Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 48 In the dark Gona, Xiao Zhi comprehends the unity of heaven and man!

Chapter 48 The elusive Dark Gona, Xiaozhi realizes the unity of heaven and man!

At this time, above the Beria base, the spaceship in the form of Jambert shuttled continuously in the air.

And from time to time, it unleashes artillery fire, destroying the surrounding soldiers.

At this moment, several red light beams suddenly appeared and shot straight towards Zhanbert.

Fortunately, Jambert reacted in time and dodged.


Through the glass of the battleship, everyone saw a black figure standing above their heads.

"I am Dark Staff Dark Gona, let me meet you!" Dark Gona let out a sinister laugh.

Then he kept emitting red beams and rushed towards James Bert.

"Damn it, don't underestimate us!" James also kept adjusting his position in the air to avoid Dark Gona's attack.

With a roar, the battleship continuously sprayed out artillery fire and rushed towards the dark Gona.

However, the figure of Dark Gona was extraordinarily flexible, facing Jambert's artillery fire, he still easily dodged it.

Seeing this, Jambert fired another cannon fire and rushed towards Dark Gona.

Dark Gona didn't take it to heart, but laughed instead.

"Don't waste your efforts, there's no way you can defeat me!"

As he said that, Dark Ge's figure dodged the attack.

"Hehe, I've said it all, it's impossible for you to attack me!"

"Really?!" Hearing this, Jambert sneered.

"Then don't you look behind you!"

"What?!" Hearing this, Hei Gena turned his head, but found that the dense shells turned a corner, and rushed towards him again.

In the next second, a violent explosion sounded, and flames shot out.

And Jambert's voice sounded again.

"I forgot to tell you, but my missiles have a tracking function. The first wave of letting you hide is also to make you relax your vigilance."

"Now, you have been fooled!"

"Yeah!" At this time, Xiao Zhi and Emerana in the cabin couldn't help cheering and clapping.

However, at this moment, a sinister voice suddenly came out.

"You guys were fooled!"

"What?!" Before James and others could react.

A figure suddenly appeared behind him, it was that dark Gona.

Suddenly, a thick and long light rope protruded from his hand, and then it was directly wrapped around Zhanbert's body.

Green energy continued to be sucked out of James' body and converged on Dark Gona's body.

"Damn it, the energy is being absorbed!" At this moment, Zhanbert staggered, and the lights in the cabin flickered.

"Hehehehe, I finally caught you." At this time, Hei Ge Na casually pulled Zhanbert to the ground.

"You guys are pretty good at running!"

As he said that, Hei Ge Na was still not relieved, and stepped on Jambert.

"The energy is draining at a rapid rate." At this time, Zhanbert's voice was much weaker, and the alarm sounded in his body.

He told Xiao Zhi and Emirana to speak.

"His Royal Highness, Xiao Zhi, the energy in my body is rapidly draining, and I will soon fall into a deep sleep."

"There is nothing we can do. Take advantage of this moment to escape quickly!"

"No, there is still a way!" However, Emilana gritted her teeth at this time, and then said.

"I have the same energy as the Emmenar Ore in my body, that is my royal blood."

With that said, Emelana stood up abruptly, and quickly walked to the round hatch.

"James, it's up to you."

With that said, Aimee Lana jumped up.

"Your Highness Princess..." James Bert's anxious voice sounded.

Then fell into silence, and another moment passed.

Jambert's voice sounded.

"Xiao Zhi, return to the cockpit, help me, let's fight together!"

"Shout out, Samurai Transformation!"

"Yeah!" After hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded heavily.

Then he quickly returned to the cabin and stood in the center of the cabin.

Then, a crisp voice sounded.

"Samurai, transform!"

As soon as he finished speaking, abundant energy suddenly filled James' body.

Then, the parts in the fuselage continued to operate.

At this time, outside the cabin, Dark Gona was still trampling on Jambert's fuselage.

In the next second, a bright green light lit up, forcing him to cover his eyes.

At this time, James Bert under Dark Gona was also constantly changing his body.

Within a moment, a huge robot appeared on the spot.

With just a slight force, Dark Gona was knocked to the ground.

"Dark Gona!" In the cabin, Xiao Zhi assumed a fighting posture, and at this time, James and Xiao Zhi were also moving in sync.

"Next, it's up to us!"

With that said, Xiao Zhi manipulated James Bert to rush towards Dark Gona.

And punched and punched the dark Gona's body.

"How is this possible?!" At this moment, Hei Ge Na kept retreating, his eyes seemed a little unbelievable.

But the next second, he returned to his joking look.

He looked at Jambert and said.

"Did it explode on the spot?! But this doesn't change anything!"

After the voice fell, the figure of Dark Gona fell into the darkness and disappeared.

At this time, Xiao Zhi, after losing his goal, also fell into a state of bewilderment.

At this moment, Jambert's voice sounded again.

"Xiaozhi, this guy seems to be invisible, so be careful."

"Understood!" Xiaozhi nodded heavily.

However, the next second, a red beam hit James' body.

Turning his head, he found that it was Dark Gona.

Before Xiaozhi manipulated Jambert to launch an attack again, Dark Gona once again hid in the darkness.

"This guy is really hateful!" At this moment, Xiaozhi couldn't help being a little angry.

However, at this moment, another red light struck, and by the time Xiao Zhi reacted, Dark Gona had merged into the darkness again.

Just leave one sentence.

"Then let's play slowly, uh ha ha ha ha!"

"Damn it!" At this moment, Xiao Zhi could no longer hold back his anger.

He said angrily.

"Is this guy playing with us?!"

"Xiao Zhi, don't be angry!" At this time, James noticed that Xiao Zhi was in a bad state and quickly reminded him.

However, Xiaozhi, who had already been provoked to anger at this time, how could he listen.

I saw him constantly manipulating Jambert, attacking the surroundings indiscriminately.

However, this can only waste energy in vain.

Seeing the situation getting out of control, Jambert had an idea.

He spoke quickly.

"Xiao Zhi, have you forgotten what Master Omega said?!"

"Brother Omega?!" Upon hearing this, Xiao Zhi suddenly stopped moving.

Seeing that the words were effective, Jenbert hurriedly spoke again.

"Did you forget, did he say to let you calm down during the battle?!"

"Listen to the breath of the wind, and heaven and earth will give you feedback."

"Feedback from heaven and earth, the breath of wind." After hearing this, Xiaozhi calmed down in his inner cultivation.

He understood Omega's words carefully.

My heart is becoming more and more calm.

At this moment, in the darkness, a fist suddenly attacked.

Just as he was about to hit Zhanbert, Xiaozhi suddenly opened his eyes.

Then he manipulated Jambert to raise his hand and grabbed the dark fist.

At the same time, Xiaozhi's excited voice came.

"I understand!"


 Thanks to the Qread users who live like a ruthless knife for their support.

  I would also like to thank you all for your recommendation votes and support, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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