Chapter 8 Mebius: You must be a master!

At the same time, the fighting stage.

At this time, Taiga Zeta also gradually slowed down and stood up.

Omega on the side said with a smile.

"How about it, have you felt the subtlety of the left and right fighting technique?!"

"I feel it!" Hearing this, Taija Zeta nodded again and again.

It's just that Zeta still muttered.

"I just haven't figured out how to learn it yet. It's too difficult!"

"Yes!" Tai Jia also nodded and said.

"It's too difficult, I don't know when I can learn it!"

As he said this, Liang Ao looked discouraged again.

As young Ao, they were already impatient.

Faced with such a unique skill but unable to learn it, it is naturally easy to become discouraged.

Seeing them like this, Omega naturally understood what was going on.

Although he was a little helpless, these two were the best fools he could get in touch with.

We still need to stabilize them and give them some incentives.

Thinking of this, Omega thought for a moment and then spoke.

"Don't worry, if you can't learn it, I can teach you other things."

"Really?!" Hearing this, Taija Zeta, who was still lost, suddenly raised his head.

He looked at Omega with a hopeful look on his face.

"Senior Omega, do you really know other powerful moves?!"

"Is it as powerful as the left-right fighting technique?!" Zeta couldn't help but ask.

"What's there?!"

"Oh, it's not me!" Hearing this, Omega smiled and said confidently.

"Whether it's fists or eighteen weapons, I have unique skills in everything."

"Besides, don't lose the left and right fighting skills in everything."

Speaking of this, Omega couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

Is he exaggerating too much? !
A bit too exaggerated? !
But looking at Zeta Taiga's confident and expectant eyes, Omega felt that he was doing well.

At least hold on to these two goods.

Thinking of this, Omega spoke again.

"But now you don't have enough foundation. You can't learn my other special skills, so you can only practice the left and right fighting skills first."

"After you have laid the foundation, I will teach you other things as appropriate!"

"Ah..." After hearing this, Taiga Zeta was a little disappointed. They thought they could learn what Omega said on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Omega said that their foundation was not enough.

I was a little disappointed for a while.

But it is still full of passion, obviously Omega's pie is very successful.

And this was exactly what Omega wanted. He looked at Zeta Taiga and said.

"Ah, what, why don't you just tie it up!"

"Yes!" After hearing this, Taiga and Zeta quickly squatted down, fearing that Omega would be angry and not teach them his secret skills in the future.

Omega looked at their honest appearance and nodded with satisfaction.

Finally, the two Tie Hanhans were able to stabilize themselves.

It's not in vain for him to boast such a big bull.

What Omega didn't know was that Mebius heard all his words.

At this time, Mebius was standing not far behind Omega, with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

He was going to come over and apologize to Omega.

But I didn't expect that when I came here, I heard the pie that Omega drew for Zeta Taiga.

Knowing all kinds of fists, feet and [-] kinds of weapons, but also not losing to left and right fighting skills? !
Is this too exaggerated? !

After Taylor's explanation, he also understood the power of left and right fighting.

It has even been recognized as the strongest fighting technique, but Omega says there are more in his hands? !
Reason tells Mebius that this cannot be true.

But because of listening to Taylor's words, Membius already regarded Omega as a fighting master.

It is still possible to establish an inheritance.

Plus Mebius' stereotype of those masters.

He believed that a master like Omega would not lose his reputation.

How could you lie about something like this? !
For a time, Omega had become an all-round fighting master in Membius' mind.

He thought that he had misunderstood Omega before and almost humiliated Omega's reputation.

I wish I could give myself a slap in the face.

No, I apologize, I must apologize.

And the attitude must be sincere.

Thinking of this, Membius immediately walked forward quickly and said hello.

"Senior Omega!"

"Huh?!" Hearing someone calling himself, Omega turned his head in doubt.

Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Omega said subconsciously as a senior fan of the mystery.

"Little Dream?!"

After finishing speaking, Omega reacted.

No, he is not in his previous life now.

It's just a young Ultraman, how can you say that.

What should you do if you are accused of disrespecting your elders? !

Thinking of this, Omega quickly changed his words.

"Sorry, Mebius-senpai!"

"Ah, it's okay, Senior Omega, you should just call me Xiaomeng!" At this time, Menbius was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Then he spoke immediately.

"Also, I should be the one who apologizes!"

"Ah?!" Hearing this, Omega had a question mark on his face.

what's the situation? !

As the Otto brothers, Mebius called himself senior? !
And let yourself call him Xiao Meng? !
Do you even want to apologize to yourself? !
what happened? !

Are you dreaming? !Or is it wrong to travel through this kingdom of light by yourself? !

And Mebius also saw Omega's doubts, so he spoke immediately.

"Senior Omega, it's like this..."

Mebius told him that he misunderstood Omega, called Taro, and how he knew that Omega was the "Master".

After finishing speaking, Mebius bowed deeply again.

"I'm really sorry, Omega-senpai."

"Uh, cough, cough, it's okay, it's okay!" Omega finally understood.

This whole thing was a misunderstanding, including the way Mebius called his master later, which was also a misunderstanding.

But Omega doesn't have a mind to explain.

After all, he does know how to fight left and right now, so there is nothing wrong with calling himself a master.

Thinking of this, Omega spoke.

"It's okay, Meng...Xiaomeng, it's all trivial!"

"Thank you, Senior Omega, for your understanding!" Menbius was even more touched to hear that Omega was so willing to forgive him.

He is worthy of being a master, and his demeanor is truly extraordinary.

He almost insulted Omega's reputation!
For a while, Mebius believed even more in Omega's words.

For such a noble master, the various unique skills that he said before are definitely not lying.

Thinking of this, Mebius immediately spoke.

"Omega-senpai, actually I have another unkind request?!"

"Oh, what is it?! Say it." Omega was a little puzzled, but in order to maintain his demeanor.

Let Mebius speak directly.

Mebius, on the other hand, looked at Omega with eager eyes.

Said excitedly.

"I've been here just now. I heard you say, whether it's fists or [-] weapons, you know it?!"

"is this real?!"


 Thank you to the gold diggers and Tingyun Shuofeng for the rewards. Thank you very much for your support.

  At the same time, I also thank Baozi who voted for recommendation, thank you for your love!

(End of this chapter)

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