Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 14 The whole army is wiped out, Mengbius understands the sword technique

Chapter 14 The whole army is wiped out, Mengbius understands the sword technique

"Uh hahahaha!" Just when Shikari was confused, Beria, who had come back to his senses, laughed wildly.

He looked at Membius with interest and said.

"Is it possible that I still have prestige in the Kingdom of Light, and you are my supporter, boy, so you are helping me now?!"

"Unexpectedly, I have decided that when I destroy the Kingdom of Light, you will be my vanguard general to conquer the universe in the future!"

Hearing this, Zhong Ao's eyes on Mebius changed.

At this time, Membius also panicked, and immediately looked at Hikali and said.

"Hikali, listen to me, this is not the case."

"I forgot how to use the sword for a while, and even the moves, so I accidentally cut you."

"Boy, don't explain." When Beria heard this, he interrupted.

"Your reason is too far-fetched. As an elite warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles, how could he not know how to fight?"

"Stand behind me obediently. Don't worry, I will protect you."

At this time, Beria had even decided that Mebius was his supporter.

After all, he could see that Mebius had the aura of an elite warrior.

And if you can reach this level, how can you forget how to fight.

He also thought that Mumbius was afraid of so many Ultramen around him, so he specifically asked Mumbius to hide behind him.

"Beria, shut up!" However, what Beria didn't expect was that when Mombius heard his words, he shouted angrily on the spot.

He even pulled out his sword on the spot and rushed towards Beria.

However, looking staggering and unfamiliar, he looked like he was acting.

At this time, Mebius was also a little aggrieved.

Why did he forget the moves at this time?

Normally, it would be too late for him to be happy.

Because this is the basic requirement for learning Dugu Nine Swords that Omega said.

For this basic requirement, he didn't know how much effort he had put in.

It happened that at this time, Beria escaped from prison.

Looking at the distrust that flashed in the eyes of many ordinary Ultra fighters around.

Mengbiyous could not bear the grievance in his heart.

For a moment, he held the sword like a moth to the flame and rushed towards Beria.

Fortunately, the well-informed first-generation Ultra brothers saw that something was wrong with Mebius.

He quickly stopped Mebius.

Although I don't know what caused Mebius to be like this.

But they couldn't bear to see Mebius die.

Thinking of this, the first generation stretched out his hand to stop Mebius, and then spoke.

"Mebius, leave it to us, please calm down for a while."

With that said, the first-generation Severnzo Fisan'o attacked Beria.


"This is interesting!" Beria suddenly became more excited when he saw the familiar San'ao.

Holding the ultimate combat device, he attacked Sanao.

San'ao's cooperation was very tacit, and he was on par with Beria at the beginning.

This actually made Beria a little impressed.

When he left the Kingdom of Light, these Sanao were still very immature.

Not even his one-in-one enemy.

Now he can actually contain himself.

This surprised Beria.

In normal times, he could still play with Seven and the others in a wicked way.

But now Beria's heart is full of resentment, and he just wants to destroy the Kingdom of Light quickly.

Naturally, I don’t want to tangle with them.

Thinking of this, Beria's eyes glowed red.

Then, taking advantage of the gap between Sanao's attacks, he soared directly into the sky.

"Stop him!" Zuofi and the other three thought that Beria was going to run away, so they immediately jumped into the air.

Chased towards Beria.

What I didn't expect was that Beria suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Then it swooped in suddenly.

"No!" By the time Zuofi and the others noticed Beria's intentions, it was already too late.

Beria rushed over quickly, swung the combat instrument in his hand, and hit the first generation's abdomen.

In an instant, the first generation immediately lost its combat effectiveness.

The remaining Zuofi and Severn were naturally unable to cope with Beria.

For a time, the battle became more difficult.

(To be honest, when I watched the original drama, I felt that the Kingdom of Light was releasing water, and I had to send it in batches!)

At this time, Mebius was holding Hikari with a resentful look while watching the battle above his head.

When they saw that the first generation was defeated, Severn and Zoffie were at a disadvantage.

Membius couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Ah~ Membius, you pinched me!" But he didn't want to squeeze, but he grabbed Hikari's wound. Suddenly Hikari let out a cry of pain and quickly spoke to remind him.

"Sorry, sorry." Mombius looked at Hikari's painful look and quickly let go of his hand.

But my heart is still very urgent.

Membius couldn't calm down when he thought that he couldn't help.

Damn it, if only he hadn't forgotten the moves.

But as of now, there is nothing we can do.

If he wanted to be a reference, he had to learn to fight again.

The only shortcut now is to learn the Dugu Nine Swords.

Thinking of this, Membius forced himself to calm down.

Then thoughts raced through my mind.

Omega's words kept echoing in Mebius's heart.

Swordsmanship should be unpredictable, not fixed.

Look at the sword is not a sword, no sword is better than a sword!
Lift a heavy weight as if it were light, lift a light weight as if it were heavy, and know how heavy it is!

Swordsmanship is not only a move, but also an artistic conception.

As Mebius continued to reflect on Omega's words, the aura on his body became more and more unpredictable.

So much so that Hikari beside him seemed to be unable to see Mengbius clearly.

At the same time, in the sky, the battle between Beria and Sanao also came to an end.

The first generation was defeated as soon as it came up, and Severn was also defeated by Beliageno Lightning.

As for Zoffie, he is the worst.

Not to mention the destructive light bullets fired directly from the tip of the combat instrument.

Belia was also used as a cushion when landing and stepped heavily on his feet.

As the figure fell to the ground, Zuo Fei was beaten into a trance.

Even under the irradiation of the plasma spark tower, the red light was flashed.

The sound of "ding dong ding dong" seemed to remind him that the invincible Zoffi fell again.

"Uh ha ha ha ha!" At this time, Beria saw that no one could stop him, and he couldn't help laughing wildly.

Then he turned around and prepared to walk into the plasma spark tower.

However, at this moment, a clear and firm voice sounded.

"I finally understand, is this the secret of swordsmanship?!"

"Beria, stop!"

Beria turned his head, only to find that it was Mebius.

He slowly placed Hikari on the ground, then raised the lightsaber in his hand and pointed it at Beria.

"Don't forget, there's me too!"


(End of this chapter)

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