Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 18 Plan to deal with Beria, divide into 3 groups

Chapter 18 Plan to deal with Beria, split into three groups
The Space Guard Headquarters in the Kingdom of Light is very tightly guarded. Every time you pass a threshold, two Ultra Warriors are responsible for verifying your identity.

It is far more rigorous than the Kingdom of Light's scientific research institute in later generations.

After the last checkpoint review, the two Ultra Guard soldiers finished the review.

They all clenched their fists with one hand and hammered at their chests, saluting respectfully.

"Hello, sirs."

"Thank you for your hard work." The leader, Zoffy, nodded.

Then he led Duo Ao into the headquarters of the police force.

At this time, Ultra's father and mother, as well as Hikali, who hurried to the police headquarters to report after being injured, were waiting here early.

Seeing the Ottos coming in, the father of Ultra turned around, looked at the Otto fighters and said.

"Everyone must have experienced the invasion of Beria. It should not be difficult to find that Beria's strength has not weakened after tens of thousands of years of prison life."

"On the contrary, because of the resentment in my heart, it became stronger. If Mengbius hadn't tried to turn the tide, I'm afraid our Kingdom of Light would really perish."

Hearing this, Sophie and Ao felt a little silent.

They were even a little ashamed. As the Otto brothers at the peak of the Kingdom of Light, they didn't stop Beria.

In the end, he relied on his youngest brother Menbius to pull Kuanglan.

For a moment, they, who regarded themselves as elder brothers, felt a little ashamed of their identity as the Otter brothers.

The father of Ultra obviously also saw the guilt in the hearts of the Ultra brothers, and immediately spoke.

"What's wrong?! Are you afraid?!"

"In the face of the biggest crisis in the history of the Kingdom of Light, are you going to back down?!"

"Defend the Kingdom of Light to the death!" Hearing this, Zuofi and Ao quickly puffed up their chests and retorted loudly.

Seeing that Zuo Fei and others had finally gathered their morale, Ultra's father nodded with satisfaction.

Then he spoke again.

"Now Beria has escaped, but we all know that with his temperament, it is absolutely impossible to let go."

"We have to find his location and seal him up again. Do you have any ideas?!"

"This..." Hearing this, Zhong Ao was at a loss for words.

After all, when Beria left the Kingdom of Light.

Sophie and the others are still young, and most of them have only seen Beria from afar, even Leo, Astra, and the young Mebius, who have never even seen Beria before, let alone What to know about Beria.

This made it difficult for them to answer where Beria would hide.

However, when everyone was thinking, a voice suddenly came.

"If I remember correctly, Beria should have fused the soul of the Lebrondo star, and he also has the ultimate combat instrument that can control a hundred monsters in his hand."

"If I were Beria, I would definitely want to find a place where monsters gather to achieve my ambitions, and the only thing that can meet this standard is the monster cemetery where many monsters are sleeping."

After the words fell, Zoffie waited for Autumn to react.

Yes, Belial is definitely in the monster graveyard.

Because only there can it be convenient for Beria to collect a hundred monsters again.

Thinking of this, Zhong Ao's train of thought became clear.

At the same time, Zhongao was also a little curious as to who reacted so quickly.

Turning around to look, only to find that it was Omega.

Immediately, Zoffi and Ou couldn't help but sigh, he is indeed a master.

Not only is his understanding extraordinary, but his thinking is also so quick.

But Ultra's father on the stage did not know Omega, seeing such a young and strange face appearing in the headquarters of the Ultra Guard.

And Zuo Fei and others were still acting normal, and immediately couldn't help but asked in doubt.

"You are……"

"Father, he is Mebius' master, Master Omega!" At this moment, Sophie came to her senses and quickly explained.

"The swordsmanship that Mebius defeated Beria was taught by him!"

"I thought that Master Omega should be able to help in the fight against Beria, so I brought him here privately."

"He is also my and Astra's master." Leo on the side also quickly explained.

"Astra and I also learned a unique skill from Master Omega. He is a master who is proficient in fists and eighteen weapons."

"Even Zero is his apprentice and is learning another unique skill from Master Omega."

"Yes, that's right!" Sai Luo on the side also nodded, and even pinched his nose rebelliously in front of Otto's father.

Seven, who was watching on the sidelines, felt a little dissatisfied.

This pervert!

But this is also normal, even when facing Austrian King, Sai Luo just called him old man.

Not to mention how much respect he had for Otto's father.

The father of Ultra didn't pay attention to Sai Luo's disrespect, but when he heard the explanation from Zhong Ao, he couldn't help but look at Omega.

"So you are Master Omega. I heard Taro told you about you, saying that Taiga is learning a unique skill from you."

"But I didn't expect that you are also the master of Leo Astra and Mebius. It's really unimaginable."

The attitude of Otto's father is very peaceful, and there is even a conversation that treats Omega as an equal or even slightly higher existence.

But this is not surprising.

Although Omega is a younger member of his Kingdom of Light, and is not even a member of the Ultra Guard.

But this universe respects master-level beings.

Every faction has a master, who is regarded as a guest.

Not to mention a master like Omega.

And Omega also returned to calm after the initial excitement.

Then he spoke.

"You are overrated!"

"You are too modest." Father of Ultra shook his head, then looked at Omega and said.

"I wonder what Master Omega thinks of this incident in Beria?!"

"This..." Omega hesitated when he heard this.

But seeing all the Austrians looking at him eagerly, Omega couldn't refuse, so he spoke.

"I think we should divide our forces into three groups."

"First of all, leave a part of the combat force to be responsible for the defense of the Kingdom of Light, in case Beria makes a counterattack."

As soon as Omega said it, several Zoffie and others on the side couldn't help but nodded.

As expected of a master, what he thinks is thoughtful.

Originally, according to their thinking, they would directly dispatch all of them.

Now after listening to Omega, they discovered the loopholes in their plan.

Thinking of this, Zhongao couldn't help but be curious about the following plan.

I saw Omega said again.

"Secondly, send another part of the combat force to delay Beria, at least to prevent his power from taking shape."

"Third, although Beria is possessed by the Leiblondo star, his essence is still Leonix. We need another Leonix to limit his actions to the greatest extent, and with high-end combat power, we can Stop Beria's ambition."

As he spoke, Omega paused.

"It's just that this other Leonix is ​​not easy to find. After all, the universe is so big."

Of course, as a traverser, Omega naturally knew who this so-called Leonix was and where he was.

But in order to conform to his own identity, Omega also concealed it a little.

As for why he was looking for Leonix, this was a backup left by Omega.

After all, now that I travel by myself, some things have been changed, and even Omega doesn't know the details behind it.

In order to avoid accidents, it is still necessary to prepare backup plans.

"Leonix?!" Otto's father couldn't help being troubled when he heard this.

Just because in the entire universe, there are not too many Leonix, and most of them are ferocious ones.

Finding a Leonix who is willing to cooperate with their justice is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, at this moment, two figures stood up.

"We know where it is!"


 Thank you for the two monthly tickets from the ice cream sticks, and thank you for the recommendation tickets from everyone, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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