving the ultimate combat instrument, he slammed heavily at Ace.

The eight-point light wheel and the ultimate battle instrument collided quickly.

The next second, a "click" sound sounded.

I saw that the eight-point light wheel stopped rotating, and cracks appeared, and then burst open suddenly.

This time it was Ace's turn to be confused.

what's the situation? !

Didn't Omega use it very smoothly just now, and doesn't it look very powerful? !

How did it get to him, it suddenly shattered.

Before he could figure it out, Beria suddenly pointed the ultimate combat device at Ace.

A bolt of blue-white lightning suddenly shot out, hitting Ace hard on the chest.

This is one of Beria's signature skills, killing thunder and lightning.

Ace was beaten so hard that sparks erupted from his body, he flew several kilometers away, and then fell heavily to the ground.

If it wasn't for the timely response of the first generation, I'm afraid Ace would be beaten by monsters taking the opportunity.

"Tch, you still have to look at me at the critical moment!" As Ace was defeated, five or six monsters in the group of monsters were suddenly defeated.

A figure suddenly rushed out and rushed towards Beria.

After taking a closer look, it was Zero.

"Sai Luo!" Seeing this scene, Seven couldn't sit still, and hurriedly wanted to stop him.

However, Beria was a little impatient at this time.

"One by one, it's all over, right? I don't take this uncle seriously."

Saying that, Beria took the initiative to attack and suddenly appeared in front of Sai Luo.

"What!" At this time, before Sai Luo could react, he was hit by Beria's stick in the stomach, and the stem flew several miles.

However, it wasn't over yet, and Beria began to gather energy, and then waved his hand casually.

A golden sickle-shaped light blade swept towards Sai Luo.

This is another killing move of Belial, the Death Scythe.

Seeing that Zero was about to be hit, his life would be lost.

Suddenly, a figure stood in front of Sai Luo.


(End of this chapter)

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