Chapter 54 Killer Bit Star, the troops are divided into two groups

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The Flame Warrior looked at the decadent Sai Luo, and suddenly couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter with you, Sai Luo? Did you just give up like this?!"

"Raise your fighting spirit, bastard!"

What Huo Huo didn't expect for the moment was that even in the face of his words, Zero remained unmoved.

However, think about it too.

The entire Kingdom of Light seems to have perished, and now even the murderer doesn't know who it is.

It's normal for Sai Luo to be unable to react for a while.

After all, it is full of fights and calculations, and Sai Luo has only experienced three real battles.

There is still a long way to go before complete maturity.

Seeing Zero like this, the already hot-tempered Flame Warrior naturally couldn't stand it anymore.

After all, Zero can be said to have saved his universe with Omega.

Now that he has become so depressed, the Flame Warrior feels a little unbearable.

"Damn it, who is it?! He did such a thing!"

"I probably know who it is!" At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

Everyone turned their heads, only to find that Omega was walking slowly.

The Mirror Knight and James Robert on the side also couldn't help but ask to know.

"Master Omega, do you know who it is?!"

"Yeah!" After hearing this, Omega nodded.

This affirmative answer made the frustrated Sai Luo's eyes shine brightly.

Omega turned to look at Cero who was standing aside, and immediately spoke.

"Zero, the Kingdom of Light has not been destroyed!"

"Really?!" Hearing this, Sero couldn't sit still.

He quickly stood up and looked at Omega and said excitedly.

"Then what happened to them?! What happened here?!"

"You'll know just by looking at it." Omega spread his hand, and handed the glitter doll he picked up to Sai Luo.

Zero quickly took it, and when he saw the appearance of this glittering doll, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"what is happening?!"

"As you can see!" Omega looked at Cero and said.

"Someone turned them all into this form, and life stops at this moment."

"If we want to completely recover them, I'm afraid we have to eliminate the instigator."

"Who is that guy?!" Hearing this, Sai Luo immediately regained his spirits.

"Why did he do this?!"

"If I'm not wrong." Omega pretended to think about it after hearing this.

Then he opened his mouth and said.

"It's Dark Lugiel, the guy who pursues the eternal state of all life."

"And this form is the eternity in his mouth!"

Saying that, Omega pointed to the glitter doll in Sai Luo's hand.

"Damn it, this guy!" Hearing Omega's words, Cero couldn't help but feel angry.

Even when he opened his mouth to speak.

"I will never spare him!"

Saying that, Sero looked up at Omega.

"Where is this guy now?!"

"It should be, Blue Star!" Omega was also a little unsure.

After all, with his participation now, many plots and events are different from the original drama.

Therefore, Omega is not sure whether Luke Aier will be exiled to Blue Star like in the original book.

Just hearing Omega's words, Cero seemed to have found his target at this moment.

Even when he opened his mouth to speak.

"I'm going to deal with this guy."

"We are with you!" James and the Flame Warriors heard this and quickly expressed their opinions.

This made Shiro couldn't help being a little moved.

He looked at the three of them and said.

"It's really bothering you."

"What are you talking about? It's obvious!" After hearing this, the Flame Warrior waved his hand.

Jambert and Mirror Knight also nodded.

"that is!"

"You also helped us deal with Beria and saved our universe. Isn't it right for us to help you?!"

"Yeah!" After hearing this, Zero nodded heavily.

On the other hand, Omega spoke.

"If that's the case, let's go!"

"Yeah!" Everyone then nodded.

Then he jumped up and flew towards the universe.

Several figures kept traveling through the universe, heading firmly in one direction.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Several people have passed through several nebulae smoothly.

However, when they came to Orion, they found something unusual.

Not far from them, a huge planet was moving strangely.

Omega and Zero watched helplessly as an asteroid was crushed by a giant planet.

This guy seems to have life.

"What is this?!" Zero, James and others couldn't help but be confused.

However, at this time, Omega felt that the planet in front of him was very familiar.

However, before Omega could figure it out, a voice suddenly came.

"Be careful, this guy is attacking."

After the words fell, the huge planet in front of them suddenly fired artillery attacks at Omega and others.

In desperation, Omega and the others could only hide away.

Sure enough, the dense ones continued to explode around them. Fortunately, they were fast enough and were not attacked.

However, because of this, they were forced to be separated for quite some distance.

At this moment, below James, a hatch on the planet suddenly opened.

Then several thick light ropes rushed out suddenly, even directly tied Zhanbert.

"What's going on?!" James hasn't reacted yet.

He felt a sudden pull, and his body was gradually pulled into the planet.

"Can't there be some other ways of attacking?!"

At this time, James was speechless.

Dark Gona also used this attack method when he sucked his energy.

The same is true for this planet today? !
What strange attributes have these dark forces awakened? !

Before James finished complaining, he was completely pulled into the planet.

Then the planet's hatch was closed.

Before Zero and the others could go to the rescue, the huge planet suddenly turned into a shadow and disappeared.

"What the hell is this guy?!" The Flame Warrior couldn't sit still at this moment, looking at the void in front of him, he couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

At this time, Sai Luo was extraordinarily dignified.

"This guy is not simple. Such a big planet can actually travel through time and space!"

"Siro!" Omega said at this time.

"It seems we need to separate."

"You, Flame Warrior and Mirror Knight are going to rescue Jambert, as for Lukiel, leave it to me!"

"En!" At this time, Sai Luo had no choice but to nod.

Then looked at the Fire Warrior and the Mirror Knight.

"let's go!"

After the words fell, Sero activated Palaji's shield, turned into a ray of light, and led the flame warrior and mirror knight to chase the planet.

Omega watched them leave and rushed towards Blue Star again.


 Thank you to QReading user Shuyou 202301229036111 for your monthly ticket support.

  Thank you also for your recommendation votes and support.

  Introduction to the new book (If you are interested, you can check it out. It is double-edited. This book will be updated steadily.)
  Traveling through the parallel world, Fu Ye accidentally became a contestant in the "Professional Challenge" program group.

  However, it was discovered that the resume submitted by the original body was made up.

  Fu Ye felt numb at the thought of facing high liquidated damages.

  Fortunately, at the critical moment, the system woke up.

  As long as you gain a certain degree of popularity, you can obtain all the skills of the profession you are pretending to be.

  Ever since, Fu Ye started doing all kinds of tricks.

  Pretending to be a sign language teacher, the deaf-mute was confused: Instant noodles should be made of No. 42 concrete. What the hell is that?!
  Pretending to be a programmer, the peers are confused: How the hell does this bug-filled code run perfectly?!
  Pretending to be a professional gamer, the opponent is confused: This is such a dish, how did it get five kills?!
  When the recording of the program ended, Fu Ye held tens of millions of bonuses in his hands, looked at the various professional masters behind him, and said helplessly.

  "Don't ask, I really don't know anything, it's all fake."

  All professional masters: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"


(End of this chapter)

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