Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 13 Beria escaped from prison, Mebius who forgot his moves

Chapter 13 Beria escaped from prison, Mebius who forgot his moves

"Uh hahahahahaha!"

Beyond the Land of Light, the cosmic prison.

A black figure was holding a long stick-like weapon, standing in the open space and laughing wildly.

Behind him, the corpses of two Ultraman and an alien were lying on the ground.

"This uncle is finally out!"

As he said that, the black figure looked down at the planet emitting green light, and his scarlet eyes revealed strong resentment.

"The Kingdom of Light! Today is the day of your destruction!"

The black figure exuded aura, forming a strong aura, and dust scattered around the town.

Just when the black figure was proud, several rays of light suddenly fell. The black figure hurriedly resisted, and the sound of wind suddenly came from the sky.

Look up.

Dozens of Ultra fighters quickly surrounded the black figure, among which Tai Luo, the leader, took the lead and stopped in front of the black figure.

"Belia, go back to where you should be!"

"It's just right. It came in time." When Beria heard this, he laughed wildly.

"Just for me to warm up!"

"Let's go together!" Seeing Beria's obsession, Tai Luo was also unambiguous.

With one order, he led dozens of Ultraman to besiege Beria together.

But the results are predictable.

Beria is also a veteran Ultraman after all, and was possessed by the Lebrondo star, and his strength has been greatly improved.

The so-called blackening is ten times stronger.

So how can this kind of miscellaneous brand be able to resist.

In just a moment, he had already defeated all the miscellaneous players around him.

Beria can even block light with one hand.

This huge gap also surprised Taylor.

However, Taylor did not hesitate and immediately threw off the cloak.

Fighting towards Beria together.

The two fought from the bottom to the flat, looking like they were evenly matched.

Even Taylor seemed to have the upper hand.

However, this is just Beria playing with Taylor. After all, tens of thousands of years of prison life really made Beria feel bored.

As Taylor punched Beria again, it did not cause any damage.

Beria finally became impatient.

"You bastard, are you tickling me?!"

After the words fell, Beria waved the ultimate combat instrument, and knocked Taro away with a stick.

At this time, Tai Luo also saw the gap, knowing that with his own strength, there was no way to stop Beria.

Even if it is a plan, it comes from the heart.

I saw Taro shout loudly.

"Don't be too complacent, Beria!"

As he spoke, Taylor took a stance and began to gather energy in his hands.

Colored light burst out immediately.

This is one of Taro's signature light skills - Stream Light!
Of course, it is the simplified version.

But even so, facing the light emitted by Tai Luo, who was already the peak of the elite fighter, Beria naturally couldn't block it with his bare hands like before.

He could only escape by jumping.

However, this fell right into Taro's hands.

While Beria was still in the air, he couldn't change his strength.

Tyro rushed towards Beria, hugged Beria directly, pushed out of the cosmic prison, and fell heavily towards the Kingdom of Light.


At the same time, the top leaders of the Kingdom of Light have received the news.

They all rushed to wait in front of the plasma spark tower.

They looked up at the sky one after another, but they saw it in the sky.

A huge fireball fell from the sky, but within a short time, it had already landed heavily on the ground.

Suddenly, the ground collapsed.

"It really hurts!" Beria pinched Taylor's neck with one hand, and moved his muscles and bones lightly.

Then, looking at the two big horns on Taro's head, Beria was a little puzzled.

"By the way, what does this guy have to do with Jian?!"

"Taylor!" At this time, the Ultra fighters couldn't help shouting when they saw Tailuo's miserable state.

This also attracted Beria's attention, and he no longer cared about Taylor's identity.

Throwing Taylor away, he looked at the Ultramans and said.

"My uncle just came back, is there such a big battle?!"

"But this much is just enough for me to warm up!"

As he spoke, Beria held the ultimate combat instrument and walked slowly towards Zhong Ao.

Seeing this, all the Austrians also took up fighting positions and rushed towards Beria.

But Beria, who holds the ultimate combat instrument, has greatly improved his strength.

Faced with the siege of many Ultraman, Beria did not panic at all.

Just by swinging a stick, several Ultraman around will be knocked into the air.

Another Beria shot, and the tip of the ultimate combat device emitted an orange-red destructive light bullet.

Many miscellaneous brands in the rear were also knocked into the air.

Even if there are more difficult characters, such as Naos.

It also only takes one shot of Gaynor Lightning.

Even for Max, who is known as the fastest and strongest, Beria only needs two sticks to solve it.

Seeing that Beria has begun to kill everyone, there are fewer and fewer Ultraman around who can fight.

At this time, Hikali couldn't sit still.

He looked at Mebius at the side and said.

"Mebius, let's go up together and let this guy see the strength of our two swords!"

Hikali felt confident inside.

Back then when they were in Blue Star, the Ampera Stars were once defeated by them.

No matter how strong Beria is, in Hikali's eyes.

After such a long prison time, Beria's strength should have dropped a lot.

He has confidence.

"No!" However, Mebius was a little flustered at this time.

If it had been before, with his hot-blooded personality, he would have charged directly at Hikari.

However, he had just learned the Dugu Nine Swords taught by Omega, and he had completely forgotten all the moves he had learned according to Omega's instructions.

If you rush up at this time, wouldn't you just deliver the food? !
Thinking of this, Membius wanted to remind him.

"Hikali, I..."

However, before he finished speaking, Hikari had already rushed forward.

"What about me, it's time to rush!"

Seeing Hikari taking the lead, Mebius was stunned.

Damn it, who is this scientist? !

Don't you hesitate and rush forward? !
Mebius couldn't help but had a headache, but there was nothing he could do.

Who let him dote on the old...brother.

Thinking of this, Membius could only rush forward.

"Just die!"

Mebius and Hikari drew out their lightsabers one after another, and rushed towards Beria.

But at the beginning, something went wrong.

I saw Hikari swinging the sword in his hand towards Beria, but Beria easily dodged it.

At this time, Mebius also followed suit and drew his sword.

But he, who had forgotten his moves, went straight with his sword.

Facing Beria's sudden avoidance, Membius couldn't react at all.

This sword slashed directly on Hikari's chest, causing sparks.

For a moment, Shikali was surrounded.

He looked at Mebius with some disbelief.

What's the situation? !

Cut it yourself? !

Mebius, do you have a baby outside, so you want to kill his first wife? !


(End of this chapter)

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