Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 40 The battle with the Flame Warrior, I want to teach you a unique skill!

Chapter 40 The battle with the Flame Warrior, I want to teach you a unique skill!
Another hour passed.

The spaceship arrived at the star domain of the Pirates of Fire, and just after stopping for a moment, it already attracted attention.

"Are you coming?!" Inside the spaceship, Omega and the others looked at the fiery red spaceship approaching on the big screen.

They all stood up.

However, before they could express their intention of coming, the spaceship on the opposite side had already begun to speak.

"Hey, hey, where did this guy come from? He doesn't look like someone from the Beria Legion."

"But it's too rude to break into other people's homes without their consent?!"

At the same time, in front of the spaceship, a fiery red figure also stood up.

He licked the hair on his head and lit up a flame.

He looked at the spaceship not far in front of him and said arrogantly.

"Hey, who are you guys?! What are you doing here?!"

"If you don't tell the truth. Don't blame me for turning you into roast chickens!"

"Roast chicken, is this guy talking about me?!" James's voice sounded inside the spaceship.

It seems to be a little dissatisfied.

"Isn't this too rude?!"

"I'll explain my purpose to him!" At this time, Zero turned around and prepared to leave the spacecraft.

The bracelet on the arm suddenly flew out of a pair of glasses, just when Sai Luo was about to pick it up and transform.

Omega on the side stepped forward and slapped the glasses back into the bracelet.


Looking at Zero's confused eyes, Omega spoke.

"You only have three chances to transform, so save it for important moments."

"Leave this little matter to me."

As he spoke, Omega turned into light and rushed out of the spacecraft.

Then, a huge figure appeared.

"Is this what Omega really looks like?!" In the spaceship, Emerana looked at the huge background of Omega and couldn't help but murmured.

However, when the Flame Warrior saw Omega's appearance, he suddenly assumed a fighting stance.

"Hey, you are Beria's Dark Lopes Omega, right?! What's the purpose of coming here?"

"Hey, hey!" Hearing this, Omega was a little dissatisfied.

"Don't confuse me with those knock-offs, bastard!"

"I am Ultraman Omega, not those machines!"

As soon as the voice fell, the flame warrior at this time directly attacked Omega.

Fortunately, Omega reacted quickly and quickly dodged.

"You guy, can't you just listen to what I have to say?!"

"If you want to talk to me, you must defeat me first!" At this time, the Flame Warrior licked his hair again.

Then he rushed towards Omega again.

"No matter who you are, first taste the power of my red lotus flame."

Saying that, he attacked Omega again.

However, this time Omega was already on guard, and naturally he would not let the Fire Warrior succeed again.

Facing the offensive of the Flame Warrior, Omega was not at all polite.

Even if it is to exert its full strength.

He knew that with a character like the Fire Warrior, he wouldn't be able to beat him down.

He doesn't listen well to himself.

In this way, the situation of the Pyro Warrior is not easy.

After all, Omega has now been blessed by various special skills, and his fighting style has gradually become more perfect.

Every attack of the Flame Warrior was skillfully blocked by Omega.

As for Omega's attack, the Pyro Warrior couldn't stop it at all.

In addition, Omega's quasi-legendary strength greatly suppresses the Flame Warrior.

But for a moment, the Flame Warrior couldn't stand it anymore.

Immediately the flame burned in his hand, and a flaming stick appeared in his hand.

He looked at Omega and reminded him.

"Be careful, I'm going to get real."

As he said that, he took the flame stick and attacked Omega again.

"It's you who should be careful!" But at this moment, Omega couldn't help but shook his head.

Using a weapon in front of oneself is not asking for trouble? !

I saw the Omega breath condense energy in Omega's hand, and a blue lightsaber appeared again.

Then he attacked the flame warrior.

All of a sudden, Flame Warrior felt even more aggrieved than before.

Originally, he could successfully swing his fist at Omega without using weapons, although he might not be able to hit it.

Now that he is using a weapon, it is difficult for him to even swing it.

Omega was sticking to his side like a dog skin plaster, swinging his sword constantly.

Whenever he swung the fire stick, he was stopped halfway by Omega with his sword.

But he didn't know that even Beria, holding the ultimate combat instrument, couldn't find favor in Omega's hands.

Let alone him.

After fighting for a while, the Pyro Warrior finally couldn't sit still.

He quickly retreated and waved to Omega.

"No fight, no fight, what on earth is your origin?!"

"What on earth do you want to do?!"

"We need to know the whereabouts of the Shield of Palagi." At this time, Omega stopped what he was doing when he heard the Fire Warrior's words.

He looked at the Fire Warrior and spoke.

"At the same time, I also want to invite you to join us and fight Beria together."

"The Shield of Palaji?!" Hearing this, the Pyro Warrior couldn't help but shook his head.

"It is said that that thing requires fragments to activate. No one knows where the fragments are?! Where is the hope?!"

"As for joining you, let alone that. I am a good pirate and am quite free. Why should I join you?"

Speaking of this, the Pyro Warrior seemed a little proud.

"In this star field, we are safe. Even Beria dare not come here without permission. What good does it do for me to join you?!"

"We have found the fragments of Palagi's Shield." However, upon hearing this, Omega shook his head.

Then he turned and pointed at the spaceship.

"It's in there, isn't this hope?!"

"In the roast chicken?!" Hearing this, the Flame Warrior looked at the spaceship.

However, this title almost made Jameson go berserk again.

If Emerana, as a princess, hadn't stopped her, she would have rushed up and shot the Flame Warrior.

And Omega couldn't help but shook his head when he heard the flame warrior's nonsensical words.

Then he looked at the Fire Warrior and spoke.

"As for why you joined us, are you, a freedom-advocating warrior, willing to hide in a corner like this?!"

"That would not be called a warrior, but a coward."

"You!" Hearing this, the Flame Warrior became anxious.

Just about to attack, but suddenly discouraged.

"Well, you're right."

"But this is also a helpless move. Beria is too powerful and we have no way to defeat him."

"As for Palaji's shield, it's just a legend."

"Who said it can't be defeated?!" After hearing this, Omega shook his head.

He looked at the Fire Warrior and spoke.

"I just fought with you, how did you feel?!"

"Feeling frustrated?!" The Flame Warrior heard Omega's words, thought for a moment, and then said.

"I feel that the fighting method you use is not simple, and it can be called a unique skill in the entire universe."

"But what if I know more than this?" At this time, Omega immediately spoke after hearing this.

"And, am I willing to teach you other secret skills?!"


 Thanks to Qread user Xiaochen for the monthly ticket support, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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