Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 47: Zero pretended to be inferior and almost fell to death, let’s start the battle!

Chapter 47: Zero pretended to be inferior and almost fell to death, let’s start the battle!
After an unknown amount of time, Sai Luo faintly woke up in the Beria base.

"Where am I?!" Zero looked around confusedly, only to find that he was trapped in an energy shield.

When Sai Luo was wondering, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Uh ha ha ha, Sai Luo, we finally meet again."

Hearing the sound, Cero turned his head, only to find that it was Beria.

Beria looked at Sai Luo and said.

"It seems that the original Dark Lopes is still useful, and can lead you here!"

"You bastard!" Hearing this, Sai Luo couldn't help clenching his fists.

He looked at Beria angrily, and said.

"You guys have the ability to let me out and have a fair fight."

"What are you thinking?!" When Beria heard what Zero said, he couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that Zero kept touching her body, she couldn't help but mocked him.

"Look at how weak you are, just like an insect."

"What are you looking for?! Are you looking for this thing?!"

As he spoke, Beria gently raised his palm, only to see that Sai Luo's glasses had already reached his hand.

"Give him back to me, you bastard!" Seeing this scene, Sai Luo couldn't help being angry.

He kept tapping the energy shield in front of him!

"Give it back to you, it's impossible!" When Beria heard this, he shook his head arrogantly.

Then he spoke.

"Without this thing, you won't be able to transform!"

"I just want you to watch helplessly as everything you cherish is destroyed!"

"You bastard, what do you want to do?!" Hearing this, a bad premonition flashed in Sai Luo's heart.

"What are you doing?!" Hearing this, a red light flashed in Beria's eyes.

He gently touched the multiple scars on his face with his fingers and said.

"Look at this wound. It was left by you and that guy Omega. It hurts so much!"

"In return, I will completely destroy the Kingdom of Light!"

Speaking, on the big screen.

A series of dark Lopus figures quickly poured into the spaceship.

Then, a light flashed.

These spaceships quickly rushed out of the universe and rushed towards the universe where the Kingdom of Light was located.

"It was just one million Dark Lops." Beria couldn't help but smile triumphantly.

"And with the support of the Emmenal ore, the Dark Lopes will only be endless, even if it is the Kingdom of Light, it will not be able to resist it!"

"You bastard, stop!" Seeing this scene, Sai Luo couldn't help but punched the energy shield.

Just relying on his flesh and blood, but it has no effect at all.

At this time, Beria, seeing Sai Luo who had broken the defense, couldn't help feeling happier.

With a wave of his hand, countless dark lops entered the spaceship and flew out of the universe.

However, just when Beria was proud, a red alarm suddenly sounded in the base.

Dark Gona on the side quickly reminded.

"Your Majesty Beria, the spaceship we sent out has been attacked by other forces."

After the words fell, on the big screen, a spaceship with a different style of painting was constantly shuttled among the Belia Legion.

The fully loaded spaceships that were originally going to be dispatched to the Kingdom of Light were quickly defeated.

It was the royal spaceship Jambert who came.

"Destroy them!" Beria was extremely angry when he saw this.

Direct your subordinates immediately.

However, at this moment, a crisp voice sounded.

"Brother, don't give up, we will come to rescue you right away!"

"Xiaozhi, everyone!" Hearing this familiar voice, Sai Luo couldn't help being moved.

At this time, he finally felt the bond with humans that his fathers often said.

A tear also fell down.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed.

The mirror knight actually got out of the tears, grabbed Sai Luo, and broke through the energy shield.

"Damn rat!" Beria was furious when he saw this.

Pointing to the Mirror Knight, he spoke.

"Destroy them for me."

Just as the words fell, suddenly, the glass of the base was shattered.

James rushed right in and attacked.

The firepower tilted directly at Beria's hands.

The subconscious pain caused Beria to throw out the Sero glasses in his hand.

Seeing this, Sai Luo looked at the mirror knight and said.

"Throw me out!"

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, the Mirror Knight quickly followed suit.

Throwing Shiro out.

In mid-air, Sai Luo stretched out his palm, trying to grab Sai Luo's glasses.

However, in the next second, Sai Luo caught an empty space.

But it was half a little away.

"Damn it!" Sai Luo was blindfolded, seeing himself fall to the ground, Sai Luo was dumbfounded.

He is still made of flesh and blood. If he falls, he will be cold.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the ground, Sai Luo couldn't help closing his glasses immediately.

At this moment, another ray of light flashed across and reached out to catch him.

Sero opened his eyes, and it was Omega that caught his eyes.

"Don't forget, there's me." Omega nodded towards Sai Luo.

Then he threw Shiro out again.

"Damn it!" Sai Luo was confused again on the spot, what about playing badminton at this time? !

He doesn't want to show off anymore!

Although he couldn't help but feel fear in his heart, Zero still stretched out his palm as much as possible.

Grabbed the Siro glasses again.

Fortunately, there was no accident this time.

Zero caught the glasses smoothly and then placed them on his eyes.

In the next second, a ray of light appeared.

Sai Luo's figure suddenly appeared, and then looked at Omega, and said angrily.

"You guy, you really dare to throw it!"

Omega shrugged, looking indifferent.

At this moment, Beria on the side watched the reappearance of Omega and Zero, and could no longer hide the anger in his eyes.

"Omega, Zero!"

"Belia, surrender!" At this moment, Sai Luo put on a fighting posture and looked at Beria.

"It's time for your ambition to end."

"Then let's try it!" Beria heard this, a gleam of red light flashed in his eyes.

Then he rushed towards Zero and Omega.

The three of them collided together quickly, with heavy fist shadows, and each punch carried great power.

Obviously, Beria has improved tremendously during this period.

But in the face of the gang fights between Zero and Omega, Beria gradually gained a disadvantage.

Especially in terms of fighting, he is naturally no match for Omega.

For a moment, those who were beaten retreated again and again.

At this time, on the other side, Jambert and Mirror Knight also chose their opponents.

However, their situation does not look as optimistic as Omega's.

Instead, he was completely at a disadvantage!

 Thanks to Qread users, don’t ask, love the boss’s monthly ticket support.

  Thank you Heihu TND Ah Fu for your monthly ticket support.

  I would also like to thank you all for your recommendation votes and support, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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