Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 36 The Kingdom of Light Is Invaded Again, A Strong Enemy From Outside the Universe

Chapter 36 The Kingdom of Light Is Invaded Again, A Strong Enemy From Outside the Universe

At the same time, within the Land of Light.

At this time, another invasion was ushered in.

I saw a few black spaceships in the shape of inverted briefs, quickly sailing into the Kingdom of Light.

Facing the attack of the Ultra security fighters who came to intercept him, he didn't care about it at all.

Straight towards the interior of Kingdom of Light.

Along the way, the red laser continued to wreak havoc, destroying countless buildings in the Kingdom of Light.

After a moment, it fell heavily to the ground.

The ground that was damaged by Beria's invasion not long ago showed cracks again not long after it was repaired.

At this time, the Ultra Guard members who received the alarm stopped in front of the black spaceship.

However, their attack was still too weak for this spaceship.

Not only did it not cause the slightest damage to the spaceship, but the black spaceship randomly shot a red ray, which made these Ultra Guard members scream and scream again and again.

For a moment, it seemed that Zhongao had no effective means to deal with this black spaceship.

However, at this moment, a figure flew over quickly.

The one who arrived before the figure was a bright head dart.

With just one blow, the spaceship in front of him was split into two.

The visitor is Ultraman Seven from the Ultra Brothers.

Sai Wen casually took the dart flying in the sky and landed heavily on the ground.

Looking at these mysterious spaceships in front of him, Seven couldn't help but be a little confused.

"What's going on?! How come something wants to invade the Kingdom of Light now?! Are you trying to earn achievements here?!"

"What the hell are you guys?!"

After the voice fell, several black figures rushed out of the spaceship.

Severn also held the head dart and assumed a fighting posture.

However, when he saw the appearance of the figures in front of him, Seven was stunned.

He said with some surprise.

"Sero? Master Omega?! How could this be..."

Halfway through the words, Seven came to his senses.

After all, how could there be so many Cyro and Omega?

After taking a closer look, Severn saw the problem.

"You guys are actually robots?!"

"Say, who sent you here?!"

Speaking of this, Sai Wen became more and more vigilant, and tightly clenched the head dart in his hand.

However, upon hearing Seven's words, many Dark Lopes Cyro and Dark Lopes Omega raised their heads one after another.

A red light flashed in his eyes.

Then, without saying a word, he attacked Seven.

"Did these guys have their vocal cords removed?!" He looked at Dark Lopus Sero and Dark Lopus Omega who rushed over without saying a word.

Severn couldn't help but complain.

Then his body sank and he rushed towards the opponent.

"Forget it, let's deal with you first."

After the words fell, Seven held the dart in his hand and slashed at the neck of a dark Lopes Sero.

He didn't show mercy at all because the other party was carrying Sai Luo's image.

It can only be said that the father and son are the same, and the father's reputation for being kind and filial is well-deserved.

Just when Seven can take the lead in solving one.

But I don’t know that the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny.

Faced with Seven's vowed blow, Dark Lopes Sero also took out his head dart.

Just by raising it in front of his head, he blocked Severn's attack.

More importantly, Severn's attack this time was like poking a hornet's nest.

All the Dark Lops were seen attacking Severn.

They surrounded the Seven group and launched attacks continuously.

It made Seven difficult to deal with.

Dark Lopus Zero is okay, after all, he uses Zero's moves.

As a father, Seven is still very familiar with his moves, and he can barely resist them.

The most unbearable thing for Seven is the Dark Lopes Omega.

Although it is said that Dark Lops Omega only copies Omega's Dugu Nine Swords and other moves, it does not fully achieve the freedom of operation of a real person.

But it is enough to deal with Seven.

The Dugu Nine Swords and melee light from time to time made it difficult for Seven to parry.

Although he persisted for a while, he was still caught.

I saw a black lightsaber passing by, sending sparks flying across Severn's body.

Then fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, the Dark Lopes Sero and others will not show mercy to Seven.

It was time to end Severn.

Just when Dark Lopes Omega was holding a lightsaber and was about to fall.

A voice sounded.


I saw a few figures suddenly descending from the sky.

They all used flying kicks to hit several dark Lops surrounding Severn.

After several figures stabilized their figures, the surrounding people saw their appearance.

It was none other than Zero Omega Ace Sano.

At this time, Ace looked at the Dark Lopes Sero and Dark Lopes Omega surrounding them in front of him, and his heart froze immediately.

"Are these guys chasing the Kingdom of Light now?!"

"It's really haunted."

"What's the matter?!" Hearing this, Sai Luo rubbed his nose in disdain.

"Just get rid of them!"

"Then go!" Omega nodded at this time, and the breath of Omega in his hand slowly condensed into a blue lightsaber.

Then he rushed out at the lead.

"Hey, hey, hey, no one is rushing to attack, this is not fair." At this time, Sero couldn't sit still.

He immediately rushed out with the head dart in hand.

"Really!" At this time, Ace couldn't help shaking his head.

Then he rushed out with an eight-point light wheel in hand.

This time, Dark Lopus Cero and Dark Lopus Omega were not as powerful as they had encountered before.

In just a moment, San'ao completely eliminated these intruders.

At this time, Sai Luo, looking at the wreckage all over the ground, couldn't help rubbing his nose.

"Tch, I thought it was so powerful, but it turns out that's it, that's it?!"

"Ahem, don't be too proud!" At this time, Ace couldn't help shaking his head when he heard Sai Luo's words.

Then he walked slowly to Severn and helped him up.

"It's okay!"

"It's okay!" Seven took a few breaths, then stood up with Ace's support.

But at this moment, Omega came over.

On the lightsaber in his hand, there was also a green ore.

I saw him speak slowly.

"Now something big is going to happen, you can see for yourself!"

With that said, Omega showed the green ore in front of the crowd.

"This thing..." At this time, Ace saw the ore and found the problem at a glance.

"He is not a mineral produced by our universe."

"That is to say!" At this time, Seven also reacted.

"This time the invaders come from another universe."

"En!" Omega nodded heavily upon hearing this.

This is also the reason why he deliberately kept this green ore.

The goal is to let the Kingdom of Light discover it.

When Ace saw this, he immediately became serious.

"It's a big deal, we have to inform the captain immediately."

With that said, Zhong Ao quickly flew towards the Space Guard.


 Thanks to Qread user Wen Ziyu for the monthly ticket support of Wuhaoshu, thank you very much.

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(End of this chapter)

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