Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 52 Have you ever heard of hunting cattle across mountains? !

Chapter 52 Have you ever heard of hunting cattle across mountains? !
In space, the atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

Cero and Beria began to gather energy almost at the same time.

A hurricane appeared around the two of them due to the huge energy gathering.

The speed with which they gather energy represents the outcome of this battle.

However, the Flame Warrior at the side discovered the clue.

"No, if this goes on, I'm afraid Beria will emit the light first."

With that said, the Pyro Warrior and Jambert looked at each other.

Then they rushed towards Beria together.

I saw the flame warriors constantly attacking Beria from a distance with their flame knives.

And Jambert also relied on the realm of the unity of man and nature to harass Beria in close quarters.

Attempt to interrupt Beria's charge.

However, for Beria, these attacks were like scratching an itch.

At this moment, his gaze was fixed on Sai Luo.

In the next second, the energy gathering is completed.

The Arc Disium light spurted out again and rushed towards Zero.

However, at this time, Sai Luo has not yet completed the energy storage, so he can only stay where he is.

Then, the energy hit Zero directly.

This made Beria couldn't help being a little happy, thinking that he wanted to completely wipe out Sai Luo.

However, in the next second, Beria felt something was wrong.

Why hit Sai Luo, but the other party didn't respond.

Just when he was wondering, there was a clicking sound.

Under Beria's somewhat blinded eyes, Sai Luo in the distance shattered directly, turning into pieces and floating in the air.

At the same time, the Mirror Knight crossed his shoulders and spoke in a pretentious manner.

"Don't forget, I'm an expert at playing with mirrors!"

"Yeah, I've been fooled!" At this time, the Flame Warrior and James Bert, who were responsible for the harassment, couldn't help but high-five.

"What?!" Beria hadn't reacted yet.

A voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Beria, it's time to end."

Beria turned his head, only to find that Sai Luo, who was obviously shot by him, appeared behind him intact at this time.

At this time, the bow of Palaji in Sai Luo's hand has been fully charged.

As Zero relaxed his fingers, the bright light suddenly rushed towards Beria.

"No!" In Beria's unwilling voice, the light arrow hit directly.

Then there was a violent explosion, and bright fireworks unfolded.

"Phew! It's finally over!" The Flame Warrior couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

On the other hand, Sero took back Palaji's shield and turned it into armor to wear on his body.

"Yeah, it's finally over, Beria is finally wiped out."

"Everything is finally back on track." James nodded as if he was relieved.

Just when everyone was about to clean up the battlefield and leave.

A voice came suddenly.

"It's over, it's still early!"

"What's going on?!" After hearing this, everyone looked towards the smoke of the explosion.

The smoke dissipated slowly, and a figure stood in place.

This figure is none other than Beria.

Although most of the body was destroyed, it was undeniable that the guy was still alive.

And from the ground, a steady stream of green energy gushes out, merges into Beria's body, and restores his body.

"Uh ha ha ha ha, I didn't expect that!" Beria was extremely proud at this time, he looked at Sai Luo and said mockingly.

"After suffering so much damage, I'm still alive, hahahaha!"

"To tell you the truth, I have made complete preparations a long time ago. The underground is full of Emmenar ore. As long as the ore is still there, I will not die."

Saying that, Beria was extremely proud.

"Speaking of which, I'm afraid you can't release that move just now. Then, it's up to me."

As he said that, he gathered energy again.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"Hey, hey, have you forgotten me?!"

Hearing the sound, Beria stopped.

Turning around, he saw it was Omega.

"Really!" Belia's eyes flashed red when he saw Omega's figure.

"I almost forgot about you. I still remember the last time. You were the one who hit me the hardest."

"But this time, what can you do?! I won't die."

"Ha, bragging!" Upon hearing this, Omega shook his head.

Then he spoke.

"It's just using the body condensed by the Emmenal ore for protection."

"Do you really think you are immortal?!"

"So what?!" Seeing that Omega had seen through his mystery, Belia was not flustered.

Instead, he spoke proudly.

"With a steady stream of Emmenar Ore, it is impossible for you to break through my defense."

"Who said I wanted to break your defense?!" However, after hearing this, Omega shook his head.

Then even came to Beria's chest.

"Have you ever heard of hunting cattle across mountains?!"

"What?!" Hearing what Omega said, Beria hadn't reacted yet.

Then he saw Omega punching himself in the chest.

Originally, he wanted to mock Omega for not knowing his own capabilities, but suddenly he felt a burst of violent energy rushing into his body, as if it was going to tear him apart.

"It's so hot, it's so hot, what the hell did you do?!"

Beria felt the increasing violent energy in his body and looked at Omega in disbelief.

"Nothing!" Omega shook his head and said.

"You don't understand even if I tell you."

Saying that, Omega immediately snapped his fingers.

In the next second, violent energy erupted in Beria's body.

Energy like fire immediately burned Beria.

The next second, with a click, the indicator light on Beria's chest shattered.

"Omega..." Beria's unwilling voice sounded, but with an explosion, it was completely silent.

"This is finally over." Omega looked at the wreckage left behind by Beria and nodded.

What he just used was the flame knife.

Beria's body obtained by using the Emmenal ore is naturally powerful, but you must know that the way the flame knife works is energy conduction.

No matter how thick the body is, there is no way to prevent the damage of the flame knife.

This is also the reason why Beria was eliminated.

"It's great!" Seeing this scene, Sai Luo and Jambert couldn't help cheering.

The flame warrior on the side also played a cool trick.

I saw his hands across the top of his head, and a flame shot out.

He said proudly.

"Did you see it? When Master Omega defeated Belial, he used a flaming knife. This is the most powerful skill."

"It has to be the flame knife I learned!"

"Tch! That's obviously Master Omega. What does it have to do with you?!" James who was on the side couldn't stand the arrogance of the Flame Warrior.

The two started fighting again.

At this time, the Mirror Knight looked at Zero and said.

"By the way, after this matter is resolved, are you going back to your universe?!"

"Yes!" Sai Luo nodded, seemingly reluctant.

"Then don't forget to bring us!" Hearing this, the mirror knight thought for a while.

James Robert and Flame Warrior on the side also spoke.

"We also want to participate in the next adventure!"


(End of this chapter)

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