Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 45 Beria Attacks the Mirror Star, Ciro Gets Caught

Chapter 45 Beria Attacks the Mirror Star, Ciro Gets Caught
Just when the mirror knight was about to lead Omega and the others to find Palaji's shield.

Suddenly, the entire Mirror Star trembled.

In the sky, a mirror projected the influence from the outside.

However, the Belial Legion has already begun to attack the Mirror Star.

The densely packed spaceships have completely surrounded the mirror star.

Seeing this scene, the mirror knight spoke immediately.

"I'll stop them, you go find Palaji's shield!"

"The Shield of Palagi is in the underground temple."

"I'll accompany you." At this time, Omega knew the plot of the original drama, even if he entered the temple, it would be of no use.

Dang even decided to stay and attack the Beria Army.

After the words fell, the mirror knight nodded.

Then with a wave of his hand, the passage to the underground temple was opened, allowing Zero and others to enter.

Then Omega and the mirror knight looked at each other, and rushed out of the mirror planet.

As soon as they came out of the mirror planet, they were surrounded by the Beria Legion.

Countless spaceships suddenly fired at them.

Fortunately, both Omega and Mirror Knight are strong enough to easily block this wave of attacks.

Then, in order not to fall into passivity, it is to take the initiative to attack.

I saw Omega and the mirror knight constantly shuttling between the spaceships.

The attacks in the hands continued.

Each hit can easily take out multiple enemies.

The number of these miscellaneous troops of the Beria Legion is also constantly decreasing.

At this time, someone finally couldn't sit still.

I saw two figures walking out of the spaceship in the middle.

"Omega, long time no see, I'm sure you're safe and well!" One of the figures was Beria, and he couldn't help showing a sinister smile as he watched Omega get caught in the battle.

Then, looking at the figure beside him, he spoke.

"Aianlong, come and hold them back, I'll come as soon as I can!"

"Yes!" Ai Anlong nodded, and then ordered.

"Everyone obeys the order and surrounds Omega!"

After the voice fell, many spaceships turned their muzzles and aimed at Omega.

At the same time, countless robots surrounded Omega.

Although Omega possesses a variety of special skills, these soldiers are unable to harm him, but they have also successfully restrained Omega's actions.

Seeing this scene, Omega couldn't help being a little angry.

He naturally knew Beria's plan, so he spoke openly.

"Belia, you guy, don't you dare to fight me head-on?!"

"Don't worry!" Beria, who was about to enter the mirror star, turned his head when he heard this, a red light flashed in his eyes.

Right now, he really didn't dare to fight Omega head-on.

After all, there are too many unique skills of Omega.

Coupled with the quasi-legendary strength emanating from Omega, this made Beria feel unsure that he would be able to defeat Omega.

He could only speak viciously.

"Just wait, it will be your turn soon."

Saying that, Beria couldn't help laughing wildly.

In his opinion, after he absorbs the Emmenal ore, his strength will be improved.

No matter how powerful Omega is, he is no longer his opponent.

Thinking of this, Beria just ignored Omega.

Walk straight into the mirror star.

At this time, Omega was unable to pursue Beria because of the siege of many miscellaneous soldiers.

At the same time, the Mirror Knight was already facing off against Ai Anlong.

Facing the constant attacks of the Mirror Knight, Aianlong also showed the power of his Iron General.

No matter how the Mirror Knight attacks, his defense is as ordinary as scraping and has no effect at all.

If it weren't for the mirror knight who could shuttle freely in the mirror, I'm afraid he would have been defeated by Ai Anlong long ago.

But even so, Mirror Knight fell into a disadvantage.

After a while, it seemed that Beria had entered the mirror star for a while.

Or facing the attack of the mirror knight, I am a little bored.

Ai Anlong didn't delay any longer, even with a wave of his hand.

The muzzles of all the spaceships were aimed at the barrier outside the mirror star.

"Not good!" At this time, the mirror knight, seeing Ai Anlong's movements, immediately knew his intentions.

He quickly wanted to return to defense for support.

However, it was too late.

I saw countless spaceships firing at the same time, and suddenly, cracks appeared on the barrier outside the mirror planet.

With the continuous increase of energy, the barrier outside the planet was shattered on the spot, and the energy light cannon also bombarded the mirror planet.

At the same time, in the temple underground on the mirror planet.

The three of Sero also found the storage place of Palaji's shield.

A huge stone statue stood in front of them.

"Is this the shield of Palaji?!" At this moment, Emerana looked at the shield held by the huge stone statue and couldn't help muttering to herself.

"Yeah!" Xiaozhi on the side nodded, then looked at the huge shield and said.

"Should put the fragments in this position!"

As he said that, Xiao Zhi took out the fragments of Palaji's shield hanging around his neck, and carefully put them on.

In the next second, Palaji's shield emitted a red light.

After that, there was no movement at all.

"How could it be?!" Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi had a look of disbelief.

Obviously did not expect that it turned out to be such a result.

After so much effort, there is still no hope.

This made Xiaozhi collapse.

"Father clearly told me that Palaji's shield will emit a strong light and return to its original appearance, why?!"

"It's okay, Xiao Zhi, there must be something wrong." Seeing this, Sai Luo hurried forward to comfort him.

"And, even if there is no Palaji's shield, isn't there still me?!"

While Sai Luo was comforting, a sudden shock came.

Then the underground temple began to collapse.

"Zero!" Before Zero could recover, cracks suddenly appeared on the ground, forming a huge abyss.

Separate Zero from Xiao Zhi and Amy Lana.

Seeing that the pillars around here began to fall, they were trying to suppress Xiao Zhi and Amy Lana.

Suddenly, Zero couldn't sit still.

Quickly took out the Sai Luo glasses, folded them into a gun and shot at the boulder.

Only then did Xiao Zhi and Emerana be saved!

Before Sai Luo could be happy, Amirana's voice came.

"Siro, be careful!"

Hearing this, Zero quickly turned his head, but only saw a black figure.

In the next second, Sai Luo passed out.

"Uh ha ha ha ha, I finally caught you." The black figure was of course Beria.

He looked at Sai Luo who was caught in the palm of his hand, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

Then he left here.

And Xiao Zhi and Emirana also fell into a coma due to the collapse around them.

Another moment passed.

A familiar red circle appeared, and Emerana and Xiao Zhi disappeared.


 Thanks to SOX_Modiot, Ice Cream Stick, Book Friends 20190315221041373, MAX Legend, Book Friends 20211128234646236, Liuling Feiyu, Book Friends 150811185859716, Book Friends 20180430134358858, Ni Luqing, Hetu Luoxie, Yu Chuanyi, Yuezichu, I am The monthly ticket support of more than 13 big bosses.

  At the same time, I would also like to thank QReader Zhao Shangen for his monthly ticket support.

  Finally, I would like to thank all the big guys for your recommendation tickets and support, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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