Chapter 10 The Fudged and Lame Mebius

At this moment, Mebius looked confused.

He really couldn't imagine that there was such a move in this world.

If you can’t practice, you can only rely on enlightenment? !
How to learn this? !

Mebius really couldn't figure it out, so he looked at Omega and said.

"Senior Omega, what kind of swordsmanship are you talking about?!"

To be honest, if it wasn't for Mebius, he would have thought that Omega was a fighting master.

He thought Omega was fooling himself.

At this time, Omega was not surprised at all when he heard what Mebius said.

Since he chose to fool Mebius, it means that he is fully prepared.

He looked at Membius and spoke in a mysterious manner.

"Mebius, do you know how many realms this swordsmanship is divided into?!"

"Ah?!" Hearing Omega say this, Mebius was even more confused.

Does this swordsmanship have different realms? !
How come he doesn't know how to use a sword? !

In fact, it's not because Mengbius is ignorant.

In this world, all moves are based on power.

Most of the moves are big openings and big closings, but few understand their subtleties.

As for the realm mentioned by Omega, this was the first time for Mebius to hear it.

He could only shake his head in confusion, and then spoke.

"I don't know, please tell Senior Omega!"

"It's fine if you don't know!" Hearing Mebius say this, Omega breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good if you don't know, it's better to fool around like this, and you won't be afraid of being exposed.

Thinking of this, Omega looked at Membius and said.

"This swordsmanship is divided into five realms."

"Five realms?!" Menbius was even more confused when he heard this.

"Yes!" Omega nodded.

Then explained.

"The difference is that a sharp sword has no intention, a soft sword has no intention, a heavy sword has no edge, a wooden sword has no edge, and no sword has no moves!"

At this time, Mebius heard the five realms mentioned by Omega.

Although I don't understand the meaning of it, I always feel that it is very awesome.

He opened his mouth and said.

"I don't understand a little bit, please ask Senior Omega to explain in detail."

"That's fine!" Omega nodded and said.

"This sharp sword is Wu Wuxin, it is the most basic. Relying on the sharpness and moves of the weapon to fight against the enemy, the pursuit is to be fierce and invincible."

Mebius on the side nodded after hearing this. According to what Omega said, his current swordsmanship is at this level.

Fight monsters with the sharpness of your lightsaber.

At this time, Omega didn't pay attention to Mebius' reaction, and continued to speak.

"The soft sword is impermanent, it is to integrate the moves you have learned, and the changes are endless when fighting the enemy."

"A heavy sword has no edge. As the saying goes, great skill has no workmanship. When it reaches this level, it can already overwhelm others with force!"

"With a wooden sword, you are no longer limited to weapons. You can hurt the enemy by flying flowers and picking leaves!"

"As for no sword and no move, it means no longer sticking to any move, no sword wins with a sword, no move wins with a move!"

Having said this, Omega paused.

"These few realms, in layman's terms, are the process of lifting weights as lightly as possible, until you know the importance of yourself, and if you reach the last stage, no matter how many moves you have in the world, you will not be a single enemy!"

"This is Dugu Nine Swords!"

"It's really an eye-opener. You are worthy of being a master!" And Membius heard the realm from Omega's mouth.

I just feel that all previous notions have been created to death.

For a while, there was an eye-opening feeling.

He never thought that there are so many realms in swordsmanship.

And so subtle.

Mebius did not question the authenticity of Omega's state.

First, he has identified Master Omega.

Second, what Omega said is reasonable and has no flaws.

Mebius was naturally convinced.

He looked at Omega eagerly, and said.

"Please also ask Senior Omega to teach me how to learn the Dugu Nine Swords!"

"I can teach you, it depends on whether you can accept it." Omega nodded when he heard Membius say this.

Then he spoke.

"If you want to learn the Dugu Nine Swords, you have to forget all the swordsmanship moves you have learned in the past. When you can use the sword to do whatever you want, you will really learn it!"

"The most important thing in the process is to see if the sword is not a sword. No sword is better than a sword!"

"The sword is not a sword..." Mebius was a little confused.

But still firmly determined to do what Omega said.

Inadvertently, Mebius saw that Omega's hands were empty, and there was no weapon on his body.

Suddenly I just felt enlightened.

Could it be that senior Omega yearned for swordsmanship because he didn't have a suitable weapon.

Only then did I realize the last realm, and created the unique skill of Dugu Nine Swords.

Thinking of this, Membius couldn't help but sigh.

As expected of a senior Omega, he became a master at a young age and his talent is indeed terrifying.

It is possible to comprehend such a terrifying secret without a weapon.

But Mebius didn't think about imitating Omega.

After all, in his opinion, Omega did not let him give up the sword in his hand, probably because he could see that he did not have such a strong talent.

Individuals have their own understanding and cannot be forced.

But in his opinion, Omega has reached such a state, and there is no need to remain swordless.

It just so happened that he was still thinking about how to repay Omega for his kindness in preaching.

It's better to let my wife... ahem, brother Hikari, make a handy weapon for Omega.

Wouldn't it be better.

It is best to have a weapon that can change form at any time, so that it is suitable for Omega.

Thinking of this, Mebius' eyes became firm.

He looked at Omega and said.

"Thank you, teacher, for preaching!"

"Ahem, no need to be polite!" Omega couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he heard this and coughed.

Then he waved his hand.

"Next, just go and slowly realize it."

"Okay, then I'll go first!" Mebius also saw Omega's intention to see off the guests.

It's not easy to bother me anymore.

Turned around and left.

It's just that when he left, he still kept thinking about Omega's words in his mind.

Trying to understand Omega's words.

And Omega also breathed a sigh of relief seeing Mebius leave.

Finally the deception passed.

Omega couldn't help giving a thumbs up for his quick wit.


At the same time, Leo, Zero and Astra also arrived outside Ultra's training ground.

He saw Mebius walking out of the training ground at a glance.

They just wanted to say hello, but they didn't expect that Mebius left without even looking at them.

This made Leo Cello Sano look confused.

What's the situation? !

Isn't Mebius usually very enthusiastic? !

Many times they even take the initiative to say hello.

Why were they ignored this time? !

But Sanao didn't think too much about it.

The most important thing this time is to meet the master in their minds.

Especially Zero and Astra.

They haven't even seen Omega Face.

Thinking of this, Sanao walked straight into the training ground without staying any longer.


 Feel free to ask for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you!

  In addition, I will speed up the pace recently, and pull out the first big plot as soon as possible. I also ask you to give me some opinions.

  Should we keep the previous rhythm or speed up the rhythm?

(End of this chapter)

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