Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 12 You Asked Me to Teach You Xiao Li Flying Knife, You Don't Even Say Please!

Chapter 12 You Asked Me to Teach You Xiao Li Flying Knife, You Don't Even Say Please!
For Taiga and Zeta to defend themselves so much, Omega is still very moved.

It seems that these two guys are still thinking about the relationship between master and apprentice in the past few months.

To be able to stand up and support Omega at this time.

This was something Omega didn't expect.

But Omega was a little worried. Although Zeta and Taiga were full of arrogance, it was obvious that Zero in front of him was even more arrogant.

Especially looking at the suit of armor on Sai Luo, it can be seen that this guy's character has not yet been tempered.

Sure enough, upon hearing Taiga and Zeta's questioning, Sai Luo immediately said coldly.

"Hey, is this the current younger generation of the Kingdom of Light? It seems that the strength of each generation is not as good as that of the previous generation, but this is quite high-spirited."

"Why, do you have an opinion on what I said?!"

"Huh, of course I have opinions!" Taijia and Zeta are also newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers.

Seeing Sai Luo stiffen his neck and speak.

"Why do you question Senior Omega?!"

"Why can't I question it?!" Zero chuckled and then said.

"It is said that he created the left and right fighting technique, but he said that he can't teach me. What kind of master is this?!"

"How come you're not a master?!" Taiga and Zeta said, not to be outdone.

"Omega-senpai has a lot of unique skills in fists, feet, and eighteen kinds of weapons, and every one of them is not inferior to the left-right fighting technique."

"To say you can't learn is just to say you're not talented enough!"

After the words fell, Omega's heart suddenly jumped.

Damn it, these two guys are really his good apprentices, they can spread such words to others.

That's all for Mebius, he overheard it himself.

Now it's these two fools who have been exposed.

Omega has something bad in his heart.

Sure enough, Zero's eyes lit up a bit at this moment, obviously full of interest.

On the other hand, Leo and Astra, although calm, were faintly agitated.

I saw Sai Luo looking at Omega, and said with some excitement.

"Is everything they say true?! Can you teach me something?!"

"It's true!" At this time, Omega had no choice.

I had no choice but to nod my head to show that it was true, but actually I felt a little weak inside.

Omega maintained his calm appearance and spoke calmly.

"But why should I teach you?!"

"That's right!" Taiga and Zeta on the side became even more confident after hearing Omega's words.

"With your attitude, who is willing to teach you?!"

"Yes. Could it be that when you were training with the instructor before, you wanted the instructor to teach you. It was the same thing."

Zeta paused for a moment, and his tone became richer.

"Instructor, I heard that you are good at fighting, hey, come and do a few tricks, let me learn from you?!"

Upon hearing this question, Leo and Astra looked strange.

Thinking about how they trained Sero before, it was obviously for Sero's good.

But he was called Lao Deng one by one.

Even if it is Ao Wang, he can only get a better title, old man or something.

For a moment, Leo and Astra couldn't help but smile wryly in their hearts.

Is there a possibility that Sero faced the same situation with his previous instructor? !
At this time, Sero was a little confused when he heard Taiga and Zeta's words, and he didn't react for a while.

After all, Sai Luo had never begged others before, and suddenly he didn't know what to do.

I saw him speaking in a daze.

"Then what should I do?!"

"Don't say anything else!" Taiga looked at Zero and said.

"No matter how bad you beg for help, you have to bow, right?!"

"Besides, your words should be lowered. If nothing else, you ask Senior Omega for help, and you don't even want to say a word of please. You disrespect Senior Omega!"

"Is that so?!" Hearing this, Sai Luo was thoughtful.

Then he bowed somewhat reluctantly and spoke stiffly.

"Also ask Senior Omega to teach me!"

"This...is this okay?!"

Seeing that Zero hadn't reacted yet, it was not easy for Omega to solve it.

After all, Taiga and Zeta have already said that Omega has no way out.

Thinking of this, Omega looked at Sai Luo and said.

"I can teach you, but it's not the left-right fighting technique, but something else. As for whether you can learn it, I can't guarantee it."

"You..." Hearing this, Zero was also a little angry.

After all, in his opinion, he begged and begged, and according to what Taija Zeta said, he lowered his posture.

But Omega still said that he might not be able to learn it.

How can this not make him angry.

When Omega saw Zero getting angry, quick wit flashed in his mind.

He spoke quickly.

"But don't worry, what I give you must be the most suitable for you!"

"Really?!" After hearing this, Sero's originally angry mood suddenly became much better.

Hastily asked.

"Then what are you going to teach me?!"

"A knife-throwing skill!" Omega looked at the eager Zero, with a smile flashing in his heart.

But there was no teasing, after all, Zero was no better than Taiga Zeta.

He spoke immediately.

"This special skill is called Xiao Li's flying knife, and the flying knife is the head dart above your head!"

"Xiao Li's flying knife?!" Cero muttered a few words to himself, then looked at Omega.

"How powerful?!"

"There's nothing wrong with it!" Omega said flatly.

But it was like thunder in Sai Luo's ears, and he spoke immediately.

"I want to learn, please teach me."

This is the second time that Sai Luo bowed his head, and he is obviously much more proficient than last time.

And Omega looked at Sai Luo and said.

"I can't teach you, I can only pass on the tricks to you, the rest is up to you to understand!"

"When the opportunity comes, you will naturally!"

"Also!" Sai Luo patted his chest, as the most talented genius in the history of Kingdom of Light.

Sero is naturally a little proud.

In his opinion, no matter how difficult the move is, it is easy to learn for him.

Seeing that he was confident, Omega spoke.

"Well, if that's the case, you're fine."

"Xiao Li's flying knife pursues the direction of the heart. When launching, the spirit, energy and spirit are united, and it is attached to the flying knife. Wherever the heart is, the knife is also there. It can be said that it is invincible."

"And to do that, you have to have perfect control of your power."

As he spoke, Omega paused.

"Remember, when you reach the realm of heaven and earth, no one knows where your flying knife is, and no one knows how it was launched. Before the knife is released, no one can imagine its speed and power. You It’s already done!”

Omega's words made Sai Luo's blood surge.

After thinking about it, I came up with a sentence.

"don't know!"

"You don't understand because your character is not yet mature." Omega shook his head when he heard what Zero said.

What he said made Leo and Astra's eyes shine.

As expected of a master, the words in this mouth are the same as what Ao Wang said.

It all means that Sai Luo's xinxing has not been tempered well.

At this time, Sai Luo felt a little unbelievable in his heart.

"Hmph, just like the old man."

Omega felt happy when he heard this, and then looked at Leo and Astra beside him.

"Leo, Astra, I'd like to trouble you two to train Zero a lot, so that he can learn Xiao Li's flying knives early. Don't let this kid worry."

"In my opinion, let's do it now. There is a ready-made fighting platform here."

"Hehe!" Upon hearing this, Leo and Astra's eyes lit up, and they looked at Zero with eager eyes.

It seemed that they couldn't help but beat... No, it was the idea of ​​training Sai Luo.

At this time, Cero heard Omega's words and looked at Leo and Astra.

Suddenly he became panicked.

"No, I'm not in a hurry..."

"Come here!" Before Zero finished speaking, Leo and Astra held his arms and flew towards the fighting platform.

A moment later, a shrill scream sounded.

Seeing this scene, Omega nodded in satisfaction.

Just kidding, do you want to feel better if you offend yourself? !

Just when Omega was enjoying the scene of training Cero.

At this time, the cosmic prison outside the Kingdom of Time also welcomed destined uninvited guests.


(End of this chapter)

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