Chapter 50 Arc Beria, Flame Warrior Support
At the same time, Omega, who was fighting Beria, suddenly heard a system prompt in his ears.

[Ding, your apprentices Zhanbert and Xiao Zhi have learned the unity of nature and man, and the skill of returning the host to the unity of nature and man has been learned automatically! 】

[Ding, your apprentice Mirror Knight has learned the Six Meridians Excalibur, and returned the skill of the Six Meridians Excalibur to the host, which has been learned automatically! 】

The voice fell, and the blue panel of the system appeared in front of Omega again.

【Host: Omega】

[Identity: Member of Kingdom of Light, Ultra Warrior, Chief Instructor of Ultra Guard! 】

[Strength: Quasi-Legendary]

[Apprentice: Taiga, Zeta, Leo, Astra, Mebius, Ace, James, Mirror Knight, etc...]

[Apprenticeship moves: Zhanma Step, Left and Right Fighting Technique, Dugu Nine Swords, Xiao Li Flying Sword, Nine Yang Magic, Harmony between Heaven and Man, Six Meridians Divine Sword! 】

[Special attributes: Strange power, stable as Mount Tai, one mind and two purposes, heart sword, see through weaknesses, light and heavy, idealistic, never in vain, continuous, surging energy, instant, battle prediction! 】

This sudden prompt made Omega unable to help but feel a little distracted.

And in his mind, various insights kept pouring in.

But after a while, Omega's aura became deeper again.

But just taking advantage of the opportunity of Omega's loss of consciousness, Belia breathed a sigh of relief.

And casually knocked back Zero and quickly distanced himself.

He looked at Omega and seemed to laugh.

"Omega, you are a master after all, how come you make such mistakes?!"

"Since I have been given a chance, I will not be polite."

While speaking, Belia began to gather energy, and the red light began to gather.

Sero, who reacted, fused the two head darts and placed them on his chest.

"Beria, finish it!"

As he spoke, the turbulent timer light rushed out and collided with Beria's red beam.

It's just that Sero didn't expect that the current Beria's strength has improved too much.

In addition, he was standing on the left side, which was wrong.

It was actually suppressed by Beria.

The red beam continuously compressed Zero's timer beam.

Seeing that he was about to be unable to resist, the big brother Omega suddenly came back to his senses.

When even a ray of light shot out, the fight with Beria began.

What everyone couldn't imagine was that Omega was able to fight against Beria's beam chamber without any energy accumulation.

This is exactly the benefit brought by the unique knowledge of the Six Meridians Excalibur.

Omega with all six veins connected, even without energy storage, can still exert the maximum power of light.

It's just that Beria's strength has indeed improved a lot. Even if Sero and Omega use light at the same time, they are only tied with Beria.

The light is constantly detoured, and it looks evenly matched.

However, Omega does not only have this unique skill.

I saw that Omega was outputting light on one side, but flicking his fingers lightly on the other hand.

A sword-shaped energy beam immediately shot towards Beria.

It hit Beria's chest straight, directing him to fly backwards.

At this time, without the red light beam supported by Beria, it was naturally powerless, and it was directly broken by the joint light beam of Zero and Omega.

Then he rushed towards Beria without losing momentum, before Beria came back to his senses.

It was hit by the light directly, and an explosion occurred on the spot.

"It seems that the left-right fighting technique is really powerful." As for Omega, who played a major role in the fight, Cero couldn't help but be envious at this moment.

Being able to use light at the same time as using another special skill can be of great use in combat.

No wonder Leo and the others can call the left and right fighting technique the most exquisite technique.

Thinking of this, Sai Luo couldn't help but speak.

"It seems that from now on, it's time for me to practice fighting each other."

Saying that, Sai Luo paid attention to Beria again.

Looking at the rising smoke, he couldn't help but speak.

"Now, should this guy be solved?!"

"Deal with me?! Uh-huh!" However, at this moment, an arrogant voice sounded.

"You guys are still early!"

After the voice fell, the smoke in front of him slowly dissipated, and Belia's figure slowly appeared.

I saw him slowly struggling to stand up, looking at Sai Luo and Omega and speaking.

"Everything is not over yet!"

After the words fell, Belial slammed his claws through the ground, and then got in.

"Stop, Beria!" Seeing this, Zero quickly chased after him.

"Wait, Cyro!" Just as Omega was about to stop him, Cyro rushed in.

I saw Zero falling straight into the underground space. He looked at the ore emitting green light around him with some disbelief.

"Are these all... Emmenar ores?!"

Sai Luo couldn't help being a little startled, he didn't expect Beria to collect so much ore.

What the hell is this guy trying to do? !

Before Sai Luo could figure it out, the next second, he had the answer.

I saw Beria standing on the high ore, with a red light flashing in his eyes.

"Siro, you can't beat me!"

After the voice fell, the surrounding ore began to emit intense light.

And continue to flow into Beria's body.

The next second, the entire ground shook tremendously.

And Omega also raised his head and couldn't help but speak.


"What's coming?!" Jambert and Mirror Knight hurried over, their eyes full of doubts.

Then, the ground suddenly cracked a huge gap.

Then a body with a length of more than a thousand meters appeared in front of everyone.

This is Arc Beria after absorbing the Emmenar Ore.

"What a terrifying energy!" Mirror Knight and Jambert couldn't help exclaiming when they saw this scene.

Then, they saw Sero who was caught by Beria.

Immediately couldn't help shouting anxiously.

"Zero, this guy!"

Saying that, Mirror Knight and Jambert rushed straight towards Arc Beria.

"Two bugs, get out of here!" Arc Beria looked at the two figures, and suddenly couldn't help feeling a little impatient.

Just slap him away.

Immediately, the Mirror Knight was shot away. As for James, he relied on the unity of heaven and man to avoid Beria's attack.

But it is a bit difficult to get close to Savior.

Simply, Beria was not interested in paying attention to them at this time.

Instead, he looked at Zero in his hand with interest.

"Look at how weak you are, why are you so arrogant?!"

"Didn't you say you want to defeat me?! Why is it like this?"

As he spoke, Arc Beria continued to use force in his hands.

And Sai Luo's energy is also constantly losing, but there is nothing he can do.

Sero was in great pain and couldn't help but murmured.

"How can it stop here!"

Just when Zero seemed to give up, suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance.

A flame rushed over suddenly, and continuously attacked Belia.

Beria was a little impatient and kept fighting back.

But his body was too big. Not only did he miss him, he almost knocked himself unconscious.

Taking advantage of this moment, the fireball suddenly accelerated and rescued Sai Luo.

When Sai Luo came back to his senses, he found that the fireball in front of him was the flame warrior.

And with him, there are space fleets of various forces.


 Thanks to the Qread users who live like a ruthless knife for their rewards.

  Thank God?I am very grateful for the monthly ticket support from the big guy.

(End of this chapter)

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