Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 43 Feeling the breath of the wind, teaching Xiaozhi the realm of harmony between man and nat

Chapter 43: Feel the breath of the wind and teach Xiaozhi the realm of unity between heaven and man
"Ah?!" Omega was stunned when he heard that Sai Luo wanted him to teach Xiaozhi martial arts.

It's not that Omega doesn't want to teach Xiao Zhi, it's mainly that his teaching relies solely on deception.

The previous ones all learned the so-called unique skills in Omega's mouth by virtue of their own understanding.

But those are all well-known geniuses, and their understanding is already extraordinary.

And Xiaozhi is just an ordinary human being, and most likely does not have the talents of others.

Not to mention, Xiaozhi is still a child.

Fooling a child will make Omega feel painful for a second or two.

Before Omega could think of how to refuse.

Xiao Zhi on the side saw Omega's face, but he looked at Omega pitifully.

"Wouldn't Brother Omega be willing to give me advice?!"

This child's coquettish look immediately made Omega not know how to deal with it.

For a moment, my heart softened.

He looked at Xiao Zhi, and spoke like coaxing a child.

"How could it be?! I was thinking how to teach Xiaozhi better!"

As he said that, Omega thought for a moment.

After all, teaching Xiaozhi can't be the same as teaching those other guys.

Xiao Zhi is a human being.

There are meridians.

It's not okay to teach randomly like before. What if something goes wrong during the actual training and goes crazy? !

In this way, those inner strength moves and the like cannot be taught.

What else can be taught? !
After thinking for a moment, Omega had an idea.

He looked at Xiaozhi and said.

"Xiaozhi, first show me the boxing techniques you have learned, and let me have a look."

"Okay!" Xiaozhi nodded, then made fist gestures and practiced.

"Hey hey hey!"

Just when Xiaozhi was obsessed with exercising, Omega made a sudden move.

He easily grabbed Xiao Zhi's fist.

Then he punched out, facing Xiao Zhi's face.

"Master Omega, what are you going to do?!" No one reacted to this scene, and Cero, who was Xiao Zhi's brother in the human body, couldn't help but worry.

Even Xiao Zhi, who was the person involved, closed his eyes in fright, his body trembling.

However, after waiting for a long time, I didn't feel any pain.

Xiao Zhi opened his eyes again in doubt, but saw Omega's fist stopped an inch away from his face, but did not come closer. Obviously, Omega put away his strength.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he spoke.

"Brother Omega, you scared me."

"That's really sorry." And Omega also smiled at this time and put away his fist.

Then he looked at Xiao Zhi with a serious face and said.

"Xiao Zhi, tell me, how did you feel just now?!"

"Scared." Xiaozhi recalled for a while, and then said.

"I feel like it will definitely make me cry if I touch it."

"That's right." Omega nodded after hearing this.

Although, this is not the answer Omega wants.

But as a child, the first reaction is that this is normal.

He still needs to be persuasive and persuasive.

Thinking of this, Omega looked at Xiaozhi and said.

"Then do you know why this is?!"

"I don't know!" Xiaozhi shook his head blankly, then looked at Omega and said.

"Omega, brother, can you tell me?!"

"Of course!" Omega nodded, and then said.

"Xiao Zhi, your boxing moves are remarkable, but you didn't put your heart into it."

"So, you have no way to guarantee that your fist can hit others, nor can you guarantee that you can avoid others' fists."

As he spoke, Omega paused.

"If you continue to practice like this, you will still be unqualified."

"Ah, what should I do then?!" Hearing what Omega said, Xiao Zhi hurriedly asked.

"Brother Omega, can you teach me?!"

"Of course!" Omega nodded, and then said.

"You have to understand one thing. To practice boxing, you must first train your mind, so that you can first achieve the state of mind of harmony between man and nature, so that you can unleash the greatest mystery of boxing."

"Heart training?!" Xiao Zhi's eyes were full of bewilderment when he heard this.

At this moment in the cabin, Jambert's voice came.

"Master Omega, I have to interrupt you. According to science, the unity of man and nature is illusory."

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about?!" However, when he heard this, Sai Luo couldn't sit still.

He was accidentally attacked by Zhanbert before, and he was a little upset in his heart.

Now I see Zhanbert questioning the recognized master of their kingdom of light, that is, his master.

Suddenly, Sero couldn't bear it anymore and immediately spoke.

"Omega is the chief instructor of our Land of Light Cosmic Guard and a recognized master, how can you talk like that?!"

"I only speak with science." Jambert's mechanical voice sounded again.

Suddenly, there was a row of black lines on Zero's forehead.

Seeing that these two guys were about to quarrel again, Emelana couldn't sit still anymore, and said quickly.

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing."

This time, they managed to suppress the irritable temper of these two guys.

At this time, Omega didn't pay attention to the farce on the side.

Instead, he looked at Xiaozhi and said.

"Want to know how to study?!"

"En!" Xiaozhi nodded solemnly and said.

"Brother Omega, please teach me, no matter how painful or tiring it is."

"It doesn't need to be too hard or too tiring." Hearing this, the corner of Omega's mouth curled up with a hint of danger.

Then he suddenly punched down, and Omega didn't hold back this punch.

But the target is not Xiao Zhi, but the air next to Xiao Zhi.

As the punch fell, a gust of wind suddenly blew up.

The hair next to Xiao Zhi's ear couldn't help but blow.

"How?!" Omega withdrew his fist again, looked at the somewhat stunned Xiao Zhi, and said.

"Feel something?!"

"The wind, there is still sound." Xiao Zhi shook his buzzing head and then said.

"It's big, blowing past my ears."

"Remember how you feel now." Omega patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder, and then said.

"This is the feedback between heaven and earth when others punch, remember it well."

"Whenever you can fully feel the feedback from the heaven and the earth, it will be the day of the unity of heaven and man."

With that said, Omega rubbed Xiao Zhi's head.

"By then, you will be invincible!"

"Heaven and man are one..." Xiaozhi couldn't help but think deeply when he heard this.

At this time, Zanbert, who was originally skeptical, fell into silence when he heard Omega's words.

It seemed that he couldn't find a point to refute.

Even Sai Luo was reminiscing about Omega's words.

For a moment, the entire cabin fell into silence.

And so it went for a while.

A voice woke them up suddenly, but it was Emirana's voice.

She looked out of the window excitedly and said.

"The mirror star has arrived!"


 Thank you to QReader Mr. Long Fenglin for sending me the monthly ticket. Thank you for your support.

  I would also like to thank other big guys for their recommendation votes and support. Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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