Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 11 Careless Sailo, Taiga Zeta is dissatisfied

Chapter 11 Careless Sailo, Taiga Zeta is dissatisfied
In the training ground, even Mebius has left.

Zeta and Taiga couldn't help but yearn for the Dugu Nine Swords that Omega and Menbius just talked about.

"It's really too powerful, this Dugu Nine Swords sounds very strong."

"Yes, there are thousands of changes, and any move can be broken with a sword. How can people not be envious."

Listening to Zeta's sigh, Taiga on the side couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Then he spoke again.

"I really envy Senior Membius for being able to learn this unique skill from Senior Omega."

"It's not like us, who are still walking around here, and trying to draw squares with one hand and circles with the other."

"Maybe our foundation is not up to standard." Zeta sighed and then said.

"Look at Senior Mumbius, after listening to Senior Omega's teachings, he looks thoughtful."

"Look at us again. After listening for a long time, we look confused."

"Alas!" Upon hearing this, Taiga couldn't help but sigh.

Just then, a voice came from behind.

"What are you mumbling about?!"

Taiga Zeta heard the sound and turned his head, only to find that it was Omega who was watching Mebius leave.

After hearing Taiga Zetta muttering, he didn't train well.

Omega spoke up.

"You two, if you don't train well, what are you thinking?!"

"Sorry, Senior Omega!" Taija Zeta immediately apologized when he heard this.

Then came the complaint.

"The main reason is that the left-right fighting technique is too difficult to learn, and the two of us also want to learn other powerful moves."

"You two, don't be too ambitious!" Omega shook his head when he heard this.

"Now that I haven't practiced the basics well, I still want to learn other moves, just the left and right fighting technique. I have already made an exception for you."

"I haven't learned to walk yet, and I'm still thinking about running away."

"Master Omega is right!" At this moment, a figure came from behind Omega.

Turning around, it was Leo Sanao.

Leo walked forward quickly, looked at Zeta and Taiga on the side, and scolded them.

"You two haven't practiced the basics well, so don't think about anything else."

"Let Master Omega train you, this is something no one can ask for."

"Understood, Senior Leo!" Hearing this, Taiga and Zeta nodded quickly.

Facing Leo, the Ultra brother, they didn't dare to make any trouble.

Immediately he hurriedly walked aside, braced himself, and began to practice drawing squares with one hand and circles with the other.

But Omega looked at Leo, but he didn't feel much surprised.

After being prompted by the system, he already knew that Leo had learned the left-right fighting technique that he made up.

For Leo's arrival.

Omega was not surprised.

But still pretending to be puzzled, he asked.

"Senior Leo, you are..."

"Don't, don't, Master Omega, I can't afford to call you a senior." However, before Omega finished speaking, Leo waved his hand quickly.

Then he adjusted his mood and spoke.

"I came here this time to apologize and thank you."

"Oh?!" After hearing this, Omega pretended to be confused.

Then he spoke.

"Why should I apologize, and why should I thank you?!"

"That's it!" After hearing this, Leo said quickly.

"I accidentally heard Master Omega teaching the left-right fighting technique before, and I learned it."

"But before, I had doubted you, Master, so I'm a little ashamed, and I ask for your forgiveness."

Saying that, Leo couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Because no matter where the force is, this kind of cheating behavior is despised.

It is also difficult to forgive.

At this time, Leo was still very nervous.

However, Omega smiled when he heard his words.

Then he spoke.

"Just learn, it's okay, there's nothing to be sorry for!"

Hearing this, Leo recognized Omega's master status in his heart.

How could such a broad-minded person be like this if he were not a master?

Thinking of this, Leo waved his hand behind him.

"Come here quickly!"

"Hello, Master Omega!" Astra and Cero, who were waiting behind, quickly stepped forward.

"Astra, I know you!" Omega also had the skills of a master at this time, and nodded calmly.

Then he pretended to be puzzled and looked at Sai Luo, who was wearing armor, and said.

"I wonder who this is?!"

"Hey, hello, Omega, I'm Sai Luo." At this time, Sai Luo put his arms around Omega's shoulder carelessly, and then said.

"Nice to meet you!"

"How happy?!" Omega heard this and spoke subconsciously.

Suddenly, the whole atmosphere became a little awkward.

But obviously Cero's careless character won't care about this.

Even when he opened his mouth and said.

"I heard your name from Leo, so I couldn't wait to see you."

"Tell me how much I want to see you?!"

With that said, Zero asked the question to Omega again.

However, Omega just shook his head and didn't speak.

But Zero said as he was still minding his own business.

"By the way, I heard from Leo Nalaodeng that you taught him his left and right fighting skills?!"

"I also asked the trick, but I can't learn it, or you can teach me?!"

"You can't!" When Omega heard this, he shook his head.

Then he spoke.

"No one can teach you how to fight each other now. Let's talk about it later."

This time it wasn't Omega cheating, after all, it was returned by the system.

Omega can also be regarded as having thoroughly comprehended the subtlety of this left and right fighting technique.

And the practice requirements are the same as what Omega said.

Either practice drawing squares with one hand and circles with the other, or have a pure mind.

But it's obvious that at this moment, Sero's character has not yet been tempered.

These two conditions, Sero will definitely not be able to meet.

But at this time, the proud and arrogant Zero didn't care about this.

Hearing that Omega couldn't teach him, Dang even said with a look of disdain.

"Tch, I thought the so-called master was so powerful, but he couldn't even do such a small thing."

"Siro, you..." Hearing this, Leo and Astra couldn't sit still.

They were originally dissatisfied with Sero's careless behavior.

Now that he saw Cero belittling Omega like this, he immediately wanted to reprimand him.

However, there are people who are more anxious than him.

At this time, Taiga and Zeta could no longer sit still, and immediately stopped training.

Seeing Sai Luo opened his mouth and reprimanded.

"You bastard, I've seen you upset for a long time!"

"Who allowed you to treat my master like this?! Hurry up and apologize."

Omega looked at the excited Taiga Zetta and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

But he knew Sai Luo's temper, and it might not end well.


 There was actually some hesitation when writing this plot.

  Finally, I made up my mind to write it out.

  It is mainly a foreshadowing effect.

  In two chapters, the big plot will come out, so don't be anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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