Chapter 20 The Lebrondo stars wake up, a hundred monsters.

At this time, Beria, who was in the monster cemetery, was very angry, and the black energy around him was constantly surging, as if it was full of life.

However, Beria did not notice this strange scene at this time.

His heart was filled with resentment.

Beria was extremely angry. The reason why he escaped from prison and risked being sealed again was to rush into the Kingdom of Light.

Besides that deep-rooted resentment, there was another reason.

It is to capture the plasma sparks as the energy to revive the sleeping monsters in the monster cemetery, so as to build a team to conquer the universe.

However, not only did the plasma spark fail to be captured, but it was also seriously injured by Mebius and other Austrian forces.

Let alone conquering the universe, at this time, it is still a problem for him to escape the pursuit of the Kingdom of Light.

Thinking of this, the resentment in Beria's heart was even more full, and he couldn't help shouting to the sky.

"The Kingdom of Light..."

"What a waste!" Just as Beria roared to the sky, a voice suddenly came.

"Who?! Who is talking?!" Beria suddenly turned around like a frightened bird.

Then came the threat of sternness.

"Get out of here if you can, I'm going to tear you into pieces."

Beria is extremely proud, even arrogant.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been expelled from the Kingdom of Light because he was dissatisfied with not being selected as the captain and tried to be contaminated with plasma sparks.

Now that he was suddenly called trash, Beria couldn't hold back his irritable heart anymore, and he wanted to find out the shadowy figure.

"Have you forgotten me?!" However, at this moment, the black energy behind Beria began to gather toward the sky.

A huge figure with two horns on its head and eyes still on the horns slowly appeared.

He looked at Beria and said with interest.

"I was the one who gave you the power of revenge back then, why did you forget me?!"

"It's you, Lebrondo star." Seeing the figure in front of him, Beria suddenly calmed down.

It's not that he thinks that the Lebrondo star is his benefactor, so his subconscious attitude has changed for the better.

In fact, they are mutually beneficial.

Beria needs strength, and Reblondo also needs a temporary home to prevent his soul from dissipating.

There is no relationship of love, only transactions.

Beria looked at Reblondo above his head and asked with some confusion.

"Why did you come out, are you here to see my joke?!"

"But don't forget, we are now in a symbiosis relationship. If I suffer fatal injuries, you will be the first to disappear!"

Saying that, Beria couldn't help but feel a little proud.

In fact, this is also the reason why Beria was able to come out as a demon many times in later generations.

When the Thunderbolt star heard this, he couldn't help but his face darkened.

Then he said coldly.

"How important do you really think you are? Is it worth me to come out and laugh at you?!"

"I'm just worried that the residence I finally found will be damaged!"

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense!" At this time, Beria didn't panic when he saw the Lebrondo star come out on his own initiative.

Even when he opened his mouth to speak.

"Just tell me what to do?! If you don't want to die, resurrect all the monsters here to fight against the Kingdom of Light."

"You don't need to say more." Hearing this, a trace of scarlet flashed in Lebrondo's eyes.

But didn't say much.

Then his body slowly floated towards the sky, but the black energy gathered on his body was slowly sinking.

At the same time, the voice of the Thunderbolt alien also slowed down the monster.

"Monsters sleeping underground, heed my call and wake up!"

After the words fell, a large amount of black air quickly poured into the ground.

Then the monster's soul glowing with green light suddenly fell into the lava and merged with the black air.

The next second, a hundred monsters came to life one after another and appeared in the open space.

There were roars.

However, it is different from the original.

The eyes of the monsters awakened by the Lebrondos are filled with deep resentment.

This is a bit different from the monster that Beria resurrected in the original book.

At this time, the Lebrondo star seems to have consumed too much.

The figure also became particularly weak.

He looked at Beria and said coldly.

"I have resurrected this monster, and I have given you the control. I believe you know what to do."

"do not let me down."

A faint voice came, and after speaking, Rebrando's figure slowly disappeared and fell into a deep sleep again.

At this time, Beria also watched with cold eyes as Reblondo disappeared.

To be honest, he didn't have a great relationship with this guy.

Back then, this guy forced himself into his body.

It also made Beria know what it feels like for a strong man to lock up a man and a man on top of a man.

Apart from the Kingdom of Light, what Beria hates the most in his heart is actually the people from Planet Reblondo.

But these are not the point.

Beria turned to look at the hundred monsters in front of him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise crazily.

Then he raised the ultimate combat instrument in his hand.

"Come back, my hundred monsters."

After the words fell, a hundred monsters turned into light and returned to the ultimate battle instrument.

When Beria saw this, he stroked the ultimate combat device in his hand. It could be said that he couldn't put it down.

Then he couldn't help but laugh wildly in the sky.

"With these one hundred monsters, I can use them to accomplish my plan of the overlord of the universe."

"Uh hahahaha, when the time comes, Kingdom of Light, just wait!"

"No need to wait, we are here!" However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Beria suddenly raised his head, only to find that in the sky, several rays of light flashed across Beria's head like meteors.

Then it fell on the hillside not far away, causing a lot of dust.

"Who is it?!" Beria immediately turned his head, looking warily at the smoke in front of him.

At this moment, the smoke dissipated with the wind, and the figure of Omega Doo slowly appeared.

At the same time, the first generation shouted.

"Beria, just surrender and go back to the cosmic prison."

"Otherwise, don't blame us for being merciless."

"It's up to you to get caught without a fight?!" Hearing this, Beria couldn't help laughing.

Then he spoke.

"If that boy hadn't played me before, the Kingdom of Light would have been destroyed long ago. How could it be your turn to speak like this?!"

"Let me catch you without a fight, do you have the ability?! When that kid comes, I will be a little more afraid."

"Bah!" At this moment, the equally arrogant Zero could not sit still.

He spoke immediately.

"You're Beria, you're so ugly, aren't you?!"

"If you want to exaggerate just like that, if I were you, I would jump to my death a long time ago."

"Sai Luo, don't be careless!" However, upon hearing this, Seven on the side quickly stopped him.

When Zero saw that it was Severn again, he immediately wanted to show off his strength.

Still being stopped by Omega.

"Sai Luo, the enemy is now, don't argue."

"Okay." At this time, Zero was quite well-behaved in front of Omega.

Nodding his head, he stopped talking.

However, at this time, Beria felt that he was underestimated and ignored, especially after being insulted by Sai Luo, he finally couldn't sit still.


 Thank you to QReader Wen Ziyu for your monthly ticket support of Wuxiashu, and thank you all for your continued support.

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(End of this chapter)

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