Chapter 41 Flame Knife, Dark Staff Dark Gona

"Are you willing to teach me?!" Hearing Omega's words, the Fire Warrior looked in disbelief.

You know, this is a unique skill? !
In the entire universe, no matter if one creates a unique school, it can stand on its own.

It is not an exaggeration to become a big force even bigger and stronger.

However, Omega told him that Omega has more than one unique skill.

Still willing to teach him.

This makes the Fire Warrior feel like a dream, so unreal.

As for Omega's many unique skills, he had no doubt about it.

After all, with the strength of the Flame Warrior, even in the face of a stronger existence, he can still match two moves.

Not even being able to touch the other person's body.

And the only ones who can do this are those who are called masters.

Thinking of this, the Pyro Warrior couldn't help hesitating.

"What?! Are you worried that I lied to you?!" Omega couldn't help but feel a little confused when he saw the Fire Warrior hesitate.

This was the first time that he took the initiative to teach others his secret skills, but it seemed that things were not as easy as Omega imagined.

Could it be that you still don't believe in yourself? !

Thinking of this, Omega looked at the Fire Warrior and said.

"If you don't believe it, I can teach you first!"

"This..." Hearing Omega's generosity, the Fire Warrior couldn't help being stunned.

Then he quickly explained.

"It's not that I don't want to believe you, the main thing is that I am a member of the Pirates of Fire. If I want to go with you to fight against Beria, I still want to ask the captain's opinion."

"No need to ask, we agree!" Just as the Flame Warrior finished speaking, the fiery red spacecraft behind him suddenly made a sound.

However, three pirate captains came to the bow of the ship, looked at the flame warrior and said.

"Actually, we have long been thinking about where to use your powerful power."

"Now the opportunity has finally come. This is the time when your strength is needed. Go with them, defeat Beria, and save the peace of this universe."

As he said this, one of the pirate captains even smiled.

"Besides, you can learn from this powerful man a unique skill that is rare in the universe. Why not do it!"

"Captain, everyone..." When the Flame Warrior heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then he nodded.

"I understand!"

As he said that, the Flame Warrior looked at Omega again with a solemn look on his face.

"Please give me more advice in the future."

"Of course!" Omega nodded, then looked at the Flame Warrior and said.

"Since you have agreed, then I promise to teach you a unique skill."

"The name of this unique skill is Flame Knife!"

"Flame Knife?!" Upon hearing this, the Flame Warrior showed a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Although his energy is of fire attribute, this secret skill is not suitable for him.

His weapon is obviously a flame stick, although it is not commonly used.

Thinking of this, the Fire Warrior looked at Omega and said.

"Master Omega, I have never used a sword. Isn't this secret skill inappropriate?!"

"Look, you're in a hurry again, aren't you?!" Upon hearing this, Omega shook his head.

Then he opened his mouth to explain.

"Although the Flame Knife is called the Flame Knife, it's not a sword technique?! It's a fist technique."

"Fist?!" Upon hearing this, the Flame Warrior had a question mark on his face.

Dang even asked.

"Then why is it called a knife?!"

"That's because..." Omega heard this and wanted to explain.

But after thinking for a long time, I couldn't think of any reason.

Even when he opened his mouth to speak.

"Why do you ask so many questions?! Just say you don't want to learn?!"

"Learn, definitely learn!" Upon hearing this, the Flame Warrior quickly changed his tone.

Even when he opened his mouth to speak.

"Then how should I learn?! Did you demonstrate it to me?!"

"No!" Omega shook his head and then said.

"Since it is a unique skill, it will naturally not be an ordinary way of learning."

"Unique learning needs to be realized by yourself."

"Enlightenment?!" Hearing this, the Flame Warrior looked confused.

At this time, Omega had already begun to fool around with ease.

"The Flame Knife, although it has the word sword, is actually a fist and palm skill."

"What's important is that Lingxu exerts strength and strikes with every thought. Although it is illusory and unpredictable, it can kill the enemy invisible, control it to the slightest, and retract it freely."

"I still don't understand." After hearing this, the already stubborn Flame Warrior couldn't help but become even more confused.

He looked at Omega and said.

"The flames are powerful and powerful, so how can they be ethereal and unpredictable?!"

"This involves hurting people with force!" Omega heard the Fire Warrior's doubts and shook his head.

Then he looked at the Flame Warrior and said.

"The temperature of a star like the sun is strong enough, right?!"

"Fight enough!" The Flame Warrior nodded, and then said.

"Why are you asking this?!"

"Let me give you an example." Omega said calmly when the Fire Warrior asked.

"If I use a huge barrier to block the light emitted by the sun, can you still feel the temperature of the sun if you get close to it?!"

"Yes!" The Flame Warrior nodded, after all, the energy of the sun was there.

Not to mention setting up a barrier, it was just finding a planet and hiding behind it.

But as long as you get close, you can still feel the heat of the sun.

"This is the secret of using strength to hurt others." When Omega heard this, he nodded.

"When you understand why even if the sun is covered, you can still feel the heat when you are close to it, you can learn the flaming knife."

(I just made it up, please forgive me if there are any inaccuracies.

But I can really get him back, at least according to my own theory, please don't take it seriously! )
"Is that so?!" Hearing this, the Flame Warrior nodded.

Although he still had some doubts, he saw that Omega had already explained so much to him.

The Flame Warrior didn't ask any more questions and just nodded blankly.

At this time, Omega couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

What the hell, talking all over the place, finally fooled the Flame Warrior.

As for whether he can learn it, Omega doesn't want to think too much.

If you really can't learn it, it's a big deal, just hand over the unique skills you have cashed back to the Flame Warrior.

This time, he just wanted to see if he could free up the rewards from the system.

Thinking of this, Omega patted the Fire Warrior on the shoulder.

Then he spoke.

"Okay, now that you've learned it too, let's go find Palaji's shield with us and fight Beria together."

"Don't be in a hurry about the utter learning, let's realize it slowly!"

"Yeah!" Hearing this, the Fire Warrior nodded.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"Haha, I finally found you. Where are you going?!"

After the words fell, countless spaceships suddenly appeared, surrounding this star field.

At the same time, a black figure suddenly appeared on the leading spaceship.


 Thanks to qread users 401 and the two big men of the Seven Deadly Sins for their monthly support.

  I also thank the book friend 20210821164749891 for the monthly ticket support.

  At the same time, I would also like to thank you all for your recommendation votes and support. Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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