Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 59 Professor Lingbo takes small steps, meets the Speeding Party (Part 2, please order first)

Chapter 59 Professor Lingbo takes small steps, meets the speeding party (second update, please order first)
At this time, Fu Ye looked at the tears in the corner of Auditorium Guang's eyes, and couldn't help frowning immediately.

"Xiaoguang, why do you cry so easily?!"

"This is just a training session, and you're crying like this. How should you deal with it if you encounter greater difficulties?!"

At this time, everyone in the auditorium was stunned when they heard Omega's words.

How much training do you call this? !
There is no more difficult training than this, okay? !
He would rather face the ferocious monster than see the jeep again.

Although I thought so in my heart, the auditorium light still wiped away tears when I heard Omega's words.

It's not that he agreed with Omega's words, but that he was afraid that Omega would find another excuse.

Say that his xinxing has not been tempered well, and then continue to arrange a jeep for him.

In case of embarrassment and anger, it is not impossible to arrange tanks.

Thinking of this, Guang Guang in the auditorium naturally couldn't help but be afraid.

He quickly wiped away his tears.

However, he still asked with doubts.

"Senior Omega, now my training has been completed."

"Can you tell me what is the unique skill you are going to teach me?!"

"Of course!" Omega nodded, and then said.

"What I want to give you is a footwork, or Qinggong."

"His name is Lingbo Weibu!"

"Lingbo Weibu?!" Hearing this, the auditorium light couldn't help but think thoughtfully.

Then he raised his head, looked at Omega and said.

"Does it mean that after learning this unique skill, you can fly on the water?!"

"More than that!" Upon hearing this, Omega shook his head.

Then he spoke.

"If you can just fly on the water, then you don't deserve the title of unique skill."

"The power of Lingbo Weibu is more than that."

Saying that, Omega explained while looking at the gradually agitated auditorium.

"After practicing Lingbo Weibu, you can make your figure extraordinarily agile, and you can even be called unpredictable. It can also make you walk among thousands of flowers in the true sense, without a single leaf touching your body!"

"Of course, the most important thing for him is to gradually increase the energy in your body when running footwork, and your strength will also increase rapidly!"

"Is this really true?!" Upon hearing this, the auditorium light couldn't help but feel excited.

"Of course!" Omega nodded firmly.

Then he said with a smile.

"Now you understand why I just trained you like this?!"

"Understood!" Hearing Omega's words, Hall Light immediately lowered his head in shame.

Then he apologized.

"It was I who misunderstood Senior Omega, please forgive me, and give this unique knowledge to me!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely teach you!" Omega nodded.

Then he looked at the light in the auditorium and said.

"I have a set of formulas here, you should listen carefully!"

"It seems like the moon is covered by light clouds, and flutters like the snow covered by the flowing wind!"

"Yu lightly stands on a crane, if it is about to fly, it will not fly!"

"The body is fast and flying, erratic like a god, and the movement is impermanent, if it is dangerous, it is safe. When it is difficult to enter and stop, it is as if it is going back!"

With that said, Omega patted the auditorium light on the shoulder.

"After realizing these things, you will understand what Lingbo Weibu is!"

"But these are not enough, you have to learn a way to walk!"

"How to walk?!" Upon hearing this, the people in the auditorium looked confused.

And Omega was also unambiguous, when even speaking.

"You can see the positions of the galaxies in the sky that represent the twelve constellations. Remember that every time you take a step, you must step on the positions of different constellations in order, and you must change the walking position according to the rotation of the hour hand and minute hand at different times!"

(Forgive me, I changed it a little bit. After all, the I Ching 64 [-] hexagrams are too difficult, let alone a cherry blossom person, even if few of us can figure it out.)
"Is it so complicated?!" Upon hearing this, the auditorium light couldn't help but frown.

"The position of the twelve constellations is not bad, but it is too difficult to change with the changes of the hour and minute hands!"

"This is the secret of Lingbo Weibu's strength." Hearing this, Omega patted Auditorium Light on the shoulder.

"If you can't change at any time, how can you make it erratic?!"

"I understand." Hearing this, Auditorium Light nodded heavily.

At this time, Omega spoke.

"It's good to understand!"

"Next, I will continue to chase you with my jeep, and you have to follow Lingbo Weibu's footwork to avoid it!"

"What?!" Hearing this, Auditorium Guang looked confused.

He thought he was finally out of the sea of ​​suffering.

I didn't expect to go through the jeep.

Suddenly the whole person was stupid.

However, before he could react, playing Omega had already boarded the jeep again.

Then he slammed on the accelerator and rushed towards the auditorium light.

"Xiaoguang, rush towards the jeep!"

At this time, the auditorium light had no choice but to obey and rushed towards the jeep again.

As a result, I couldn't take a full step because I was too nervous.

Even accidentally, his left foot tripped over his right foot and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Omega reacted in time and stepped on the brake quickly!
Otherwise, we can have dinner tonight.

And Omega couldn't help frowning when he saw the performance of the auditorium light.

"Did you forget all the points I said?! Come again!"

With that said, Omega reversed the car and stepped on the accelerator again.

With a bang, the auditorium light fell to the ground again.

But this time it was a little better, at least we walked for a full week.

But Omega was still not satisfied.

"Come again."


"Come again!"


"Come again!"


I don't know how many hours have passed, but the auditorium light is already covered in scars.

However, for Lingbo's microsteps, the auditorium light could barely be said to be proficient at this time.

At least there won't be that kind of situation where the left foot stumbles over the right foot.

Just when Auditorium Light slowly stood up, ready to rush to the jeep again.

Omega walked out of the car, he looked at the movement of the auditorium light, frowned and said.

"What the hell, are you addicted to crashing into jeeps?! Still coming?!"

"Ah?!" Hearing Omega's words, there was a hint of confusion in Auditorium's numb eyes.

"Is it over?! No more training?!"

"There is no training today!" Omega said, looking at the light in the auditorium.

"After all, haste makes waste, but we will continue tomorrow."

"Ah~" Hearing this, the auditorium light couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

Even sitting on the ground with one buttocks.

However, at this moment, a scream suddenly sounded.


Suddenly, the auditorium light came to the spirit.

"It's Meiling's voice!"

With that said, the auditorium light quickly stood up and ran in the direction of the sound.

"Are you full of energy again?!" Omega murmured, looking at the back of the auditorium light.

"Is this the power of love?! It seems we can arrange more training next time."

"Putting Meiling aside to watch, Xiaoguang should train harder!"

With that said, Omega made up his mind.

But the most important thing at the moment is not this, but Meiling and the others.

Omega thought for a while, then got on the jeep again, and then rushed towards the place where the sound came from.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Meiling and Chikusa Kenta were running continuously, and behind them, a guy with nose and earrings all over his body was chasing them on a motorcycle.

The guy was particularly arrogant, and he shouted while chasing Mei Ling and the others.

"You guys, don't run away, don't let me catch you."

"Otherwise, you will suffer the same consequences!"

As he spoke, he twisted the accelerator and kept chasing after Meiling and the others.

Kenta Chigusa was fine, but she couldn't run until she ran.

Dang even got into a corner and hid.

But at this time, Meiling was hit because she was too panicked and didn't react for a while.

Can only keep running.

But because of the panic, he soon came to a corner.

Seeing that there was no way out, Meiling panicked at this moment.

Dang even wanted to turn around and turn back.

But at this moment, the sound of motorcycles approached.

At this time, the motorcycle man looked at Mei Ling who was forced into a corner, and couldn't help but feel proud immediately.

"Run, why didn't you run?!"

"Don't come here!" At this moment, Meiling was completely panicked, looking at the fear on the motorcycle man's face.

Tears are about to flow out.

However, seeing this scene, the motorcycle man became even more excited.

"You scream, even if your throat is broken, no one will come to save you!"

Saying that, the motorcycle man twisted the accelerator again and rushed towards Meiling.

At this speed, if it hits, even if she is not seriously injured, Meiling will be disfigured.

At this critical moment, a figure suddenly rushed out.

He hugged Meiling directly and ran to the side.

Then with a "boom", the motorcycle hit the wall.

The motorcycle man had no choice but to turn around while supporting the motorcycle.

On the other side, Xiaoguang looked at Meiling and said worriedly.

"Meiling, are you okay!"

"It's okay!" Mei Ling nodded, and then she saw the wounds all over Guang Guang's body.

Even though I can't help but worry.

"Don't talk about me first, what's the situation with your injuries all over your body?!"

"Didn't you train with Master Omega?! Why do you still have so many wounds?!"

"This..." Hearing this, Hall Guang couldn't help being taken aback.

After all, he didn't know how to say it. It was really Omega's way of training. To others, it was too far-fetched.

Right in the auditorium, Light was thinking about how to answer Omega's voice.

Suddenly a voice came from behind them.

"It's this damn anger again, do you guys like being together so much?!"

"It really disgusts me to death."

When the two heard the sound, they immediately turned their heads, only to find that the man on the motorcycle had already fixed the motorcycle.

They looked unhappy.

Then, before they could react, the motorcycle man turned the accelerator and rushed towards them.

"I'll let you feel the anger of a single dog today!"

"Run!" The light in the auditorium changed, and Dang even hugged Mei Ling and ran outside.

I have to say, I don't know if it's Omega's training that has worked, or the power of love.

At this time, Auditorium Guang was still running very fast even though he was holding Mei Ling in his arms.

This made the motorcycle man behind him even more angry, and Dang even spoke.

"Don't run, you bastard, stop for me!"

As everyone knows, the light in the auditorium at this time is particularly angry.

During the previous training, he asked Omega to chase him with a jeep.

Now being chased by this motorcycle man with a motorcycle.

What's the matter, this is an actor invited by Omega, how about extra training for myself? !
The auditorium just got more and more angry, and unconsciously, his pace slowed down.

But here, Meiling reminded suddenly.

"It's not good, that guy is catching up."

Hearing this, Auditorium Guang turned his head to look, only to find that the motorcycle man was close at hand.

And he gradually lost his physical strength, unable to react at all.

At this moment of crisis, there was a sudden roar not far away.

Everyone turned their heads to look, but it was Omega rushing over with a jeep.

Omega didn't hesitate at all and bumped straight into it.

With the sound of "Peng", the motorcycle was knocked into the air, and the man on the motorcycle fell to the ground.

"What the hell..." The motorcycle man struggled to get up, and Dang even wanted to insult him.

However, in the next second, seeing Omega's operation of reversing the car, he seemed to want to do it again.

When even scrambling and running back to the front of the motorcycle, he turned the accelerator and ran away in a hurry.

Only one sentence remains.

"You wait, I will definitely come back!"

It disappeared around the corner.

"This guy is running very fast!" At this time, Omega got out of the car and looked at the back of the other party with some regret.

At the same time, the auditorium light on the side also walked over with Meiling in his arms and said.

"Thank you, Senior Omega."

"You don't need to say anything polite!" Omega shook his head when he heard this.

Then he spoke.

"Let's go back early, your girlfriend seems a little unstable."

"And you go back to recuperate and continue training tomorrow."

"Okay." Hearing this, Auditorium Guang quickly looked into his arms.

But she found that Mei Ling couldn't stop trembling.

Dang even nodded quickly, and then returned to school with Mei Ling in his arms.

Omega, on the other hand, looked into the distance and frowned.


At the same time, the motorcycle man also ran to a corner.

When I saw the injuries on my body and the scratches on the motorcycle.

Immediately couldn't help but said heartache.

"What the hell, that guy, I will never let him go!"

He never thought that he would meet a guy who was more ruthless than him.

He just hit people with a motorcycle, but Omega directly used a jeep.

This made the motorcycle man a little unbelievable that there were more perverted existences than him in this world.

Just when the motorcycle man was thinking about his revenge plan, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

As soon as he turned his head, he spotted a clown-like figure.

This is the Balki planet.

I saw the Balki star looking at the motorcycle man, as excited as a wicked boy meeting a girl from a good family.

"Humans who don't want to stop, let me make good use of your dark heart!"

"Who are you!" The motorcycle man hadn't reacted yet.

However, in the next second, under the guidance of the Balki star, his eyes suddenly turned red.

In the painful wail of the motorcycle man, streaks of black energy slowly condensed, and finally turned into a handful of dark sparks.


 Thanks to the ice cream stick boss for the monthly ticket support, and also to the Qread user book friend 20230612615_Cb boss for the monthly ticket support!
  At the same time, thank the other big guys for their recommendation tickets and support!

  I would also like to thank other friends for their subscription support, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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