Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 19 Obtaining Omega Breath, Multi-Form Weapon Conversion

Chapter 19 Obtaining Omega Breath, Multi-Form Weapon Conversion

"We know where it is!" Just when everyone was worrying about where Leonix was.

The first-generation Sai Wen glanced at each other, and then spoke.

"We know that Blue Star has a Leonix named Raymond. He is a just man and is also a member of Blue Star ZAP Panlong."

"He can be trusted."

"Is that so?!" Hearing this, Otto's father nodded thoughtfully.

Then he spoke.

"Then who should we send to find him?"

"I suggest Membius." At this time, Omega stood up and suggested.

"One is that Mebius has been to Blue Star before, and it is not long now. The humans of Blue Star should be familiar with him, and it is easier to persuade the other party to come."

"Secondly, Membius has defeated Beria before. If he goes there rashly, I'm afraid Beria will avoid him."

As he spoke, Omega paused.

"But Beria doesn't know that I taught Mebius the swordsmanship."

"This way, Beria must be careless, and we can catch him off guard."

"Okay, just do what Omega said." Ultra's father couldn't help but nodded after hearing Omega's plan.

"Mebius is going to find the whereabouts of the blue star Raymond."

"And Ace, the first generation, Seven, Leo Astra, you guys followed Master Omega to the monster cemetery to stop Beria's plan."

Said, the father of Ultra looked at other Ultraman.

"As for the others, follow me to lead the Ultra Guard to guard the Kingdom of Light to prevent Beria from making a comeback!"

"Understood." Hearing these words, Zhong Ao Jie nodded firmly.

"What about me?!" However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the corner.

Everyone turned their heads to look, but it was Sai Luo.

He saw that all the Austrians had missions, and he had nothing to do, so he couldn't sit still.

Dang even stood up.

And Ultra's father couldn't help but have a headache when he saw Zero's eagerness to try.

He naturally knew about Sai Luo, Sai Wen's son, and also knew that Sai Luo almost made a big mistake and was assigned to planet K76 for training.

Now King Ao has not spoken, saying that Sero has completed his training.

For a while, he didn't know how to arrange the other party.

"Why don't you let Zero go with us?" Omega on the side saw Ultra's father hesitate and immediately stepped forward.

In the case of Beria, if the protagonist of the original work did not go there, it would lose a lot of flavor.

Thinking of this, Omega spoke.

"This is actually an experience. It should be used to temper Zero's character."

"With so many of us here, nothing will happen to him."

"Alright then!" Hearing what Omega said, Father of Ultra also nodded.

After all, it might not be a bad thing for Sai Luo to go this time.

In particular, Sai Luo almost committed the same mistake as Beria, and it is better to make Sai Luo vigilant.

What's more, with a master like Omega around, safety is not a problem.

Thinking of this, Otto's father also chose to agree.

But he still opened his mouth to remind Sai Luodao.

"Sai Luo, you can go with Master Omega, but you must obey the command and do not act without authorization."

"Understood." Seeing that Otto's father agreed, Sai Luo couldn't help being excited.

However, Severn on the side was a little worried and quickly stepped forward and spoke.

"Captain, is there something wrong?!"

"Hey, what's going on with you old Deng?!" As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Sai Luo didn't want to.

He also recognized it. It was Seven who stopped him at the beginning, then deprived him of his status as an Ultra warrior, and sent him to planet K76 to be tempered.

Although, at this time, Sero already understood what Seven was doing.

But he was still upset, and now he was blocked by Seven again.

He immediately became unhappy and said immediately

"Why don't you let me follow, you can control you?! Master Omega and Mr. Aofu both agreed, it's your turn to intervene?!"

Hearing this, Zhong Ao's eyes were full of strangeness.

Looking at this scene of loving father and filial piety, everyone couldn't help laughing.

They could even imagine the scene of waiting for Severo and his son to recognize each other.

Especially Omega, if he hadn't been Ultraman now, he would have started to grin a long time ago.

But at this moment, Seven couldn't help being angry.

The fist in his hand could not help but clenched tightly.

This pervert!

Although Zero still doesn't know his identity, Severn can't help but be angry.

I can only comfort myself in my heart.

This is biological, not hands-on.

It's hard to recognize each other with your hands.

Thinking of this, Seven barely suppressed his anger.

At this time, Otto's father on the side also opened his mouth to smooth things over.

"Okay, that's it for now, let Sai Luo follow along."

"Just treat it as a training. You must give Young Ao a chance, otherwise it will be difficult to grow."

"Alright then!" Hearing this, Seven had no choice but to nod helplessly.

When Omega saw that the matter was resolved, he spoke.

"Then let's go!"

With that said, he wanted to leave with Zhongao.

"Wait a minute!" But at this moment, Hikari who hadn't spoken for a long time suddenly spoke.

He walked quickly to Omega and spoke.

"Omega-senpai, thank you for teaching Mebius' secret knowledge."

"This is the exclusive weapon he asked me to make for you. It's a teacher apprenticeship ceremony. Please accept it."

With that said, Hikari handed something similar to Mebem's breath to Omega.

The only difference from Mengbeem is that this item is silver.

Just listen to Hikari's introduction.

"I heard from Mebius that you are proficient in all eighteen weapons, so I also followed Mebius' request to develop more weapon forms from the original lightsaber form, and conventional weapons can be converted."

"Since it is developed based on Mebem, let's call it Omega breath."

"Thank you!" Hearing this, Omega did not refuse, and took it into his hand.

"You're welcome." Seeing Omega accept it, Hikari nodded.

"I hope this thing can help you."

"Sure." Omega nodded.

Then turn around and leave.

And the other Duo Ao quickly followed.

With the sound of "cha" and "washing socks", I kept thinking of it.

Zhong Ao's figure disappeared from sight.

At this time, the father of Otto couldn't help sighing as he looked at Zhong Ao's back.

"I hope everyone can return safely, the Kingdom of Light depends on you."


At the same time, in the monster cemetery.

A black figure flew over and landed heavily on the ground.

This is Beria who escaped from the Kingdom of Light.

He was a little embarrassed at this time and looked like he had suffered a lot of injuries.

But the resentment in his eyes didn't diminish in the slightest.

"Country of Light, I will not let you go. Just wait for me."

As he spoke, the black energy on his body kept churning, as if it was alive.


 Thanks to Qreader user Abuder for the monthly pass, thank you very much.

  At the same time, I have the cheek to ask for some recommendation votes or something. Thank you, Xiaosheng.

(End of this chapter)

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