Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 51 The Flame Warrior Comprehends the Flame Knife, Noah Gives a Plug-In

Chapter 51 The Flame Warrior Comprehends the Flame Knife, Noah Gives a Plug-In

"Hey, hey, you guys, are you okay?!" At this time, the Flame Warrior looked at Zero in his arms, although he was careless, he still had a caring tone.

"Can you still hold on?!"

"It's okay!" Hearing this, Sai Luo waved his hand.

Then he stood up straight and spoke.

"Beria hasn't been defeated yet, how could I fall like this!"

"Well said!" At this time, Omega, Mirror Knight and James rushed over and stood in a row with Zero.

"Master Omega!" At this moment, the Flame Warrior looked at Omega's figure and nodded quickly.

Then, looking at Jambert, who was on the side, he spoke with some doubts.

"By the way, you guy, is that roast chicken from before?!"

"Hey, hey, can you be a little polite?!" Hearing this, Jambert suddenly felt a little upset.

Even when he opened his mouth to speak.

"I am the Royal Spaceship, please address me as Jambert!"

"Okay, stop arguing!" Omega on the side reminded him.

"Belia hasn't solved it yet!"

Hearing this, everyone came back to their senses.

At this time, Beria saw that the Pyro Warrior and others ignored him so much.

I also saw that various forces in the universe came out to block their own plans.

When even the anger was burning.

"You guys are so annoying!"

After the words fell, Beria began to gather energy in his mouth.

His back began to glow with green light, and energy slowly gathered in his mouth.

Then, a thick red beam erupted from Beria's mouth.

Aiming straight at the planet behind Omega and others.

This is the most powerful move in Arc Belial's form - Arc Disium Beam!
The destructive power far exceeds that of the original form of Dissum's light, and it is powerful enough to destroy a planet.

Seeing this scene, Zero and others finally couldn't sit still.

"Is this guy going to destroy the planet?!"

Saying that, Omega and Zero gathered barriers one after another, blocking the only way for the light to pass.

James, the Mirror Knight and the Flame Warrior also rushed forward to hold up the barrier.

The next second, Arc Disium's light hit the barrier directly.

In just an instant, there was a crack in the barrier.

A part of the red beam came out of the gap.

"Hot, hot!" Even the Flame Warrior couldn't bear the temperature of the light, and couldn't help crying out in pain.

"Why is this thing so hot!"

After the words fell, the Flame Warrior was suddenly stunned.

hot? !Yes, it’s hot!
Obviously there is a barrier, but you can still feel the heat of the light.

He seemed to understand what Omega said, no matter how much he covered the sun, he could still feel its temperature.

That's because heat energy is conductive.

Even through ice cubes, heat energy can be conducted through the focus.

As for the flame knife's Lingxu Fajin, it strikes at every thought, illusory and elusive.

But it is to let the energy carry the temperature of his own fire and conduct it out.

The energy itself is transparent, and naturally it will not be discovered by people.

At this moment, the Flame Warrior had a sense of fame.

However, before the Flame Warrior could get excited, a rushing voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Ding dong ding dong ding dong..."

The Flame Warrior turned his head, only to find that the indicator light on his chest kept flashing on Sai Luo's side, and it was getting faster and faster.

"Hey, hey, hey, you guy, at the critical moment..." The Flame Warrior suddenly became a little anxious and just started to speak.

Seeing that Sai Luo's indicator light stopped flashing immediately.

Only one sentence remains.

"How could you... fall here!"

After the words fell, Sai Luo's eyes suddenly lost their light, and his body floated quietly in the void.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't do it!" Seeing this, the Flame Warrior suddenly became anxious.

"You guys, didn't you say that you wanted to compete with me if you had the chance?!"

"Sai Luo, brother!" And Xiaozhi in Jambert's body, seeing this scene, couldn't help shouting immediately.

"How can you collapse here?! Hope is clearly right in front of you."

"Father told me that each of us is a fragment of Palaji. As long as we are united, there will be no difficulties that cannot be solved. Isn't that true?!"

While speaking, Xiao Zhi's body suddenly burst out with intense golden light.

Then, one pass to ten, and ten to one hundred.

Whether it's the Mirror Knights or the battleships of their respective forces.

They all emitted golden light, and then rushed into the sky one after another, and the light gathered in one place.

"Come here, the famous scene is here." Omega raised his head and looked at the golden light.

"The same famous scene as Tiga back then, talking about Tiga."

"The light I borrowed back then has not been returned to me yet. Is this why my future as an adult in my previous life was bleak?!"

Just as he was thinking this, the light in the sky suddenly split into two.

A large ray of light directly surrounded Sai Luo, and a small ray of light surrounded Omega.

"Am I involved too?!" Omega was a little in disbelief.

Just as he was surprised, the picture in front of Omega suddenly changed.

Looking up again, he has already come to a colorful space.

Looking up, a huge figure was standing in front of him.

"Is this Ultraman Noah?!" Omega couldn't help but sigh, this figure is really big enough.

Immediately, he couldn't help but want to scream.

However, before Omega could say what the fuck, Noah nodded towards Omega.

Then he pointed towards Omega, and a ray of light immediately entered Omega's body.

"This is the power that can travel through time and space?!"

Omega couldn't help murmuring.

Although he didn't get the same equipment as Sai Luo in the original book.

But it has the ability to travel through time and space, which can be regarded as the first half of a cheat.

Just as he was thinking this, the light gradually disappeared and Omega returned to reality.

At this time, Beria also discovered the abnormality, and he did not continue to attack.

Instead, he looked at this scene with some surprise.

Why does he feel that this is so similar to the scene where Plasma Spark selected Zero? !

He's already gone to another universe, how can he still cheat? !

What are you kidding? !

At the moment of surprise, the light gradually dissipated.

Sai Luo's figure also slowly appeared, and there was an extra armor on his body.

Zero looked at Beria and said.

"Beria, your end has come."

As he spoke, the armor on Zero's body flew out and assembled into a bow.

"You're so fart!" Beria couldn't help but be envious of Zero's cheating behavior.

But at the same time, I couldn't help but feel fear in my heart.

When even the energy in the mouth gathered again, it aimed at Sai Luo.

Not to be outdone, Zero slowly pulled the bow string that condensed energy, and the bright light gradually gathered.


 Thanks to the boss Tian Xiao Du Yi, book friend 20190217154552896, and book friend 20230328120742272 for their monthly support.

  Thank you for the ten-year bookworm of Qread users, I am the monthly ticket support of the two big guys in lql, thank you very much.

  Thanks also to other big guys for their votes of support.

(End of this chapter)

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