Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 46 Teaching the 6-vein Excalibur!The final battle!

Chapter 46: Teaching the Six Meridians Excalibur!The final battle!
Meanwhile, the battle outside the Mirror Star continues.

Seeing the Mirror Star being attacked, the angry Mirror Knight kept attacking Aianlong.

However, facing Ai Anlong's hard shell, Mirror Knight's attack was of no use at all.

There was not even a way to bring any harm to Aianlong.

"Hey, are you tickling me?!" Facing the Mirror Knight jumping up and down, Ai Anlong couldn't help but laugh.

"It happens that my back is itchy, please scratch it for me!"

As he said that, Ai Anlong bent down directly, facing the mirror knight with his back.

From this angle, it was as if he was about to fart to the Mirror Knight.

Faced with such ridicule, the Mirror Knight became even more angry.

"You bastard, let me die!"

As he spoke, the attack intensity in his hand increased a little more, and the silver light continued to rush towards Aianlong.

But this still has no use at all. Apart from igniting some sparks, it does no harm at all.

And just as the Mirror Knight was attacking vigorously, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

Then there was a sudden slap, and the unprepared Mirror Knight was sent flying directly, landing heavily on the planet.

"Okay, Ai Anlong!" This figure is Beria.

He shook his hand, then raised his head, looked at Ai Anlong and said.

"Stop playing. My purpose has been achieved. It's time to leave."

"As for the rest of these guys, when I succeed in my career, they will all be your playthings!"

Saying that, Beria went into the spaceship first.

"Understood, Your Majesty the Emperor!" At this time, Aianlong heard Beria's words and nodded.

Then, without even looking at the mirror knight, he left.

At the same time, the Beria Legion also slowly withdrew and flew towards the lair.

"Asshole, don't run!" At this time, the Mirror Knight had just recovered, but saw that the Belial Legion had left, and he couldn't even see his back.

Suddenly he couldn't help shouting angrily.

At the same time, a bright light suddenly lit up among the remaining miscellaneous soldiers not far away.

I saw a light wheel quickly passing through the bodies of the surrounding soldiers, causing a series of explosions.

In the hazy firelight, Omega's figure also rushed out.

He looked around and then looked at the direction Beria left without speaking.

Then he flew straight to the mirror knight and asked.

"Hey, are you alright!"

"It's all my fault." However, at this time, the Mirror Knight fell into self-blame.

He took all the responsibility on himself.

"It was my failure to defeat Aianlong that led to the Mirror Star being harmed."

"Why am I so weak!"

"You are already strong." At this time, Omega looked at the Mirror Knight who was trapped in a corner and said immediately.

"It's just that there are still some shortcomings. After all, no one can be perfect!"

The voice fell, but the mirror knight did not respond at all.

Seeing that this guy is so decadent, Omega has no choice.

After thinking about it for a moment, he couldn't help but sighed.

He really didn't want to fool him like this anymore, so why did he have to force him? !

But seeing that the Mirror Knight was so decadent, he had to give him some motivation.

Thinking of this, Omega looked at the Mirror Knight and said.

"Do you want to defeat Aianlon and avenge the mirror planet?"

"I have a way!"

"Really?!" Hearing this, the mirror knight suddenly raised his head and looked at Omega suspiciously.

"What can you do?!"

"I have a unique skill." Omega said immediately when she heard the Mirror Knight's question.

"After completing the cultivation, it will help you break through Ai Anlong's defense. When the time comes, killing him will not be a problem."

"Please teach me!" Hearing this, the mirror knight couldn't sit still.

Even when he opened his mouth and said.

"I must take revenge."

"Teaching you is natural." Omega nodded, and then said.

"Listen carefully, this unique skill is called the Six Meridians Divine Sword. Although it is called a sword, it actually uses the energy in the body to gather into sharp energy attacks."

"This is similar to your previous attack method."

As he spoke, Omega looked at the Mirror Knight.

"Practice to the extreme, you can use six different attack methods, and use six fingers in different positions to launch energy to attack the enemy."

"Please tell me how to learn?!" The Mirror Knight heard this and quickly asked for advice.

And Omega was not ambiguous, Dang even spoke.

"If you want to learn, you should first observe different swords!"

Saying that, Omega's breath gathered in Omega's hand.

"First the thumb of the right hand is the Shaoshang sword, the path of the sword is mighty, quite shocking, and the wind and rain are coming.

Then there is the index finger of the right hand, which is the Shang Yang sword, ingenious, flexible and elusive.

There is also the middle finger of the right hand, which is the Zhong Chong sword, which is wide open and closed, with a majestic momentum.

The ring finger of the right hand is Guan Chongjian, winning with clumsiness and simplicity.

The little finger of the right hand is Shao Chong sword, light and fast.

The little finger of the left hand is the Shaoze Sword, which comes and goes suddenly, with subtle changes, overwhelming people with force! "

Omega said, the Omega aura in his hand kept changing the shape of the sword.

From sharp swords, soft swords, heavy swords and other different swords, show different sword postures for the mirror knight.

Then, Omega looked at the Mirror Knight and said.

"When you understand the different sword powers, instead of simply responding to the enemy with sharp energy, that's when you understand the Six Meridians Divine Sword."

"I understand." Upon hearing this, the Mirror Knight nodded.

Then he said thank you.

"Thanks for the pointer!"

"It's okay!" Omega patted the Mirror Knight on the shoulder and said.

"But now there is no time for you to comprehend, we still have to defeat Beria!"

"I understand!" Upon hearing this, the Mirror Knight nodded solemnly.

Then he spoke.

"I will definitely defeat Ai Anlong, and then crush Beria's ambition."

"There are still us!" At this moment, a ray of light appeared.

But it was Rupert who showed up with Amy Lana and Xiao Zhi.

Inside the spaceship, Xiao Zhi waved his fist and spoke.

"That guy Beria took Brother Zero away."

"We will definitely defeat Beria and rescue Brother Zero!"

"Yeah!" Upon hearing this, Mirror Knight and Omega both nodded heavily.

Then, without saying a word, everyone chased in the direction Beria left.

At the same time, a message was sent out by the residents of Mirror Star.

Tell us about the decisive battle with Beria.

For a time, the forces in the entire universe were still ready to move and prepare their strength.

Get ready for the final battle with Beria!

(End of this chapter)

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