Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 15 Beria escapes, Omega is about to be exposed

Chapter 15 Beria escapes, Omega is about to be exposed
"Belia, don't forget, there's me!" Mebius stood up slowly at this time, aiming the lightsaber at Beria.

He looked at Beria and said firmly.

"With me here, don't even think about going!"

"Oh?!" Beria slowly turned his head and saw that it was Membius, and he couldn't help but be a little confused.

"Boy, don't you support me?!"

"Or, you are an elite fighter, are you really good at fighting?!"

Speaking of this, Beria also figured it out.

It turns out that Membius was not acting just now, but was a real person.

Thinking of this, Beria couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Eh ha ha ha ha, boy, with your strength, how dare you speak such wild words?!"

"You'll know if you have the strength or not!" However, Mebius snorted coldly, and then rushed towards Belia with his sword.

But when Beria saw Membius attacking, he didn't pay attention.

After all, in his opinion, Mebius can accidentally injure his teammates in a fight, so he is obviously not very capable.

Thinking of this, Beria just held the ultimate combat instrument in both hands and swung it towards Membius.

However, unexpectedly, Mebius reacted instantly.

With the blade in front of him, he quickly approached Beria with a combat instrument.

And with a swipe, it hit Beria hard.

Unpredictable for a moment, Beria was hit so that sparks splashed out, and even took a few steps back.

He looked at Mebius in front of him in disbelief.

"How dare you rape me?!"

In his opinion, Mebius's operation like a rookie before was confusing him.

When he relaxed his vigilance, he suddenly exposed his strength and caught him by surprise.

Thinking of this, Beria stroked the place where the spark had just been hit, and sneered.

"But that's fine, I haven't had fun yet."

As soon as the subject changed, Beria also became serious.

I saw him holding the ultimate combat device and rushing towards Membius quickly.

Not to be outdone, Mebius fought with Belial with a lightsaber in his hand.

For a while, the sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping-pong" continued to sound.


Facing Beria's offensive, Mebius did not lose the wind, and even vaguely gained the upper hand.

I saw Mebius holding a lightsaber and constantly hitting Belial.

This also caused Beria to have no way to exert all the power of the ultimate combat instrument.

At this time, Mebius was getting more and more excited as he fought.

The lightsaber in his hand kept waving and changing, and Beria was so overwhelmed that he couldn't lift his head.

Now he finally felt the strength of Dugu Nine Swords.

I finally understand why what Omega said can't be taught but can only be understood by myself.

Because although the learned moves are easy, they are also the easiest to be solidified.

Only by understanding the essence of Omega's mouth can one comprehend the essence.

But at this time, Beria was getting more and more frustrated with the beating.

Weapons are one inch long and one inch strong, and one inch short and one inch dangerous.

As the ultimate combat instrument like a long stick, it is easy to fall into a disadvantage when facing close combat.

After being glued, the long stick can't be played at all.

And Mebius stuck to his side like a loach, making it impossible for him to take advantage of the long stick.

Whenever he wanted to distance himself, Membius always quickly got close to him without giving him a chance.

Moreover, Mebius' swordsmanship is very exquisite, and he blocked his attacks several times.

Thinking of this, Beria became more and more frightened, and the movements of his hands gradually became messy.

"Good opportunity!" At this moment, Mebius suddenly caught Beria's flaw.

He swung his sword fiercely and stabbed Beria in the chest. When Beria retreated hastily, Membius took advantage of the situation with his sword and picked out the ultimate combat device in Beria's hand.

"Damn it!" Seeing that the ultimate combat instrument was shot down not far away, Beria became a little anxious.

I hurriedly wanted to go forward and grab it back.

However, at this moment, a bright light appeared in front of him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Mebius, well done!"

A voice came, and I turned my head to look, but it was three figures walking out of the plasma spark tower.

It was Ace Eddie Jack Sano who was on duty inside the plasma spark tower.

They saw that Beria hadn't come in for a long time, and there was still fighting outside.

Finally unable to hold back, he walked out of the tower.

But it was discovered that Beria was crushed and beaten by Mebius and disarmed.

This surprised them a little.

Others don't know, how could they old Ao not know how powerful Beria is.

If King Ao hadn't taken action back then, I'm afraid the Kingdom of Light would have really destroyed Beria.

How can they not be surprised that Mebius can beat Beria now.

But it was not the time to think about it. Seeing that Beria was about to snatch back the weapon, they finally couldn't help but make a move.

At this moment, Mebius couldn't help scratching his head when he heard Ace Sanao's praise.

Just as he was about to say something modest, Beria's voice suddenly came.

"Damn it, do you want to stop me too?!"

"Then let's die together!"

With that said, Beria rushed towards Membius and the others.

"Let's leave it to us!" Seeing this, Ace put on fighting poses one after another.

Attacked towards Beria.

Beria, who had no weapons, was naturally much weaker, facing a French king like Ace, Eddie, who was known as the Almighty King, and Jack on the side.

Naturally, he was at a disadvantage.

As Ace hit Beria with a vertical guillotine, Beria was also hit hard and lay motionless on the ground.

"It's finally solved!" Seeing Beria's defeat, Zoffie Seven's first generation Sanao, who was lying on the ground, stood up one after another.

Can't help but sigh.

"Yeah, the crisis in Kingdom of Light has finally disappeared."

"Fortunately, the king didn't make a move this time!"

"Yeah!" All the Austrians nodded and couldn't help but agree.

And Sophie looked at Mebius with a smile, and praised.

"Of course, thanks to Mebius this time, if he hadn't shot down Beria's weapon, I'm afraid we would be really in danger this time."

"Not bad!" The first generation of Seven also nodded.

Then Seven looked at Mebius with some doubts, and said.

"But why do you want to hide your strength, Mebius? Wouldn't it be better to defeat Beria directly from the beginning?!"

"Actually, it's not about hiding strength." Hearing this, Mebius felt a little embarrassed.

"At first, I forgot about the moves because I was learning a special skill. Fortunately, I finally understood it at the critical moment."

"This secret skill was taught to me by a master, and he is from our Kingdom of Light!"

"Oh, yes..." After hearing this, Zhongao became interested.

There is actually a master in the Kingdom of Light. How come they don't know about it.

Just as he was about to ask, there was a sudden movement from the side.

I saw Belia exuding black energy all over his body, slowly standing up, and the ultimate combat instrument seemed to be summoned.

Fly back in Beria's hands.

Beria held the combat instrument and covered the sky with a bolt of Gaynor lightning.

I saw countless lightning attacks hitting the surrounding buildings.

Caused a riot.

And taking advantage of this moment, Beria soared into the sky and fled quickly.

Only one sentence remains.

"Just wait, I will definitely come back, when I come back, it will be the time when the Kingdom of Light will perish!"

As he spoke, he disappeared from Zhong Ao's sight.

"I'm going to chase him right now!" Mebius who was on the side wanted to chase Beria.

But was stopped by Sophie, who shook his head.

Then he spoke.

"No, this matter has to be discussed in the long run, so as not to be ambushed."

"Yes!" Severn on the side also nodded in agreement, then looked at Membius and said.

"By the way, Mebius, you haven't told us who the master of the Kingdom of Light is?! We can invite him. With him, we will be more confident in pursuing Beria."


(End of this chapter)

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