Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 37 The master behind the scenes, go to other universes

Chapter 37 The master behind the scenes, go to other universes
At the headquarters of the Kingdom of Light Guard, all the Austrians gathered around the green ore in front of them.

After observing, Otto's father said in a solemn tone.

"This green ore, as Master Omega said, does not belong to any substance that exists in our universe. I can feel that there is a strange energy in it."

"Yeah!" A certain Ultraman on the side who looked exactly like Yang Jiang also nodded.

Then, looking at the ore in front of him, he spoke.

"The device on this ore converts the energy inside into negative energy, and sends information to a certain place."

As he spoke, Eddie's hand gently covered the ore.

Suddenly, a black-red aura appeared from the ore and extended out of the universe.

"Is it another universe?!" Seeing this scene, Zhong Ao finally couldn't sit still and said one after another.

"Who is behind the scenes?! Why invade the Kingdom of Light?! It is necessary to investigate!"

However, upon hearing Zhong Ao's doubts, Sai Luo was thoughtful at this time.

He looked at Zhong Ao and said.

"Master Omega, Ace, and I have encountered these Dark Lops before, so we understand the situation."

"Just remember that Dark Lopes Sero, and call the messenger behind him that lord!"

"That adult?!" After hearing this, Zhongao subconsciously looked at Zuo Fei who was standing aside.

Zuo Fei looked confused.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to explain, he saw Zhongao shook his head.

After all, Sophie didn't have the ability to travel through time and space, so they naturally dispelled their doubts.

Thinking of this, Seven couldn't help but speak.

"It's not easy to investigate. This is another universe. Our technology has not yet reached that level."

"Yes!" Otto's father also nodded, and then said.

"Even if all the energy of the Kingdom of Light is gathered together, it will only be enough for us to teleport one person there."

Saying that, Father of Ultra looked at Omega and Zero who were on the side.

"Master Omega, Zero, these images of Dark Lops are made based on your image. I think they must have some relationship with you."

"I think I'll just pick one of you two to go."

"Captain, I'm afraid there's something wrong with this!" As soon as Ultra's father finished speaking, Severn beside him couldn't sit still.

He hastily opened his mouth to persuade.

"We don't know how powerful the other party is at the moment. If we rush to investigate, there is only one person. I'm afraid it will easily fall into crisis."

"That's it..." Hearing this, Otto's father also hesitated.

After all, both Omega and Zero are geniuses from their Kingdom of Light.

One is the chief instructor of the Ott Guard, a famous master.

The other is the strongest genius ever, and the son of the Ultra Brother Seven.

With his temperament, even if it is an ordinary Ultra warrior, he is unwilling to let it fall into crisis.

Not to mention these two extremely important figures in Kingdom of Light.

For a moment, Ultra's father was also a little confused.

However, at this moment, Astra stood up from the side.

He looked at the father of Ultra and said.

"Captain, I have a way to let them both go, so that they can take care of each other."

"Oh?!" After hearing this, the father of Ultra looked at Astra and said doubtfully.

"What can be done?!"

"I can sense the weak points of time and space!" After hearing this, Astra knocked on his head and said.

"If we go to other universes through the weak points of space and time, the energy consumption will be much less, so we can send both Omega and Cero to other universes."

"Is that so?!" Father of Otto nodded upon hearing this.

"That's how it is. Omega and Sai Luo go together, so I can have someone to take care of me. I'm relieved."

"Next, let's start preparing!"

"Yes!" Hearing this, Zhong Ao nodded.

Then they all went to prepare.

At this time, Seven took out a dart-shaped object from his hand and came to Sero and Omega.

"This is the Ultra Energy Bracelet. It contains the energy of plasma sparks, which is enough to support your three transformations. Be careful."

"Don't worry." Omega nodded and then said.

"But give this bracelet to Sai Luo, he needs this more."

"Yeah!" Seven looked at Omega and nodded.

Naturally, he also heard about the Nine Suns Divine Art taught by Omega to Ace.

It can be said that the energy in the body has a long history and is inexhaustible.

Thinking of this, Seven didn't say anything more.

Hand the Ultra Energy Bracelet to Zero.

The father and son nodded heavily, everything was silent.

At this time, other preparations were completed.

Omega and Cero quickly came to the stage and looked at the dense crowd of Ultra warriors below.

Omegasello looked at each other, and then rushed to the sky.

At the same time, Ultra's father also shouted loudly.

"Everyone, let our light guide their direction."

As soon as the words fell, all the Ultra fighters emitted golden rays of light.

And quickly gathered on Sai Luo and Omega.

The light turned into a red ball, quickly traveling through the universe with Omega and Zero.

Soon, Liangao came to the edge of the universe.

With the sound of "wave", the two Austrians rushed out of the universe and came to the gathering place of the multiverse.

"It's really spectacular!" At this time, Sai Luo couldn't help admiring the picture of the multiverse.

Just because this multiverse is so spectacular.

The densely packed colorful light spheres gather here, which is quite dreamlike.

Even Omega couldn't help but nodded in admiration.

Although he had watched the original drama in his previous life, the scenes in the plot were not as shocking as this real one.

The two Olympics stayed for a while, and then came back to their senses.

Omega calmed down and looked at Cero beside him and said.

"We can't delay any longer, it's better to find the universe where the forces behind this are located."

"En!" Sai Luo nodded, and then checked where the ore energy went.

Soon, they discovered their target, a universe filled with red appearances.

"Is that the one?!"

Omegasero glanced at each other, then flew towards that universe.

There was another "wave", and the two Austrians rushed into the universe.

When he came back to his senses again, Omega and Sai Luo had already entered this universe.

"Is this the universe that guy is in?!"

Sai Luo looked at the sky full of stars and couldn't help muttering to himself.

And Omega spoke.

"Let's go, find a planet with life, and get some information."

"Yeah!" Zero nodded, and then flew towards the depths of the universe.


At the same time, on the planet Annai, at this moment, it is being invaded by giant robot corps.

 It is equivalent to a transitional chapter. Please forgive me for the need to change the plot.

  Just asking for your opinion.

  This plot can accept three apprentices, namely James Bert (weapon axe), Red Lotus Flame, and Mirror Knight.

  Let's talk about what kind of martial arts is better for them.

(End of this chapter)

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