Chapter 49 Breaking the defense with one blow, the Six Meridians Divine Sword
" is this possible!!" It was Dark Gona who was caught in the fist. At this time, he looked at James Robert in disbelief.

"How did you find me?!"

"It's the wind!" Xiaozhi smiled when he heard this.

"It was the wind that told me you have to punch from here."

"What a mess!" Hearing this, Dark Ge was confused.

Then he spoke angrily.

"It was just a coincidence that you were fooled."

"Next, you won't be able to see through me again!"

After the voice fell, Dark Gona once again disappeared into the shadows.

Look for an opportunity to prepare to attack Jambert again.

I saw him quietly arriving behind James, preparing to attack again.

However, at this moment, Xiaozhi and James' eyes flashed at the same time.

"It's now!"

Saying that, a big ax appeared in Jambert's hand.

He suddenly swung behind him and hit Dark Gona directly.

"This is impossible! This is impossible!" Dark Gona looked at the giant ax hitting his chest with a look of disbelief.

"How could you have found me?!"

"Nothing is impossible!" Hearing this, Xiaozhi smiled.

Then he spoke.

"I've said it before, it's the wind that tells me where you are, it's the feedback from heaven and earth!"

"How can a guy like you who wants to destroy the universe understand this?"

As he said that, Xiaozhi looked certain.

"Knockout, Windmill!"

As the voice fell, a huge energy gathered on the axe.

In the next second, Dark Gona exploded on the spot.

Even at the last moment, Dark Gona was shouting.

"This is impossible!"


At the same time, the battle between the Mirror Knight and Aianlon continued.

I saw the Mirror Knight constantly firing the cross cursor towards Aianlong.

But this is of no use to Aianlong, who has super high defense.

Instead, he defended it easily.

At this moment, Ai Anlong kept taunting the angry Mirror Knight in front of him.

"This level of attack is of no use to me, but it's still just right for a massage."

"Damn it!" Hearing this, the mirror knight was even more angry.

"You guy?!"

"What?! Angry?!" However, seeing the gesture of the Mirror Knight, Ai Anlong couldn't help but mock.

"I advise you to take a rest, it's useless."

"I've made you happy for so long, it's time for me to take action."

With that said, Ai Anlong stood up abruptly.

The red energy in front of the chest began to gather, and then turned into a drill, attacking the Mirror Knight.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, the mirror knight had to stop attacking and quickly dodged aside.

After all, he is a fragile person and is not as resistant as Ai Anlong.

And Ai Anlong was unyielding and kept attacking the Mirror Knight.

Looking at the mirror knight jumping up and down, he couldn't help but mocked.

"You bastard, do you only know how to hide?!"

"How can you avenge your dead compatriots?!"

"Damn it, you guy!" Upon hearing this, the Mirror Knight was even more angry.

But in the face of Ai Anlong's attack, he did not dare to stop.

All we can do is keep avoiding.

Trying to throw a cross dart, but it was useless when it hit Ai Anlong.

Seeing this scene, the Mirror Knight couldn't help but said angrily.

"Why is this guy's defense so strong?! Is it really impossible for me to defeat him?!"

"no, I can not."

At this time, Mirror Knight recalled Omega's words in his mind.

You can't just rely on sharpness when attacking.

And to do this, you need to understand momentum.

Different sword postures.

Thinking of this, the different swords that Omega used as examples kept flashing in the mirror knight's mind.

Sharp sword, soft sword, heavy sword...

In constant thinking, the mirror knight also had more and more insights.

Then, the aura on his body continued to change.

Or sharp or erratic, or calm.

After another moment, the Mirror Knight suddenly stopped.

There was also a glint in his eyes.

"I understand!"

"Oh, why didn't you hide?!" When Aianlong saw the movements of the Mirror Knight, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Then it gathered energy again, and the huge drill rushed towards the mirror knight.

"If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude."

However, what Ai Anlong didn't expect was that the Mirror Knight wouldn't even hide when faced with this huge drill.

With just a casual finger, a sword-shaped energy with a sharp aura flew out.

It hit the drill head straight.

In just an instant, the drill bit was shattered on the spot.

"What?!" Seeing this scene, Ai Anlong couldn't help but trembled.

The originally mocking expression turned into surprise.

"what's going on?!"

Mirror Knight did not answer Ai Anlong's question.

At this moment, he had accumulated a lot of anger and needed to vent his anger.

The mirror knight slowly raised his right hand and flicked his fingers lightly.

Another sword-shaped energy rushed straight towards Ai Anlong.

Seeing this, Ai Anlong finally didn't dare to be careless anymore, and quickly bent down and used his back to resist the attack.

In the next second, the sword-shaped energy hit Ai Anlong's back heavily.

He forcefully knocked it back hundreds of meters.

When Ai Anlong raised his head, he found that there was already a huge dent in his back.

This is the Zhongchong sword of the Six Meridians Excalibur. Although it is not famous for its sharpness, it opens wide and closes wide and has a majestic momentum. It is an epee.

In the next second, the mirror knight flicked his fingers again, and the sword-shaped energy rushed out again.

Before Ai Anlong could react, he launched a defense.

The sword-shaped energy had already come in front of him, directly opening a big hole in his upper body.

This is the Shaochong sword of the Six Meridians Excalibur, known for its lightness and swiftness.

As a defensive monster, Ai Anlong naturally couldn't react.

Although the mirror knight still wants to play with Ai Anlong again, in order to repay the previous aggrieved.

But thinking that Beria has not solved it yet, he no longer holds back.

I saw the mirror knight flicked lightly again, and the sword-shaped energy flew out again.

At this time, Ai Anlong, who had become cautious, naturally reacted.

Hastily bent down again, aiming the hard armor at the mirror knight.

However, the next second, the sword-shaped energy hit his back armor, but penetrated this guy's body without any hindrance.

This is the Shaoshang Sword among the Six Meridian Divine Swords, which is famous for its power and sharpness.

"How is that possible?!" Ai Anlong looked at the big hole in his chest with a look of disbelief.

Why didn't he expect that the defense he was proud of was easily broken by the mirror knight with a few random moves.

He looked at the Mirror Knight unwillingly and said.

"What kind of move are you doing?!"

"Six Meridians Divine Sword!" came the calm voice of the Mirror Knight.

"Six Meridians Excalibur?! It's really powerful..." Ai Anlong couldn't help but praise, but before he finished speaking, he lost his breath and fell heavily on the ground.


 Thank you Heartbreak 0 Huamo, you can eat as much as you want, Fatty Zhang, code plus special effects, abyss3816 for your monthly ticket support, thank you very much.

  Thank you to the other big guys for your votes and support!
(End of this chapter)

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