Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 42 Teaching Xiaozhi Martial Arts? !Confused Omega.

Chapter 42 Teaching Xiaozhi Martial Arts? !Confused Omega.

That's when Omega and Pyro prepare to leave together to find Palaji's Shield.

The entire star field suddenly sprang out with dense spaceships, completely surrounding the star field.

And on the leading spaceship, a black figure suddenly appeared.

He looked at the space pirates, Omega and others who were surrounded, and said immediately.

"I am the subordinate of Emperor Beria, the dark staff officer Dark Gona, and I am ordered to destroy all rebels."

"Sensible, surrender to me obediently, or don't blame me for being rude."

"This guy?!" At this moment, the Flame Warrior, looking at the dark Gona in the sky, immediately clenched his fists.

"If you still don't give up, then don't blame me for being rude."

Said, is to rush to fight.

However, at this time, the pirate spaceship suddenly stopped the Flame Warrior.

Under the doubtful gaze of the Fire Warrior, the ship spoke.

"Boy, don't forget what you promised others, this little thing, leave it to us!"

With that said, the fiery red spaceship started and rushed towards Beria's legion.

Then, there was intense artillery fire.

But the Flame Warrior couldn't help but froze in place.

Looking at the background of the spaceship, he murmured.

"Captain, everyone..."

"Hey, hey, hey, why are you dazed?!" At this time, Omega reacted quickly and rushed into the battlefield.

Before that, Omega did not forget to remind the Fire Warrior.

"You don't really think that I will take you out directly?! Don't be kidding."

"This..." Before the Flame Warrior could react, another ray of light suddenly appeared in the sky.

Sai Luo's figure also appeared.

He looked at the Flame Warrior who was still in a daze, and shouted.

"Hey, the fight has started, why are you still standing there?! Come on."

"Having said that, you don't look weak in fighting. When these guys are dealt with, we will fight again. My name is Sai Luo, remember!"

Saying that, Zero also rushed forward.

At this time, the Flame Warrior finally reacted and quickly rushed into the battlefield.

At the same time, the Fire Pirates were also at a disadvantage.

After all, compared to those powerful robots, they are just ordinary people at best.

If it weren't for some flame warriors, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to achieve such a big name.

What's more, compared to the densely packed spaceships.

They are just a spaceship, and they are indeed a bit lonely.

In just a short while, the robots had already broken through to the cabin of the spaceship.

There is only a glass between him and the Fire Pirate inside the ship.

Seeing that the giant robot had begun to raise the energy cannon in its hand, it was aimed at the group of fire pirates.

Just then, Omega landed from the sky.

A flying kick already kicked the robot and exploded on the spot.

Then, Omega condensed an eight-point light wheel in his hand, and the eight-point light wheel with golden patterns flew out.

I don't know how many enemies have been dealt with.

On the other side, Zero also joined the battlefield.

Under his urging, the energy bracelet in his hand turned into a javelin.

Throwing it casually will skewer a series of enemies into candied haws.

And the flame fighter, holding a flame stick, quickly wiped out the robot in front of him.

Although the three of them are powerful, they can attack one enemy at a time.

But the number of Beria's legions was too large.

Even after fighting for a long time, the number still did not decrease.

There was even a red light on Zero's chest, and a "ticking" sound continued to sound.

"Hello?! What's going on?!" The Flame Warrior at the side heard the movement and looked at Sai Luo suspiciously.

"What's ringing non-stop?!"

With this look, the Pyro Warrior saw Sai Luo's weakness.

I also understand that this guy's power is not infinite.

In addition, Omega and Zero are of the same race, so the Fire Warrior subconsciously believed that Omega would soon run out of energy.

For a moment, the Flame Warrior couldn't help feeling anxious.

If the battle cannot be resolved as soon as possible, I am afraid it will be difficult for them to escape.

Thinking of this, the Fire Warrior made up his mind.

He looked at Zero and Omega, and said.

"You should withdraw first. The Shield of Palagi is at the Mirror Star, the hometown of Two-dimensional."

"Leave these guys to me!"

"Hey, what do you guys want to do?!" Sai Luo felt something was wrong.

At this time, Omega probably guessed the plan of the flame warrior, and wanted to use himself to detonate this star field full of nitromethane.

Before Omega could speak.

At this time, the flame warrior was already burning with flames.

"Let me show you how powerful the Red Lotus Flame is!"

With that said, he suddenly rushed towards the depths of the star field.

Then, there was a sudden burst of strong explosion.

In just an instant, the entire Belia Legion in the Star Territory was wiped out.

Only Dark Gena escaped at the last moment, and at the last moment, only one sentence was left behind.

"Damn it, I'll definitely be back."

At this time, the pirates of the flames also took advantage of this opportunity to start the spaceship to jump and escape from the scene.

"Damn it, is this guy a dynamite?! Will it explode at one o'clock?" At this time, Sai Luo could only erect the barrier bitterly because he wanted to protect Jambert who was still in the form of a spaceship behind him.

At the last moment when the energy was about to run out, Omega caught him back and entered the spacecraft.

But because of this, Sai Luo turned back into a human body and fell into a coma.


After an unknown amount of hours, Sai Luo finally woke up from his sleep.

Looking at the empty sleeping cabin around him, Zero shook his confused head.

Then he groped towards the cockpit.

As soon as he walked into the gate, he saw Xiaozhi practicing boxing in a serious manner.

He couldn't help laughing immediately.

"Xiao Zhi, you practiced well!"

"Of course!" After hearing this, Xiao Zhi raised his head proudly.

"This is the boxing technique my father taught me."

Saying that, Xiao Zhi looked towards the door, but found that it was Sai Luo.

He suddenly became excited and rushed forward quickly.

"Brother, are you awake?!"

"I thought you were seriously injured. If Brother Omega hadn't told me that you were fine, how long would I have to worry about?!"

"I'm really sorry for making you worry." At this time, Zero seemed to feel Xiao Zhi's worry.

Rarely showing a gentle side, he gently rubbed Xiao Zhi's head.

Then, another change of subject.

"By the way, you just said that this is the boxing technique your father taught you?!"

"How was your practice?!"

"Well... I don't know either." Xiaozhi shook his head when he heard this.

Then he spoke.

"I don't seem to have gotten the hang of it yet, I haven't practiced yet!"

"That's it!" Upon hearing this, a smile appeared at the corner of Sero's mouth.

"Let me tell you, your brother Omega is a master, do you want him to guide you?"

"It will definitely improve by leaps and bounds!"

"Really?!" Hearing this, Xiaozhi raised his head suddenly, with surprise in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, let Brother Omega teach me!"

"Huh?!" At this time, Omega on the side showed a question mark face.


 Thanks to qread user @. . . _AC and Xiaochen are supported by monthly tickets.

  Also thank you big brother, you saw the name of the monthly ticket support.

  At the same time, I would like to thank qread users for their support of life like a ruthless knife

  Also, thank you all again for your recommendation votes and support, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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