Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 17 Omega's identity is exposed, the name of the master is confirmed

Chapter 17 Omega's identity is exposed, the name of the master is confirmed
"Belia escaped from prison?!" Leo and Astra suddenly raised their heads when they heard the words of the Otto guards.

Apparently neither of them knew.

After all, when they came back this time, they did not inform the high-level officials of the Kingdom of Light.

It's just because Ao Wang let Sai Luo see the master Omega.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Light did not know that they were coming back, but only summoned the high-level officials and guards who were still in the Kingdom of Light to stop Beria.

Thinking of this, Leo and Astra were a little anxious.

Even when he opened his mouth and said.

"No, we have to rush to support!"

"I'll go too!" At this time, Omega couldn't help being excited.

Now that he has finally reached the level of an elite fighter, he is worried that he has no opponent.

It is an opportunity for Beria to escape from prison.

As he spoke, he wanted to follow up.

"We're going too!" However, at this moment, Sai Luo and Taija Zeta couldn't sit still.

He looked eager to follow.

"Nonsense!" But at this moment, Omega suddenly reprimanded.

"You are only intermediate fighters now, why join in the fun?!"

"Follow the security team and go to evacuate!"

"What about me?!" Sai Luo on the side made a doubtful voice.

He spoke quickly.

"I'm already an elite fighter, so I should be able to go with you."

"This..." Hearing this, Omega hesitated.

Then he looked at Leo and Astra beside him.

Strictly speaking, these two are Sai Luo's masters, and how to arrange it depends on the two of them.

"Let him go!" Seeing this, Leo and Astra nodded.

Then he spoke.

"Just let him practice and practice, this is also Wang's intention, lest he be so ambitious!"

"Then let's go!" Seeing that neither Leo nor Astra stopped him, Omega naturally didn't say anything.

Nodding his head, he rushed out of the training ground with Jiao and flew towards the plasma spark tower.

The strength of Omegagio has already reached that of an elite fighter, so it doesn't take long for this distance.

But after a while, they have already arrived at the plasma spark tower.

But around the Spark Tower, a group of injured Ultraman supported each other to stand up.

Only a few seemed unharmed,
Leo and Astra couldn't help being surprised, they hurried forward, looked at Ace and said.

"Ace, has Beria rushed into the plasma spark tower?! Let's go in and support it."

"Ah?!" At this time, Ace was a little confused, turned his head, but found that it was Leo and Astra.

He spoke immediately.

"Leo, Astra, when did you come back?!"

"Don't worry, Beria has been defeated."

"Defeated?! Really?!" Hearing this, Leo and Astra couldn't believe it.

Although they are not native Ultra fighters of the Kingdom of Light.

But anyway, I have heard of Beria's reputation.

This formidable enemy who almost destroyed the Kingdom of Light and was finally sealed by King Austria's action, was defeated so easily.

For a moment, it was unbelievable.

Not far away, Omega was a little disappointed when he heard Ace's words.

You know, Beria is the driving force behind his progress this month.

Now he was defeated so easily? !
How is this different from the original description? !

Could it be that the plot was changed because he came here through time travel? !
At this time, seeing that Leo and Astra still didn't believe it, Ace immediately spoke.

"Of course this is true, would I still lie to you?!"

"Of course, the main credit is not us, but Mebius?!"

"Mebius?!" Leo and Astra couldn't believe it when they heard this.

Especially Leo, he never imagined that the power of the Kingdom of Light was resolved by Mebius, who couldn't even bear his own kick.

"Of course!" However, Ace nodded heavily at this time, then pulled Mebius aside and said.

"He solved it. To be honest, I didn't expect it either."

"I haven't seen Mengbius make a move in such a long time, and he is so powerful."

"Ahem!" Hearing Ace praise himself again, Mebius couldn't help being a little shy.

Immediately scratching his head, he spoke.

"Actually, it's not all due to me. It's mainly because a master taught me the stunt. I learned it at a critical moment, and I defeated Beria."

"Unfortunately, at the last moment, he was still allowed to escape."

"A master..." Hearing this, Leo and Astra were thoughtful.

Especially Leo, why does he feel so familiar.

Thinking of this, Leo turned his head and looked at the Omega hidden among the many Ultraman not far away.

"Senior Omega, please come here."

"Okay." Omega also nodded when he heard the call, and walked over.

As for why it didn't pass at the beginning, Omega believed that this was a dialogue between the high-level officials of the Kingdom of Light, and it was inappropriate for him to rush there.

Now that Leo called him, Omega didn't hesitate, and walked over immediately.

Omega, who came to Leo, hadn't asked anything yet.

Then Leo grabbed his arm, and then Leo looked at Mebius and asked.

"The master you are talking about is him?!"

"That's right!" Mebius was stunned when he saw Omega.

Then he hurriedly asked.

"Brother Leo, how do you know Senior Omega?!"

"Hehe, that's a long story." Hearing this, Leo and Astra couldn't help shaking their heads.

Just as he was about to continue talking, he was suddenly pulled aside.

"Don't tell me it's a long story!"

Leo just wanted to get angry to see who was so rude.

Looking up, he found that it was his wronged master Sai Wen, as well as Zuo Fei and other Ott brothers.

They surrounded Omega one after another, their eyes full of interest.

He also kept asking Omega.

"Master Omega, are you really proficient in eighteen weapons, fists and feet as Mebius said?!"

"I heard from Mengbius that you can also fight left and right, which can be called the strongest stunt. Is it true?!"

"That's right, Master Omega, is it difficult to learn the left-right fighting technique? Can you teach me?!"

"Master Omega, what do you think about the development of melee light?!"

"I heard that Taiga, the son of Tai Luo, has become your apprentice, Master Omega. I don't know if I have a chance?!"


Seeing Zhongao's enthusiastic appearance, Omega didn't know how to react.

After all, the Ultras present here are all high-level officials of the Kingdom of Light, but now they are like elementary school students, surrounding Omega and asking questions.

So that Omega doesn't know how to react.

Fortunately, Tai Luo was seriously injured and had been sent for treatment.

Otherwise, Omega would not know how to react.

But Omega couldn't react even to the scene in front of him.

Fortunately, at this moment, a golden light quickly flew into the air and turned into a string of words.

This attracted Zhong Ao's reaction.

"It's Otto's signature!" As the boss, Sophie said when she saw Otto's signature in front of her.

"The captain asked us to go to the security team to attend a meeting to deal with Beria's escape."

So saying, Sophie looked at Omega again.

"Senior Omega, please go with us."

"Okay!" Omega nodded.

As soon as the words fell, Zhong Ao flew into the air and flew towards the headquarters of the Otto Guard.

Only the voices of "cha" and "washing socks" are still echoing!

 Thank you Xinlan xl, my younger brother, the two big bosses of Xiangji Temple for sending the monthly pass, and also thank the other big bosses for the recommendation tickets, Xiaosheng is very grateful.

  I was a little confused yesterday, so I forgot to thank you, please forgive me

(End of this chapter)

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