Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 53 Traveling far away, the house was stolen!

Chapter 53 Traveling far away, the house was stolen!
"By the way, what does the Kingdom of Light look like?!"

In the gap between the multidimensional universe, several figures shuttled quickly.

It was Omega, Zero and the others, and beside them, there were Jambert Flame Warrior and Mirror Knight.

But after the incident with Beria was over, the universe returned to peace.

These three already powerful guys suddenly lost their temper.

When they heard that the Kingdom of Light often encountered various crises, the three guys couldn't sit still.

Immediately go on an adventure with Omega and Zero.

Omega and Cero naturally agreed.

For this purpose, a new guard force was specially formed.

Unlike the original.

This guard team is named after Omega.

The captain is also an Omega, but Sero is just a vice-captain.

This is also because of the identity of Master Omega, who taught them unique skills.

At this moment, they are rushing towards the Kingdom of Light.

On the other hand, the Flame Warrior Jambert and the Mirror Knight were very curious about the Utopian Kingdom of Light that Sai Luo said.

Along the way, keep asking.

"Zero, can you tell us?!"

"Okay!" Seeing the curious gazes of the three of Zhanbert, Sai Luo was finally defeated.

When even started to explain.

"The Kingdom of Light is a place full of justice."

"There are countless Ultra fighters like me, who together protect the safety of the universe. Of course, even the Ultra fighters have different divisions of labor in the Kingdom of Light..."

After hearing Sero's detailed introduction, James and the other three couldn't help but feel yearning for it.

After all, who wouldn't yearn for a force that existed like Utopia? !

Thinking of this, the eager Flame Warrior couldn't help but speak.

"Just listening to it is a very beautiful place, it really makes people yearn for it!"

"It seems that we can see the Kingdom of Light soon."

"Yes!" Sai Luo on the side couldn't help but nodded, leaving the universe for such a long time.

He also misses the Kingdom of Light a little bit, especially wanting to tell his compatriots in the Kingdom of Light about his deeds in other universes.

I don't know how many admiring and envious eyes I can get.

Thinking of this, Sai Luo looked at the three of Zhanbert and said.

"Let's speed up and get to my universe as soon as possible!"

"Okay!" After hearing this, everyone nodded.

Then everyone mentioned speed.

On the other hand, Omega couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the movements of the crowd.

"These guys are really full of energy!"

Saying that, Omega also started to speed up.

After everyone's full-flying flight, another period of time passed.

They came to the outside of a colorful cosmic barrier.

"Follow me!" Sai Luo didn't hesitate, the Palaji shield in his hand radiated light, and then enveloped everyone.

Just hearing the sound of Bo, everyone broke through the barrier and entered the barrier.

When the light dissipated, the gorgeous galaxy appeared in front of everyone.

"Sai Luo, is this your universe?!" The flame fighter beside him couldn't help but look up and down.

"It's so beautiful!"

"There may be danger hidden beneath beauty." When Zero heard this, he shook his head.

"This is the territory of the dark forces, and you will encounter some evil aliens from time to time."

"Although we are strong enough to deal with it, it is better to leave as soon as possible to avoid causing trouble."

"Okay!" Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Then he flew towards the Kingdom of Light again.

However, they flew straight to several galaxies, but still did not see a figure, and they realized something was wrong.

"What's the situation?!" the Flame Warrior turned to look at Sai Luo and said.

"Zero, didn't you say that there are many dark forces entrenched here?!"

"How come we flew all the way and didn't see a single soul?"

"I'm also surprised." At this moment, Sai Luo also looked at the empty surroundings with some seriousness.

"I'm afraid something is wrong!"

"It's something very wrong." Omega also said at this time.

"With so many galaxies, I haven't seen a single figure. I'm afraid there are no living things."

"I'm afraid something big is going to happen in this universe!"

"Not good, Kingdom of Light!" At this time, Sai Luo suddenly raised his head, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Then Sai Luo's entire figure turned into an aurora, and quickly swept towards the Kingdom of Light.

"Follow me!" At this moment, Omega shook his head helplessly, looking at the three of Jenbert who were stupefied because of Sai Luo's departure.

"En!" The three of Jambert nodded, and then followed Omega's pace.

After another long journey, both Omega and Jambert arrived in the Kingdom of Light.

In the universe, the mirror knight looked at the ruins around him, and couldn't help but speak in doubt.

"What the hell happened here?!"

"It looks like there should be a big war!" James Bert was also in a solemn mood at this time.

The Flame Warrior on the side looked at Omega beside him with concern.

After all, this is the hometown of Omega, but now it has become like this.

He looked at Omega and said.

"Master Omega, are you alright?"

"It's okay!" Omega shook his head, and then flew towards the Kingdom of Light.

The three of Jambert looked at each other, and Dang even followed.

As the three of them landed in the Kingdom of Light, they were startled by the deserted scene around them.

Didn't Zero say that there are countless Ultra warriors in the entire Kingdom of Light? !
Why is there no one now?

Not even a corpse? !
It's like disappearing out of thin air!
Thinking of this, the three of Zhanbert couldn't help but shudder.

This is science fiction, don't turn it into a weird movie.

At this moment, the Mirror Knight saw a figure and quickly spoke to James Robert and the Flame Warrior.

"Look, is that Sai Luo?!"

Hearing this, Jambert and the Flame Warrior hurriedly looked along where the Mirror Knight pointed.

But he saw that at this moment, Sai Luo was kneeling and sitting on top of the ruins.

Far from the high-spiritedness of before.

The three looked at each other.

Then he walked up quickly.

"Sero, are you alright?!"

"Who the hell?!" At this time, Sai Luo seemed to have not reacted, and kept muttering to himself.

"Who did it? Even the old man couldn't stop it?!"


At the same time, Omega is still searching for clues in the Kingdom of Light.

Suddenly, he found something particularly conspicuous in the corner.

Omega landed and squatted down.

Looking at the plastic toy-like thing in front of him, Omega murmured.

"Glitter doll?!"


 Thanks to the Qread user 2012 Zhang Xiyao, the monthly ticket support of the ten-year bookworm.

  Thanks also to other big guys for their votes of support.

  The new urban book has been released, just click on the author's avatar, the introduction is being uploaded due to negligence, and the introduction can also be seen in the new book comment area.

  Thank you very much for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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