Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 39 Meeting James Bert and looking for the Pirate of Fire

Chapter 39 Meeting James Bert and looking for the Pirate of Fire
Just when Omega and Cero were thinking about the name Caesar Belial in Xiao Zhi's mouth.

Xiaozhi on the side suddenly made a sound.

He looked at Sai Luo and said with some doubts.

"By the way, brother, why have you forgotten all this?! This is common sense!"

"This..." Hearing this, Zero couldn't help but hesitate.

Then he squatted down and looked at Xiaozhi with a deep expression.

"Xiaoji, I am actually not your brother. I am a warrior from the Kingdom of Light, Ultraman Zero. Your brother was seriously injured and merged with me."

"Don't worry, I will protect you like your brother. This is the agreement between me and your brother."

Saying that, Sero pointed to Omega at the side again.

"This is also a righteous warrior, you can call him Omega!"

Hearing Sai Luo's words, Xiao Zhi couldn't help being confused at first.

Then he reacted, and after hesitating for a moment, he stretched out his hand towards Omega and Zero.

"I believe in you, my brother chooses to believe in you, and I believe in you too."

"Hmm!" Sai Luo and Omega looked at each other, both smiling.

Then they all stretched out their hands and put them on Xiao Zhi's palm.

At this moment, the stone on Xiaozhi's chest suddenly emitted light.

Immediately attracted the attention of Cyro and Omega.

Before they could open their mouths to ask, Xiaozhi beside him couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"Huh? Is this the first time this has happened?!"

"What is this?!" Omega, who was familiar with the plot, asked knowingly.

And Xiaozhi spoke.

"This is a fragment of the Shield of Palagi. In our universe, there is a legend that the Shield of Palagi protects the universe."

"So, the Shield of Palagi will definitely protect us from Caesar Belial."

"Yeah!" At this time, Zero nodded doubtfully.

After all, the stone's behavior just now was indeed strange, and he didn't want to wipe out a child's hope.

However, when Omega observed Xiao Zhi's neck, he couldn't help but admire in his heart.

Is this what Noah, one of the Four Mysteries, left behind? !
It's really strange.

Relying on the perception brought by multiple unique skills.

Omega can feel the vastness of the energy.

Even his quasi-legendary strength now feels a little weak in front of this fragment.

You know, this is just a fragment of a prop.

When Omega thought of this, his heart was full of yearning for that realm.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden shock in the mine.

The three looked up, only to find a huge drill bit piercing the rock formation.

Obviously, this group of giant robots is sensing the existence of the Emmenal ore.

Then they started digging towards the mine, and happened to run into Omega and the others.

Seeing this, Zero immediately wanted to transform, but Omega suddenly grabbed his arm.

Just when Sai Luo was a little confused, a red halo suddenly appeared on the ground.

The next second, the three of them fell straight in.

Then, a huge spaceship broke through the sky and headed towards the depths of the universe.

At this time, the Omega trio, after the ignorant comparison.

But he found the door in front of him opened.

In the cabin, a woman wearing a white gauze skirt was facing away from them. Her body was shaking and she seemed a little nervous.

"Hey, who are you?!" Sero and Xiaozhi stepped forward to say hello.

However, Omega suddenly thought of something and quickly stopped him.

"Wait a minute, don't..."

Before he finished speaking, Sero and Xiao Zhi had already stepped forward.

In the next second, the pillars on both sides suddenly emitted a golden electric current.

And turned into a golden light rope, tying Zero Xiaozhi to the wall.

"Oh, there is another fish that slipped through the net?!" A mechanical voice sounded in the space ship at this time.

It seems that such a result was not expected.

Then, the pillar generated electricity again and turned into a rope of light and flew towards Omega.

However, only a "swish" sound was heard, and the breath of Omega in Omega's hand turned into a lightsaber.

He directly split the light rope with his sword, and then assumed a fighting stance.

At the same time, a red light appeared inside the spaceship.

"Dangerous combat units are detected, there is a chance of threatening royal family members, activate the defensive form!"

After the words fell, there was a clicking sound in the cabin, as if an attack weapon was being activated.

At this moment of crisis, the girl in the white gauze couldn't sit still, and spoke quickly.

"Okay, James, stop, they are not bad people."

"Your Highness!" The mechanical voice wanted to dissuade him, but the woman in white gauze immediately interrupted.

"James, I said stop!"

"Okay, Your Royal Highness!" Hearing this, the mechanical voice felt a little helpless.

They had no choice but to stop their movements, and the light ropes on Zero and Xiao Zhi also disappeared.

"Are you all right?!" At this time, the woman in white gauze wanted to come forward to comfort her.

However, Sai Luo stood in front of him vigilantly.

"Who are you?!"

"Hey, hey, show some respect!" Just then, the mechanical voice sounded again.

"The person in front of you is Her Royal Highness, the second princess of the royal family from the planet Esmeralda. Her Royal Highness Emerana, you'd better be more respectful."

At this time, Omega also grabbed the excited Cero and spoke.

"Okay, Sai Luo, this is probably a misunderstanding!"

"I'm so sorry!" At this time, Amy Lana lowered her head and said softly.

"James's character is actually quite good. This time he is just worried about my safety."

"My home, Esmeralda, was also attacked by Caesar Belial. My parents, sister, and subjects no longer exist, and I am the only one left."

As he spoke, pictures were also displayed on the big screen.

And Sai Luo looked up, only to find that the leading figure was Beria.

Immediately couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said.

"It really is Beria, I'm going to find him now!"

As he spoke, Zero wanted to rush out.

However, at this moment, Omega caught Zero.

"Sero, calm down! If you go out now, can you find Beria?!"

"Yes, brother!" Xiao Zhi on the side also said quickly.

"Caesar Belial is very powerful. We can't defeat him with just one person!"

"Although I don't want to admit it." At this moment, the mechanical voice in the spaceship sounded again.

"But Beria's strength is indeed terrifying! We can only flee!"

"I also advise you not to try to resist Beria."

"Who said that?" Xiao Zhi on the side was unhappy when he heard this.

"We can definitely defeat him."

"Oh, I don't know who you are?!" Hearing this, the mechanical voice was obviously confused.

Xiaozhi, on the other hand, puffed up his chest.

"My name is Xiaozhi, and this is my brother. Lan, um... currently is Zero, and the brother next to me is Omega."

"Never heard of it, unknown person!" However, the mechanical sound sounded again, and he spoke again.

"I advise you not to waste your efforts, lest you lose your life. We have no way to defeat Beria."

"Impossible!" However, when Xiaozhi heard this, he quickly retorted.

"Obviously there is still Palagi's Shield, so we still have hope!"

"That's just a legend." James Robert's voice sounded again.

But it made Xiaozhi a little angry.

"Are you saying I'm lying?!"

"Okay, Jambert!" However, at this moment, Emilana on the side spoke to dissuade.

"I also want to try what Xiao Zhi said and go find the whereabouts of the Shield of Palagi!"

"It's a hope after all."

"This... alright!" Hearing this, Jambert had no choice but to agree.

Then he spoke.

"Then the next target is the Star Territory of the Pirates of Fire."


 Thanks to Qread user Long An D, Life is a Ruthless Knife and two big guys for their reward support. I also want to thank book friend 20230522185330884 for their reward. Thank you very much.

  At the same time, I would also like to thank you all for your recommendation votes and support.

  In addition, the plot of the last three chapters is really because there are too many dramas in the Galaxy Empire, and it has to be written, otherwise there will be no cause and effect, alas, it is numb.

(End of this chapter)

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