Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 58: Being chased by a jeep, do you call this basic training? ! (First order required)

Chapter 58: Being chased by a jeep, do you call this basic training? ! (First order required)

"The horse stance is ready!" Omega's voice kept ringing out at Starfall School.

But in the open space, the auditorium light was doing a standard horse stance at the moment.

It was noon, and the sun's rays were particularly fierce.

A lot of sweat suddenly broke out on Auditorium Guang's head.

In the surrounding area, two women and one man are watching.

One of them was Mei Ling, and next to her were Chigusa and Kenta, her childhood playmates with Hikari.

At this time, Kenta was looking at Omega suspiciously, and said in a puzzled way.

"By the way, who is this guy?! Why does Xiaoguang listen to him so much?!"

"You're still doing those weird moves, it's so hot, can Xiaoguang persist?!"

"Oh, that's Fu Ye." At this time, Mei Ling said with a smile.

"He is a powerful fighting master who comes from the mysterious Eastern Kingdom."

"Isn't Xiaoguang's dream to be an explorer? This is the coach he specially invited to exercise in advance!"

As she said that, Meiling couldn't help feeling a little ashamed in her heart.

After all she lied to her two best friends.

But there is actually no way to do this, after all, Taylor reminded him before.

Those dark guys are now hiding in the dark. In order to prevent Xiaoguang's identity from being exposed, the less people know about this matter, the better.

As for Fuye in her mouth, it was a human name given by Omega to avoid exposure.

"Fighting Master?!" Kenta thought thoughtfully after hearing this.

As Auditorium Light's playmate since childhood, he naturally knew about Auditorium Light's dream.

But he didn't expect that Auditorium Light could go so far for his dream.

At the same time, Kenta couldn't help but complain when he saw Hikaru's striding movements.

"But this action is so weird, does it really have any exercise effect?!"

"There must be!" The voice fell, before Meiling could explain.

Chikusa on the side replied with a determined face.

At this moment, she was looking at Fu Ye who was not far away with a nympho.

"It has been said that he is the master of the mysterious country in the East. It must be reasonable for him to do this."

"Besides, he's so handsome, he looks like a master fighter?!"

"Hey, Chikusa, are you a nympho again?!" Hearing this, Kenta, who knew Chikusa's character well, couldn't help but complain.

"What kind of nympho, it's obviously the truth." Hearing this, Chikusa blushed immediately.

Then he waved his fists to teach Kenta a lesson.

When Kenta saw this, he quickly ran outside.

"Help, the nymphomaniac hit someone, and became angry from embarrassment."

With that said, he ran outside.

When Meiling on the side saw their background, she couldn't help but smile and shook her head.

Not to mention, this cheerful look has rarely been seen since entering society.

Thinking of this, Meiling couldn't help joining in.

"Hey, wait for me!"

As he spoke, he ran outside with cheerful eyes.

This cheerful appearance immediately attracted the eyes of the auditorium light who was exercising.

Immediately, the breath in his chest was vented a lot.

His body suddenly couldn't help but tremble.

At this time, Omega couldn't help but frown.

"Xiaoguang, what's the matter with you?! You can't half-heartedly squat on horseback!"

"Ou...Senior Fu Ye!" Hearing this, Auditorium Guang said hastily.

"There is really no way, this squatting is too boring."

"Xiaoguang, you need to know that your foundation is very weak." However, Omega couldn't help frowning when he heard Auditorium Light's words.

Even when he opened his mouth to speak.

"The zama step is the one that can improve the foundation the most, and it must not be taken lightly."

"I see." Hearing this, Guang Dang in the auditorium beside him couldn't help but feel disappointed.

However, at this moment, a flashing doll suddenly emerged from the chest of the auditorium light, and then stood on his shoulders.

This figure was none other than Taro. He looked at Omega and said.

"Speaking of which, Master Omega, I don't think it's appropriate to stand still."

"After all, today's enemies are terrifying, and they are still hiding in the dark. They don't know when they will choose to attack."

Speaking of this, Taro looked at Omega firmly.

"I also ask Omega to teach Xiaoguang some unique skills to make him grow up quickly, so that he can grow up quickly."

"Yes, yes!" Xiaoguang on the side said immediately when he heard Taylor supporting him so much.

"Master Omega, can you teach me some other unique skills?"

"It's easier, at least the process is more interesting."

"Is that so?!" Omega frowned upon hearing this.

"Quick and fun learning process..."

Omega began to think.

At this time, Auditorium Light and Tai Luo couldn't help but look forward to it.

After another moment, Omega raised his head.

He looked at the auditorium light and Taylor, whose eyes revealed expectations, and spoke immediately.

"Speaking of quick success, the training process is interesting. I really have one!"

"Seriously?!" Hearing this, Auditorium Guang was overjoyed, and even Taylor couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Is there such a secret skill that is so easy to learn?!"

"Indeed!" Hearing this, Omega nodded.

Then he looked at the light in the auditorium and said.

"I just don't know if Xiaoguang is willing or not?! After all, the way of training..."

"Needless to say!" However, upon hearing this, the hall light couldn't sit still, and Dang even spoke.

"I am willing, and ask Master Omega to teach me quickly!"

"Okay!" Seeing the light in the auditorium readily agreeing, Omega looked strangely in his eyes.

But didn't say much.

Even when he opened his mouth and said.

"In that case, let me prepare some training. This training method requires encountering a prop."

With that said, Omega turned and left.

At this time, the light in the auditorium was also waiting with excitement.

At this moment, Taylor on his shoulder spoke.

He looked at the auditorium light and said.

"Xiaoguang, you are lucky. Master Omega has taught so many unique skills in the Kingdom of Light, but I have never seen one that needs to use props."

"It can be seen that the secret knowledge that Master Omega will give you this time is very unusual!"

"Really?! That's great!" Hearing this, the light in the auditorium became even more excited.

He really didn't expect that Omega would be treated differently because of his words this time.

I couldn't help but feel happy immediately.

At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder how Omega would train him.

With a restless mood, the auditorium light waited in place.

After a while, under the anxious eyes of the auditorium light.

A jeep slowly drove into the playground.

Auditorium Guang's face was full of doubts, as if he was in disbelief.

"This is, what are you doing?!"

At this moment, the car window slowly opened, and Omega poked his head out.

He looked at the ignorant auditorium light and said.

"Hey, the training is about to start. I'll start the car later, and then you can just rush towards the car!"

"Ah?! What?!" At this time, the light in the auditorium has not yet reacted.

Positive thinkers, when they suspect that they have heard wrong.

Omega had already started the car at this time, and then stepped on the accelerator, and rushed towards the auditorium light.

"Damn it, stop joking!" Seeing this scene, the auditorium light couldn't sit still.

He quickly ran in the opposite direction.

In the panic, even Taro, who was on his shoulders, was shaken and fell to the ground.

"What's going on?!" Tyro looked confused and used his Ultra-Psychic power to help him up.

Then he looked behind him.

However, they suddenly discovered that Omega was driving a jeep approaching quickly.

And his position happened to be the direction in which the tires of the car were heading!

Tai Luo didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation, and Dang even hurriedly activated Ultra's power again, turning into a colorful ray of light and disappearing on the spot.

The next second, Taylor was already on the top of the building.

Looking down at the auditorium light, which was being chased by a jeep and trying to escape.

Taylor could only send blessings silently.

Just pray that nothing dies.

Sorry Xiaoguang, please leave this matter to yourself.

At the same time, Omega couldn't help but frown as he looked at the light running so fast in the auditorium.

Not to mention, times of crisis can really bring out people’s potential.

Even though Omega has stepped on to the bottom at this time, he still can't catch up with the auditorium light running ahead.

With this speed, it is absolutely possible to become a world champion.

But this did not satisfy Omega.

After all, in this way, Omega would not be able to achieve its purpose of training the light of the auditorium.

Thinking of this, Omega immediately reminded.

"Xiaoguang, don't run away, come towards the car!"

"You don't want to just think about running away, you run towards the car and run over quickly."

However, after hearing Omega's words, Auditorium Light ran even harder.

In his opinion, those who don't run are fools.

If you really run towards the jeep, it will kill you!
While thinking this way, all of a sudden, only one in the auditorium didn't pay attention, and a stone was caught on the sole of his foot.

The next second, his whole body fell to the ground.

"Hey, it hurts!"

The auditorium light couldn't help crying out in pain, but at this moment he couldn't stop there.

He turned around and saw that the jeep was already in front of him.

And without the slightest slowdown.

At the moment of crisis, the auditorium light quickly rolled over and dodged the jeep.

At this time, the people in the auditorium were worried. If he hadn't reacted just now, he might have really died.

Thinking of this, Guang Guang couldn't help but feel angry.

He stood up, looked at Omega who was turning around, and said.

"Omega-senpai, please stop!"

"I don't understand, what is the effect of this kind of training, please tell me!"

"Xiaoguang, this is to exercise your reaction ability!" Hearing this, Omega Dang even said.

"Rushing towards the jeep and dodging it at the last moment, you need to exercise your courage."

"Moreover, this is also a unique way of cultivation!"

"What kind of practice method, I don't understand!" Hearing this, Auditorium Guang looked confused.

Whose way of practice can kill people so much? !
He is just an ordinary novice Ultra Warrior, there is really no need to start such a big battle.

Thinking of this, the auditorium light immediately spoke.

"Is there no other way of practice?! It's really not possible, just the Zama step before, I think it's pretty good."

At this moment, after experiencing the baptism of the jeep, Auditorium Guang no longer felt that the previous Zamabu was boring, but felt that it was very beautiful.

Unfortunately, I can't go back.

"No!" Hearing the words of the auditorium light, Omega refused straight away.

"After thinking about it, I think what Taylor said is quite right. Now the dark forces are hiding in the dark, and we don't know when they will break out."

"The Zama step training method takes a long time to be reflected, and we don't have that long time."

With that said, Omega turned around and aimed at the auditorium light again.

"Only in this way can you quickly stimulate your potential and make you grow quickly, and this is also the prerequisite for learning that unique skill!"

"So, Xiaoguang, rush towards the jeep!"

With that said, Omega stepped on the accelerator again.

The jeep rushed towards the auditorium Hikaru again.

"No, what a special skill, it's so perverted!" When he heard the light in the auditorium, his whole body went numb.

Seeing Omega rushing over again in a jeep.

It even broke down on the spot.

"Damn it, it's still coming!"

At this time, the auditorium light couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

Just die.

If you run any further, you'll still get hit. It's better to just rush forward and be more happy.

Thinking of this, Auditorium Light finally made up his mind.

Then he suddenly turned around and rushed towards the jeep.

At the same time, I kept calculating the distance in my heart, at the last moment.

He quickly rushed to the side.

However, although the light reaction in the auditorium was fast enough, it was still rubbed by the jeep.

Fortunately, Omega turned the steering wheel in time, so the auditorium light was not killed.

At this time, Auditorium Light felt that his whole body was in pain.

He clutched the place where he had just been rubbed by the car, and couldn't help howling.

However, at this moment, Omega poked his head out, seeing the light in the auditorium, couldn't help frowning immediately, and then spoke.

"What is that look of yours?! What is that look in your eyes?! What are those two lines of tears?!"

"With these, can you protect what you want to protect?! Stand up quickly?!"

Hearing this, the auditorium light had no choice but to finally stand up!
And Omega didn't hesitate, and started the car again.

He ran into the auditorium light.

In this way, the brutal training began again.

The only sounds left in the entire playground were the roar of cars and the wail of the auditorium lights.

Naturally, it was inevitably mixed with Omega's scolding voice.

In the afternoon, there was another collision of a jeep.

At this time, the auditorium light rushed towards the jeep again without fear.

Then he skillfully dodged to one side at the last moment.

I thought I was going to be injured again this time, but after waiting for a long time, the auditorium light didn't feel the pain.

He quickly stood up and observed his body.

But he found that besides the old wounds, there were no new wounds.

Immediately couldn't help but couldn't believe it.

"I succeeded?!"

"Yes, you succeeded!" At this time, Omega stepped out of the jeep, nodded with a smile.

And hearing this, Auditorium Guang finally couldn't hold back anymore, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.


 Thanks to Qread users Yinqingyuanque.Aa, book friend 705897, world-weary, stable_eA and many other bigwigs for their support.

  Also thank you guys for your support.

  I would also like to thank all those who subscribed. Thank you very much.

  There is another chapter in the early morning, don’t be anxious


(End of this chapter)

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