Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 35 The end of the incident, reset time, new crisis

Chapter 35 The end of the incident, reset time, new crisis

Just when Dark Lopes Sero was about to banish Ace into the void.

A crisp "click" sound suddenly sounded.

Behind him, the space was shattered like glass, and then a figure suddenly rushed out of it.

"What?! How is this possible?!" When he saw the figure rushing out, Dark Lopusero looked in disbelief.

"How did you escape?!"

It was Zero who rushed out of the space crack.

This made Dark Lopes Sero unbelievable.

As a user, he is well aware of the power of his banishment move.

Zero doesn't have that power at all

Unless it has the power to travel through time and space, or the power is enough to break through space with the body.

But it's obvious that Zero is not that powerful at all.

As for traveling through time and space by himself, if Sai Luo really had such an ability, he would not have been sent into another dimension by him.

For a moment, seeing Sai Luo rushing out of another dimension, Dark Lopes Sai Luo stopped his movements in confusion.

"Nothing is impossible!" However, upon hearing this, Sai Luo gently brushed his nose with his fingers, and said in a rather pretentious manner.

"If you want to trap this uncle, you are tens of thousands of years too early!"

As he spoke, he looked at the shattered dark Lopes Sero in front of him in doubt.

"By the way, you're pretty strong, you can beat me evenly!"

"How did you get beaten into such a ghostly appearance?!"

"..." After the words fell, Dark Lopusero fell silent for a while, and couldn't help but cast his eyes towards Ace below.

At this time, Ace was also a little embarrassed, and silently took back the eight-point light saw that had been condensed.

"Hey?! Why don't you speak?!" Sai Luo followed the gaze of the dark Lopes Sai Luo.

But he found Ace with an innocent face.

Immediately couldn't help but shook his head.

Ace may not be as powerful as he is now.

How could it be possible to beat Dark Lopus Sero into such a bad state?

Thinking of this, Zero looked at Dark Lopus Zero and asked.

"You haven't answered my question yet!"

"Damn it, do you still want to humiliate me like this?!" At this time, the Dark Lopsero was extremely angry.

Especially seeing Ace's innocent look and Zero's doubtful eyes.

As a mechanical creature, he rarely felt ashamed at this moment.

In anger, Dark Lopusero also broke out.

"I fought with you."

After the words fell, the cannon on Dark Lopusero's chest once again gathered purple energy.

In the surrounding air, ripples appeared faintly again.

"Hey, hey, are you in a hurry?! You're too impatient." However, when Zero saw this scene, he couldn't help but rub his nose.

Then, holding the plasma spark knife transformed from the head dart, he rushed up quickly.

"But this time, I won't wait for you."

After the words fell, Zero held the plasma spark knife and inserted it straight into the chest of Dark Lopus Zero.

"This trick is not unsolvable." Sai Luo stepped back a few steps, with a little teasing in his tone.

"Ahem, don't be complacent!" However, upon hearing this, Dark Lopsero's tone was very firm.

"Don't think that this will defeat me. Now the entire universe is in turmoil, terror and despair, and the countdown has begun."

"Soon, our universe will be generating a huge amount of energy!"

"Power?! What power?!" Sai Luo was confused when he heard this.

"Please explain in detail."

However, at this time, Dark Lopes Sero didn't pay attention to Sero's ridicule.

Instead, he put his hands straight on the cannon on his chest.

"No, this guy is going to blow himself up!" Seeing this action, Ashton couldn't sit still and quickly reminded him.

Hearing this, Omega Sano also quickly rushed into the sky.

The Panlong, who had been fishing all the time, also followed behind, and Lei's figure stood out in the cabin.

But they took advantage of the opportunity of Omega Sanao to attract firepower and sneaked into the base of the Salome stars.

By cooperating with Lei, the Salome stars in the base were eliminated.

Now looking at the huge energy of the planet behind them, everyone can't help but feel excited.

Fortunately, they responded in a timely manner, otherwise they would have stayed there.

I just saw that the energy was getting stronger and stronger.

They had to increase the power of the Panlong and quickly escape into the distance.

However, at this moment, the planet behind him exploded on the spot.

White energy light waves quickly covered the surroundings.

Seeing that the Panlong was getting closer and closer.

Captain Hinata and others all felt lonely and sad inside.

Are they about to fall here?

At this moment, the spaceship suddenly trembled.

When he raised his head, he found that it was Zero holding onto their spaceship and rushing away quickly.

There were also Omega and Ace escorting them around.

However, even so, the light wave was getting closer and closer to everyone.

Finally, it was completely enveloped.

Everyone on the Panlong could only let out a shout at the end and fell into a coma.

When they woke up again, they were already in the void.

Captain Hinata glanced at the clock and couldn't help but speak.

"Time has flowed again, that's great!"

"Looks like we're out of danger!"

"Then Ultraman Omega and the others..." Lei on the side was still a little confused.

asked subconsciously.

"Where are they?!"

"They are so powerful, they must be fine." Captain Hinata heard this and said with a smile.

"Now we should start a new adventure!"

"Yes!" After hearing this, everyone in Panlong nodded.

Then start the spaceship and gallop towards the distance.

At the same time, in space, Sai Luo watched Panlong's back and remained silent.

On the other hand, Ace couldn't help sighing.

"This power is really terrifying. It actually resets time and space. It's simply too powerful."

"What kind of terrible existence created this thing?"

"Yes!" Omega couldn't help sighing at this time.

Although he knew who caused it, he didn't explain much.

Just speak.

"It's really too dangerous this time. Let's return to the Kingdom of Light quickly and report the situation."

And hearing what Omega and Ace said, Sai Luo couldn't help rolling his eyes.

How dare the two of them lament the danger.

One beat Dark Lopes Omega all the way, and the other chopped Dark Lopes Sero to pieces.

How can it compare to the danger of him being exiled to a different dimension.

But Omega and Ace, one is his master and the other is his uncle.

It's not easy for him to complain.

I had no choice but to obey the words of Omega Liangao, and flew towards the Kingdom of Light.

However, they didn't know that the terror mentioned by Dark Lopsero had already begun.


 Thanks to Qread user Xiadong_BC for the monthly ticket support.

  Thank you all for your votes and support, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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