Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 9: Chasing Mebius who was fooled, Dugu Nine Swords

Chapter 9: Chasing Mebius, Dugu Nine Swords

"Eh..." Hearing what Mebius said, Omega's heart trembled suddenly.

Damn it, why did Mumbius hear it? !
Let's just say that the cowhide is blown up.

What he said was so awesome, Mebius must have questioned it.

How to do? !

How should I fool myself.

Omega tried to keep the surface calm as much as possible, thoughts kept flying in his mind, thinking of countermeasures.

However, this expression, in the view of Mebius, is because of Omega's questioning, there is doubt.

Got angry on the spot.

Immediately, my heart became terrified.

Damn myself, I have obviously been forgiven by Master Omega.

I have also seen the bearing of Master Omega.

How can you still speak with an inquiring attitude? !

Isn't this still questioning the authenticity of Master Omega? !

Omega is such a good master, what he said must be true.

Thinking of this, Membius bowed quickly and said.

"I'm really sorry, but I actually questioned Senior again."

"What Senior Omega said is true, and the stunts he knows are also true, how can I doubt it?!"

"Huh? Huh?!" Hearing what Mebius said, Omega, who was still brainstorming, hadn't reacted yet, with question marks all over his face.

In the end, I really didn't know how to react, so I had to nod like a bad show.


"That's right, Senior Omega." Seeing that Omega didn't mean to blame, Mebius breathed a sigh of relief.

Say your request quickly.

"I think Senior Omega can teach me swordsmanship!"

"Ah?!" Hearing what Mebius said, Omega was stunned.

These days, is there anyone still chasing after being fooled? !

Besides, he doesn't know anything about swordsmanship, he just boasted about it just to fool Zeta Taiga.

How to teach Mebius? !

However, at this time, Mebius saw that Omega did not agree to himself.

Immediately thought that Omega was still angry with him.

Immediately I felt a little anxious and spoke.

"If senior has offended you because junior has offended you, you still haven't forgiven junior in your heart."

"Then assume that this junior didn't mention this matter, and this junior deserves what he deserves!"

Saying that, his eyes became a little lonely.

"That's not what I meant!" Upon hearing this, Omega shook his head helplessly.

At the same time, I was also a little puzzled.

Isn't Mebius's swordsmanship pretty good?

When Blue Star was performing missions, he also used sword skills to kill many powerful enemies.

Why do you have to ask yourself to learn swordsmanship again.

But what Omega doesn't know is that with Mebius returning to the Kingdom of Light.

The missions carried out after that were all violent monsters in the universe, far beyond the Blue Star.

Mebius's swordsmanship is naturally not good enough.

But the Membius lightsaber itself is Membius's main battle weapon, so it cannot always be at a disadvantage.

This is why Mebius wants to learn powerful swordsmanship.

But the way Omega is thinking, in the eyes of others, he is hesitating.

Seeing this, Taiga and Zeta, who were still training, immediately decided to help Mebius.

After all, Taiga's father, Taro, is familiar with Mebius, and he is Taiga's uncle after all.

Thinking of this, Taija Zeta looked at each other, then stepped forward and said.

"Senior Omega, please forgive Senior Mebius, this is just a misunderstanding."

"Yes, Senior Omega, just teach him!"

"This..." Seeing that Taiga and Zeta started to fight again, Omega couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

No matter what, it really doesn’t work.

Just make one up.

Anyway, if you can't learn it, you can leave it to the lack of talent, so you're not afraid.

Another one, the left and right fighting skills can be practiced, what if I really fooled myself.

This is not one more hole card.

Thinking of this, Omega looked at Taiga Zeta and said.

"Okay, I understand, you go to train first!"

As he said that, he looked at Membius again.

"In that case, I will teach you a set of sword skills!"

"Thank you, Senior Omega." Hearing this, Membius was overjoyed.

However, Omega waved his hand, and then spoke.

"Don't thank me first, this set of sword skills is very demanding, you may not be able to learn it."

"At that time, as long as you don't blame me for wasting your time, it will be fine!"

"Don't worry, senior!" Hearing Omega's words, Mebius patted his chest immediately.

Said excitedly.

"If I can't learn it, it must be my own fault. Senior is willing to teach me such a powerful unique skill. I am too late to be grateful. How can I blame senior!"

"In that case, I'm relieved." Hearing what Mebius said, a smile flashed in Omega's eyes.

Then he said with a straight face.

"Then I will teach you this swordsmanship. The swordsmanship is called Dugu Nine Swords!"

"Dugu Nine Swords?!" Membius repeated silently after hearing Omega's words.

He couldn't help but sigh immediately.

"It's such a powerful name, it's very strong when you hear it."

"That's natural." Or maybe he has fooled once, Omega is particularly familiar with this time.

He spoke immediately.

"This Dugu Nine Swordsmanship, as its name suggests, is divided into nine styles!"

"They are the general formula, sword-breaking, knife-breaking, spear-breaking, whip-breaking, rope-breaking, palm-breaking, arrow-breaking, and qi-breaking forms!"

As he spoke, Omega paused.

"Swordsmanship changes in thousands, practiced to the extreme, can break all martial arts moves in the world!"

"Really, it's amazing!" Hearing this, Mengbius couldn't help his heart pounding.

He spoke immediately.

"Senior, please teach me quickly. If possible, please also cover up with me on the fighting stage so that I can better appreciate the subtlety of this swordsmanship."

"Well, there's no need for a fighting master!" Upon hearing this, Omega immediately refused.

Are you kidding? He really doesn't know the Dugu Nine Swords. It's all made up.

He even counted on Mebius to be like Leo, with a savvy that is against the sky, and learned to return it to himself by mistake.

If he went directly to the fighting arena, he would not be completely exposed.

No, I have to find a way to fool Mebius.

Omega's mind was full of thoughts, and soon he came up with a solution.

Immediately looked at Mebius and said.

"Mebius, it's not that I don't want to teach you moves, but that I can't teach you!"

"Ah?!" Hearing this, Mebius had a question mark on his face.

what's the situation? !

Didn't you mean to teach him Dugu Nine Swords? !

Why did Omega say it couldn't be taught?

For a moment, Mebius was confused.

He asked subconsciously.

"Senior Omega, why can't you teach me?!"

"That's because the Dugu Nine Swords are ever-changing and have no fixed moves." Omega looked at Membius and said.

"So, this swordsmanship can only rely on enlightenment, not practice!"

"Huh?" When Membius heard this, he was completely confused.

At this moment, he just wanted to ask Omega.

Would you like to hear what you're saying? !


(End of this chapter)

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