Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 21 The ignorant Beria, can he still play left and right fighting skills like this? !

Chapter 21 The ignorant Beria, can he still play left and right fighting skills like this? !

"Hey, you guys!" At this time, Beria saw Omega and Omega talking to each other.

He didn't seem to take him seriously, and he couldn't sit still.

"You guys are going too far."

Said, Beria raised the ultimate combat instrument in his hand.

"Come out, a hundred monsters."

As soon as he finished speaking, a hundred monsters appeared in front of Omega and others.

Surround them.

"Fuck me!" Beria ordered.

These one hundred monsters attacked Zhongao one after another.

"It's finally started, I can't wait." Sai Luo looked excited, and rushed towards the monsters first.

"Sai Luo!" At this time, Seven saw that Sai Luo took the lead, and couldn't help feeling a little worried, and quickly followed.

All the Austrians also rushed to help, fighting together with many monsters.

When Omega saw this, he didn't hesitate.

Beria rushed straight behind and kicked Beria in the body.

"Beria, your opponent is me!"

As he spoke, Omega activated the Omega aura on his wrist.

A blue lightsaber slowly appeared.

"A lightsaber again?!" Beria couldn't help being a little apprehensive when he saw the lightsaber in Omega's hand.

After all, the Dugu Nine Swords performed by Menbius left a very deep impression on him.

The feeling of being strong but unable to use it made Beria really uncomfortable.

But then I thought about it, such an exquisite swordsmanship cannot be learned by everyone.

And Omega looks younger than Mebius, so it is obviously unlikely to know that set of swordsmanship.

After all, being able to reach the status of an elite warrior at this age is truly amazing.

How could it be possible to have the energy to learn those stunts again.

Thinking of this, Beria was a little contemptuous.

Then he looked at Omega and spoke arrogantly.

"Just you kid to stop me?! This may not take me too seriously, right?!"

"If it were that boy from before, I might be a little wary, but you boy, I'm afraid you can't even hold a sword steady, and you dare to stop me."

"Ha!" Omega was not angry when he heard Beria being so contemptuous, he just chuckled.

Then the sword pointed at Beria.

"Whether you can wield a sword or not, you won't know until you try it."

With that said, Omega pointed at Beria with his sword.

"Okay!" After hearing this, Beria also held the ultimate combat device.

"Since you are eager to seek death, I will be rude and will take it out on you."

After the words fell, Beria also rushed over.

Soon Beria and Omega collided together.

However, after this collision, Beria discovered something was wrong.

He found that Omega's swordsmanship was exactly the same as that of Mebius.

The same unpredictable, the same close-fitting bunt.

For a time, although Beria had all kinds of strength and various stunts, he couldn't use them at all.

Whenever he wanted to distance himself, Omega could always easily stick to him.

It took a moment for Beria to react.

He looked at Omega in disbelief, and said.

"Did you learn your swordsmanship from that boy named Membius?!"

"You guessed wrong!" Omega shook his head, and then said.

"To be precise, Mebius's swordsmanship was taught by me!"

The words fell, but Beria became even more unbelievable.

After all, Omega is too young, looking only six or seven thousand years old.

Excluding the two or three thousand years of ignorance, there are only about 3000 years left.

In such a short time, being able to become an elite fighter is already shocking the world.

Not to mention, learn such sword skills.

And from Omega's tone, he realized this sword technique himself, and then taught it to others.

This made Beria couldn't believe it even more.

What an incredible talent it takes to be able to do this.

Could it be that after he left the Kingdom of Light.

Has the Kingdom of Light given birth to so many talented and talented young people? !
Thinking of this, Beria couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

However, Omega, who has already returned two unique skills, has a particularly vicious look in his eyes.

Beria was in a daze for a moment, but Omega seized the opportunity.

Suddenly a straight sword thrust forward, interspersed in the middle of the ultimate battle instrument to fill the gap.

Then, taking advantage of the trend, he picked up the ultimate combat instrument and flew it out.

Then, before Beria could react, he slashed out two more swords.

Suddenly, a burst of sparks flashed across Beria's chest, and she kept retreating.

However, Beria just patted his chest lightly.

Obviously, such harm to Beria is only minimal.

Beria looked at Omega and said mockingly.

"Is this all you have?! I thought you were so powerful."

"The moves are good, but unfortunately, the strength is not enough."

Speaking of which, Beria seems to have some regrets?
The intensity of ridicule can be said to be full.

When Omega heard this, she calmly put away her lightsaber.

He looked at Beria and said.

"Don't worry, the good show hasn't been staged yet!"

With that said, Omega began to gather energy in his hands.

Intense light gathered on Omega's hands.

As the light dissipated, one could see that in Omega's hands, there was a wheel of light that was like a gear, and a light blade that was dozens of meters long like a crescent moon.

This is the forbidden technique of the Kingdom of Light, the vertical guillotine and the eight-point light wheel.

But Beria couldn't help but be confused when he saw this scene.

As an old Ao, even though he betrayed the Kingdom of Light.

But the famous forbidden techniques of these two kingdoms of light are still very clear.

But Beria didn't understand how Omega managed to hold these two things in his hands.

Looking at the eight-point light wheel constantly rotating in Omega's hand, and the vertical guillotine emitting a cold light.

Beria was a little creepy, but also a little confused, what exactly Omega wanted to do.

However, in the next second, Beria had the answer.

Omega dodged and rushed towards him quickly.

But in an instant, he had already arrived in front of him.

In the next second, the vertical guillotine in Omega's hand slashed towards Beria's head, emitting a cold light.

What the hell!

Beria only felt horrified at this moment. If it weren't for the fact that there were no hairs on his body, he might have stood on end.

He never imagined that these two forbidden techniques could be used in close combat.

Even holding it in hand.

Moreover, he chopped off his head directly. It seemed that he was really going to be beheaded.

For a moment, Beria didn't know who was the evil faction.

Seeing the vertical guillotine getting closer and closer to him.

Beria didn't have time to think too much, and quickly rolled to avoid the vertical guillotine attack.

Seeing the huge cracks on the ground, Beria was about to break out in cold sweat.

Fortunately, he was not cut down, otherwise he would have been transferred to a different place.

However, when Beria just breathed a sigh of relief and raised his head.

But he found that the eight-point light wheel was already in front of him.


 Thank you for your recommendation votes, thank you Xiaosheng


(End of this chapter)

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