Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 16 Promote to Elite Warrior, Return Dugu 9 Swords

Chapter 16 Promote Elite Warrior, Return Dugu Nine Swords

At the same time, in the Ott training ground.

On the fighting arena, a fierce battle is going on.

Leo and Astra shot together, against Luo in the final.

The two sides kept colliding, and it seemed that they could faintly hear the sonic boom brought by the actions of the two sides.

It's just a little unexpected that Sero was able to survive the joint attack of Leo and Astra.

This is really surprising.

You know, in the original work, Sai Luo's performance at this time has not been so strong.

Although Zero's expressiveness in the original work is not bad, and he can also compete with Leo and Astra, he is far from this natural.

Not to mention, Leo also learned how to fight left and right, and even Astra has figured out some tricks, which can be regarded as an introduction, but he is not so proficient, but his strength is still greatly improved.

Facing Leo and Astra's double flashes of Ultra, one fast and one slow, Zero no longer thought about fighting head-on, but quickly dodged them.

Omega seems to have seen the change in Sero's mentality.

"It seems that Sai Luo has indeed grown a lot."

As he spoke, he looked at the stunned Zeta and Taiga who were looking aside again.

"How about it, have you seen the strength of the strongest genius in the former Kingdom of Light?!"

"Hey, it's a good thing we didn't really have a conflict with him." Hearing what Omega said, Taiga and Zeta came back to their senses, both feeling a little scared.

Taiga couldn't help but speak.

"Thinking about it, I'm a little scared. If we really do it, I'm afraid we'll all be gone."

"Humph, what's the matter?!" However, Zeta on the side was still unconvinced and retorted.

"Don't look at him looking powerful, in my heart, he is not as good as a finger of Senior Omega."

"That's it, even if I let him punch me, I still won't be convinced. I still want him to kneel on the ground and beg me not to die!"

Said, Zeta paused again.

"Besides, it's not that we can't do it. I have a feeling that I've almost mastered my left and right fighting skills, and it won't necessarily be who wins when the time comes!"

"Stop talking big, Sai Luo is an elite fighter." When Omega heard this, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Of course, I don't know if it's a problem after Leo returned his skills.

Now Taiga and Zeta are getting better and better at drawing squares with one hand and circles with the other.

If he guessed correctly, he should be close to learning how to fight left and right.

But when it comes to dealing with Sai Luo, it's still a lot worse.

Thinking of this, Omega shook his head.

Seeing that the battle between Cerro Sanao is coming to an end.

Omega looked at Taiga and Zeta and said.

"Okay, let's train hard. In addition to the left-right fighting technique, the basics must not be left behind."

"Don't overestimate the left-right fighting skills. There is a huge gap between intermediate warriors and elite warriors."

"Okay, Senior Omega." Hearing this, Taiga and Zeta quickly put themselves into training again.

The battle between Zero and Leo Astra finally came to an end.

Cyro lost.

But it's also very good, being able to persist for so long under the joint efforts of Leo and Astra.

Even Sophie, the eldest of the Otto brothers, dare not say that she can do it.

Seeing Sanao stepping off the fighting ring, Omega stepped forward.

"Siro, failed again, how do you feel?!"

But at this time, when Zero heard this, he felt that he could not lose even if he lost.

"Tch, if these two hadn't learned the art of fighting each other, it's not certain who would win."

Hearing this, Leo and Astra couldn't help but shook their heads.

Although Zero's character has improved a lot, his arrogant look is still the same as before.

Everyone who saw it wanted to go up and have a big fight between the two.

But the two Olympics didn't say anything, after all, Sai Luo was telling the truth.

"You still have to work harder!" Omega couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this.

"If you continue like this, you will learn how to fly the knife with Xiao Li, but it will be a long time coming!"

"Hey, don't worry." Hearing this, Zero still looked calm on the surface.

But I was still a little unconvinced.

He looked at Omega and said.

"In other words, compared to comparing with these two guys, I actually want to fight with you, Senior Omega, to see more of your unique skills."

"It's a pity, you are still a senior warrior, it is unfair to fight you after all."

"There will be a chance!" Omega was not angry, but his tone was flat.

However, at this moment, Omega's ears suddenly heard a cold prompt from the system.

[Ding, your apprentice Mebius has learned the Dugu Nine Swords, and returned the skill of the Dugu Nine Swords to the host, which has been learned automatically! 】

[Ding, you already have three elite warrior apprentices, and you are returning your strength. Congratulations to the host for becoming an elite warrior! ] (Note: Astra has started to fight left and right)

As soon as the words fell, Omega's aura changed, and the unsuspecting Ceroleo and Astra were shocked and took several steps back.

At the same time, insights about swordsmanship continued to flood into his mind.

"Fuck?!" At this time, Sai Luo was a little confused.

As soon as he said that Omega was not an elite fighter, Omega immediately broke through to an elite fighter.

Also reached the peak of the elite.

For a moment, Sai Luo wondered if he was talking about it, just say it.

But even so, God, you don't have to give face like this, do you? !
He's just talking, and he's not stupid.

An existence that can be called a master, not to mention the same level as him, even a level lower than him, can smash him.

Originally, he thought that when Omega was promoted to the elite, he didn't know what state he would reach, and he could still use the same excuse.

Now that Omega is in the same realm as him, what should he do? !

Compared with the shock and entanglement in Sai Luo's heart, Leo and Astra beside him were not so exaggerated.

After all, in their view, the existence that can become a master.

What is this? !
Not to mention the breakthrough from the early stage of advanced warrior to the peak of elite.

Even if the elite breaks through to the legendary realm in the early stage.

They are no exception.

Accumulate well!
Just when all the Austrians were thinking about it, Omega also came back to his senses at this time.

He spoke slowly.

"I feel good now."

At this time, Omega finally felt safe in his heart.

Just the strength of the elite peak is enough for him to face the Beria crisis that may occur later.

Not to mention, there are some blessings of left and right fighting skills and Dugu Nine Swords.

It's not Omega, let him face Beria alone now, he dares to charge up alone, this is the confidence brought by strength.

Of course, what makes Omega realize his strength the most is the system's attribute panel.

【Host: Omega】

[Identity: Member of Kingdom of Light, Ultra Warrior]

[Strength: Elite Warrior (Peak)]

[Apprentices: Taiga, Zeta, Leo, Astra, Mebius. 】

[Teaching moves: Zhama step, left and right fighting skills, Dugu nine swords! 】

[Special Attributes: Strange strength, stable as a mountain, multitasking, sword of the heart, seeing through weaknesses, being able to handle weights and weights with ease! 】

Looking at the somewhat luxurious attribute panel, Omega just wanted to run to Belia and point to his nose.

"Tell me, how could I lose?!"

Of course, Taiga and Zeta should be the happiest compared to others.

At this time, the two of them walked up to Sai Luo one after another, and said proudly.

"Sai Luo, didn't you say you want to compete with Senior Omega?! You can do it now?!"

"This..." At this time, when Zero heard this, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

But he hesitated in his heart.

He didn't want to really get beaten up by Omega.

After all, strictly speaking, both Leo and Astra can be regarded as Omega's apprentices.

The apprentices are all so powerful.

Not to mention Master Omega who has become an elite warrior.

Thinking of this, Sai Luo hesitated, but he didn't know how to refuse without losing face.

At this moment, the Otto training ground suddenly shook, and a huge bolt of lightning struck the ceiling of the training ground.

At the same time, at the gate of the training ground, a staggering soldier from the Ott Guard suddenly ran over.

reminded loudly.

"Beria has escaped from prison and has entered the Kingdom of Light. Captain Zoffie is leading a resistance. Please ask ordinary Ultra residents and students to find a safe place to hide!"


 There may be some timing misalignment regarding this chapter from the previous one.

  For example, when Omega was returned, it was when Mebius had just realized the Dugu Nine Swords.

  The lightning strike on the training ground was also a random attack when Beria escaped in the last chapter.

  Forgive me, there may be such problems in the portrayal of group portraits.

(End of this chapter)

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